Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mandarin - My school life

 Everyone has their own aspirations and hopes it can as quickly as possible. The desire is to put into action. now bigger, not a child, and to what is what, it is never can not achieve. Only a step in the work, it may be harvested ah. From now on, step by step, the sense of doing things in front of the most important, it could achieve that desire. I have a habit of writing blog to record my daily school life. I like the size of things down, hoping to leave some traces of the past, find some fun there. retired and sit when the will to see things written before, though will find it ridiculous but they also felt very down necessary. so they know how to get every day, and sometimes feel like a waste of time, it will re-arrange their own time, say, writing is a good exercise of thinking The model, which is an elevated thought process. so little spare time to write the Essay.

learn to talk about my recent life has entered the third year of study, is the struggle of the year, largely over the professional foundation courses, a large number of professional courses and elective courses as my study focus. after the end of each course will leave a long-term job, take a comprehensive design ideas, the difficulties will be more and more necessary to believe that they can do it.

the Internet every day to do my homework. every day, a few fixed sites, read news, watch movies, and keep in touch with former classmates, the most important of course is to learn,

my study life is colorful, it gives me a lot of fun. in the life of continuous learning.

my wish / Ideal

people is to have a desire (dream) of. people are not the desire (dream), just as there is no engine power; people do not wish (dream), is equivalent to life, the lack of sun and rain. people in the community played multiple roles, with multiple aspirations (dream). I am a young, I have too much desire (dream), I want to talk about in this one desire (dream).

my study life

I love to read. a child, no matter how fun, always first read the book. has never been serious efforts to study, will read the book, it was a Dream ah. into the university, had tried to get a Learning Culture, will be able to find a good job. However, we all come changes in the University, and a large one by one beginning, I entered the student union, student I learned a lot, but also a lot of experience, ideology is also slow to mature. soon graduate. a book, just like a friend's promise, it lets me get a lot of what I want. ;!

have people I respect

teacher is renewable parents and teachers is to create a human soul. primary school to university, outside the home from home, from school to school, I experienced many of the teachers. They have a common characteristic: very caring,UGG boots cheap, relationships students, impart knowledge. taught me the teacher, almost every deserves my respect, and she read my work carefully, so I did the class cadres; she found my strong sense of responsibility, recommended me to positions in the student union to do;

childhood memories

Speaking of childhood memories,

as fun and playful nature of children have been accounted for in our young hearts. Memories are always beautiful. Although they are my childhood has gone away, but the childhood carefree, so happy The day will never fade in my memory. childhood memories, still exudes a charming fragrance.

In short, many interesting childhood, those are my happy childhood memories.

I think most of the time shopping is a pleasure, a pleasure.

remember one time, I was alone out shopping. visiting most of the day, nothing to buy, not something inappropriate, that is, the price is too high, just as I go home empty-handed when inadvertently found not far from the front of the store, a seller of small articles of daily, stepped forward to look, the store which is hung with some of the most delicate beautiful bag, then in order not to go back empty-handed, I always want to make do with a little shopping, after a Fan bargaining, they agreed on a price, paid, I was ready to pick up my backpack to leave the phase when the stumbled on a backpack zipper is broken, so I re-selected a, was about to turn away , that the owner actually shamelessly say that I have not paid, hard pulling me to pay, and said what you paid for it who can prove that? No way, I was to go herself, and next to and no other customers, who to prove that? God knows. I argue, but she had to go back empty-handed irate. Since then, I live and learn wisdom, to buy things, I never hurry to get paid first, and only to the final leave, I will pay.

everyday life through the various shopping, I think shopping is a skill, but also need to learn, and only learned to shopping, to appear in the shopping process to avoid being taken in, only buy cheap stuff This is my most profound shopping experience.

talk about morality

morality is the very least, the simplest rules of public life, with the rapid development of economic construction, continue to strengthen the construction of spiritual civilization and the entire community to improve the general level of education, the majority of citizens have the moral sense is Big improvement, but there are still some damage to the environment, vandalism, destruction of public order and other undesirable phenomena. Take

CCTV is now often played a public service ads for it,: the contents of this public service announcement, is this: on a bus, one passenger will just drink casually End of the beverage bottle, throw in the car, the car, a flight attendant saw, quickly stepped forward, picked up the bottles against the male passengers, angrily said, items? There are many environmental protection consciousness is very narrow.

a variety of public order, vandalism and other bad behavior despite repeated prohibitions, public facilities were often destroyed or stolen and other things happen, take a bus seat to a young and old sick people who rare; littering, spitting phenomenon is everywhere, and people have more and more deeply felt performance of social ethics advocacy and urgent, and only through the propaganda and increase the social ethics and moral education vigorously, improve people's moral awareness, so that every citizen of a society can be consciously abide by social morality, so as to jointly create a better home. I want to go

I want to go to Beijing in 2008, I hope to witness the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing style.

remember July 13, 2001 that memorable night, when the International Olympic Committee President Juan Antonio Samaranch declared that a dream realized in that moment, how many Chinese people revel in this wonderful moment, so since then, I eagerly look forward to the arrival of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, and in order to be able to realize this dream.

talk about development and social life

whether people have not realized that science and technology have profound impact on our daily lives, in the economic and social development plays a crucial role in .21 century, science and technology, especially computer network technology , the rapid development of electronic information technology to make mobile phones, computers are an expensive luxury goods into the homes of ordinary people, a necessity in our lives. Imagine, if there is no cell phone, how do we keep in touch with loved ones whim it; If there is no network How far we friends chatting in a foreign country on the ground; if not high-definition television technology, how can we enjoy the beautiful Hollywood? Of course, we must also recognize that science and technology has changed to some extent, our lives way, changing our culture.

precisely because the importance of science and technology have so, our national leaders are also many occasions to develop science and technology. China made in reform and opening up a lot to progress into the power of science and technology forest. But we should also recognize that our technologies are subject to many developed countries. Therefore, we should catch up and catch up.

as a member of the current society, we should not only recognize the importance of science and technology should also be efforts to study science and technology, with science and technology to arm our minds with the courage and determination of devotion to science, with scientific technology to the development of broad mind of all mankind. to love science, respect for science!

the development of technology to our social life had brought so many benefits are many, but let people enjoy the same time, to impact people's lives are gradually revealed. such as air conditioning, are used to, no air conditioning is simply no way to live, do not consider the ozone layer, does not consider the rise in global temperature, while the children, the elderly or young patients suffering from air-conditioning has been common phenomenon forgive the things; such as cars, family cars in the ownership of China growing at an alarming rate, with the car, step way too lazy to go the extra car is indeed very convenient, very fast, but the long drive, will seriously affect their health, in fact, is the impact of automobile exhausts air quality biggest killer, more and more people are now suffering from respiratory diseases, the Health leukemia, women in long red rash on the face. China is the world's highest rates of lung cancer, etc., all of our air pollution related. If our air pollution to the point that even if we are all living on the house, open the car, what's the point? Let us all this is not conclusive due to environmental effects on humans,UGGs, the environment can not be said tentatively pollution affects our health, tentatively technological development can not be said to bring disaster to mankind, but I want to say, the human must be placed on the protection of the environment on their agenda, we have come to care about our living environment, and bit by bit through his Xingdong improve our environment, as it relates to each of us individuals, related to the health of everyone, to ourselves and to our future generations, must act. I like the star

Speaking of favorite stars, like a lot, as if they did not, think it is old songs nicely. Emil has been unable to forget really, really like his songs, his voice makes intoxicated. favorite song is a lot of friends, youth, small partner, a student's classmates, teachers, work colleagues and so on, speaking of friends I think of kin of the song, friends, and friends think bit by bit, I think of the University Time and time with the students, think of lights in the bedroom, we also listen to friends with the scene.

experience in learning Putonghua

Mandarin is the common language of our country, our daily communication tool, not Mandarin, we will be unable to move. Speaking of the experience of learning Mandarin, I really deep feeling, sigh incessantly. Putonghua has the following three o'clock the most profound experience: first listening, speaking, often with people, do not understand and asked, to find their mistakes, and timely correction; the second is to be multi-dictionary, often reading books about Mandarin pronunciation Zhishi ; third is adept at using the media software to learn, such as watching television, the Internet, listening to the radio and so on.

Mandarin is the common language of our country, which for different regions, different ethnic Chinese who has set up a bridge. the third week of September each year is the promotion of Putonghua promotion week, I attended this year the Proficiency Test, under the guidance of the teacher exam I have done a positive for, basically no big problem, but the pronunciation of individual words in the note. in the learning process is very important in some . First, learn the alphabet letters, master of articulation, spelling off, however, want to read is hard to say good Mandarin, third, do not know to check. dictionary is a very good teacher, if the encounter does not read the Words not read the words Sign up in the dictionary, so naturally over time will not read a typo. Second, we should be bold. There is the sound of language must dare to speak, even if the wrong does not matter, only exposed the problem we go targeted training. Finally, to be able to persevere.

This is my process of learning Mandarin in that experience, I hope to give you some help,UGG boots, would like more friends to join the ranks of the learning of Putonghua and to wish the students to participate in PSC have been able to obtain good results! We all know that Mandarin is the common language of China, which share all of our descendants, thoughts and feelings of communication tools. So what is it Mandarin? Mandarin speech based on Beijing as the standard pronunciation, word-based dialect of the North to the modern vernacular as a language syntax specification. a standard speaking fluent Mandarin to give people a sense of beauty, giving an infinite enjoyment. to learn Mandarin, said that hard is not difficult, said a bit difficult to really hard to do! If you do not speak Mandarin, then you will not be able to express your meaning properly. After several years of study, I feel that learning Mandarin should note the following: Some people say: language depends on the environment. at a people said Mandarin environment, even if your sound is heavy, is gradually you will be infected. by learning Mandarin, and I greatly benefit from, feel, and I constantly improve the standard of Putonghua, will become more confident . Although I now speak Mandarin is not good enough, but I will continue to work hard. because I think that is too important a good Mandarin.

speak Putonghua test draft - shopping experience I like the season

often said,

Autumn is the harvest season, is hidden a golden dream. in our cities, the summer seemed so long, tough hot weather, mosquitoes everywhere exhort, people always look forward to the fall of Hurry come, in order to let the cool early autumn wind blow away the summer bored, so as soon as possible to that autumn's sweet taste.

me and sports

I have a bond and sports, I like sports such as table tennis, badminton, long jump, high jump, running and so were various kinds of sports I like, where running is my favorite and the best at a sports activity.

remember reading the junior high school, every morning, all students must be run by a collective of classes each morning run, I and another sports a better class of students is the speed of running fast, always rushed to the front of the class, and sometimes beyond the several classes, in short, back to the playground when the team did not know their classes where? PE teacher saw me and good at running, and once, let me take part the city high school students in women's 3,000 meters race to run, to my surprise, actually also took a second, this is what I get in a sport the first prize, and since then, I often participate in a variety The running game also took a lot of awards. Do not look too easy to get this award,UGG shoes, but behind it shed a lot of sweat. I remember the famous writer Bing Xin once said this: envy it realistic vivid colors, but it had the bud, but soaked struggle Leiquan, Sabian a shower of blood sacrifice. The success comes from a persistent efforts in return.

I love Running because it can exercise my willpower, I live and work in the more stronger and more know how to fight, I love sports, I would like to make friends forever and sports

my growth path

in my mind, I was reading in the growth through, has been growing with me, is a long way to study the road.

I have on the junior high school, due to face heavy pressure in the test, the learning atmosphere of the whole school is very strong, I become less fun, and not consciously put into learning boom. Junior After graduation, my high school, I believe that my enthusiasm for this study will continuously keep going, I'll never learn to grow together with me, because people only in the continuous learning, will continue to progress. I grew

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