Sunday, October 17, 2010

But things did not come to a halt

 No class the next afternoon, so Jade was asleep on the sofa in the living room crooked, cell phone text messages called. Idly open with who Don is going. Don to say: You need to see the sky. Jade got up and went to the window, lifted his head to see. Them the sky the clouds there are a few kite, very unusual. Was wondering, also known as a text message. SMS wrote: There is a kite that you, your God was floating. Jade stunned to look, see, Tang went to her head to do kite, the fly height of the. She then looked up quickly, and saw that a few kites floating far away, where visible picture.

to Jade was about to leave the window, his eyes glance down and saw a car - is that bike black Jeep - slowly into the alley, stopped at the cell door. Bizarrely, the car's sunroof open, and grabbed what fine things. Made in, turned the car out of a string, long to ascend to the sky. Let jade heart jump, hear the phone and rang. Don is not a message but this time to the sound. Don to say: She had quickly changed clothes, and go down the stairs. The staircase is finished, she slowed the pace of breath and slowly spit, and breath, slowly spit. So that the gas and mix thoroughly, and her out of the yard.

gate car had rolled down the glass. Jade is not to look to put into the car, but look to the sky along the string. In the air, draw string together a long arc, the arc end of a kite in the excitement flowing. To recover the jade eyes, Lakaijumen got on. She never turned to see Don go, but proud mouth like a significant smile.

two people did not speak. Tang out of the alley to the car, and then open the music. That is still the first

accompanied by lively songs, the car moved slowly on the street. Looking out from the skylight, the sky kite is also moving slowly. Streets are beginning to pay attention to Zheliang interesting car. They lifted his head to see the kite, then look after the people who looked kite. Because not clear, it was brave enough to stand on the central road so the car stopped, look to be two people see the car and walked away satisfied. Some people took out the telescope into the sky, watching for a while, happily exclaimed: unhappy. She does not like to play this exaggerated drama, but the heart can not find objectionable. Her eyes are not accustomed to the streets over here, but I do not know how my heart without fear of shrinkage.

when Don went to speak. Don to say: Don to say: Don to say: After a while, Don to say: Don to say: miles. go. Let jade against the window, staring at the sky the kite, while indicating the road. the car through the noisy streets, driving out the suburbs, to run around the country road. but kite did not fall, but more drift further and further away, and finally into a small point, hidden in the sky. the car breath and stopped.

a car stopped,Bailey UGG boots, two people quiet. car, only music. after a while Tang to say: ? Yu-Tang to be diverted to the bedroom, but she does not allow him near himself. Tang to standing against the wall.

to jade as a model standing in front of a painter, while chaotic breathing slowly off the side of clothing. her off one, revealing a small vest, and then take off one, revealing a bra. bra is pink, closely surrounded her. She will look to write the next, while his hands back into the back of the ride deduction. hasp for a torn off and surrounded by pink liberated. liberation is a breast and a scar. breasts are full, ugly scars. Let Yu lift your eyes look like bitterly outside the three-meter man standing.

What a bad moment. She will be incomplete in the chest first light to someone else's eyes.

Tang to no surprise, or that he skilfully Cover a surprise. His face was like a loss, but also like quiet with. so after a while, Don went to the body of a dynamic, forward a few steps, stand in front of so jade. He stared at the chest, slowly slowly bring hands, stretched out in the past.

let yu know if the hold his hand across the straightened breast, raise your hand will hit a slap in the face.

but the opposite exploration to the crippled hand side. It first stopped at the scars on the fingers, and then slowly walk along the track scars from the wounds of the head to that one, and from the other end of the trip back. His touch is light comforting , cautiously, like rubbing touch a collection of paintings has just opened. Let the eye of a hot Jade, has a tear. that have kept the tears in the eyes, flashed a flash. Tang to lift his head and saw her tears . He Couguo head, the mouth is attached to one of her eyes, and a little bit of sucking away the tears. but she can not wait for the other eye, and tears rushed out on his face, while her hands forward a Fan , hold the front sturdy body.

Don picked up to turn back to look at Jade's body, walk a few steps on the bed.

to make their own bed, close your eyes to jade . Eyes shut, the world became dark. dark, she was quickly stripped the rest of the clothes, carrying a bearded mouth and then back, printed on her forehead. Of course, that India is temporary, the forehead is only the starting place. soon it all the way to the mouth, through her face, neck, uplift the bird breast, navel, and finally arrived at the finish line. her body was that mouth, that beard was get worse, Start a wet twist. twist, she did not dare open your eyes, just waiting, waiting nervously.

her wait. an oppression cover down. her body suddenly felt a hard, once soft, soft into a kite. She rose slowly in the air, the town at the foot gradually far smaller. the wind blowing in the next, she lightly fluttering ups and downs. She also saw the top of the clouds, that clouds her heart. grab her hand, hard enough with, enough with. Her hard work has become almost painful. Just then, suddenly a loose cord, her freedom, and toward the clouds.

she heard himself called.

for Yu lie there. Tang to also lie there quietly.

days have been short down, the room filled with dark black. Tang to face in the dark in the little ambiguous. But let yu put his blanket chest in a heap when the passion over, the hidden sense of the original is back.

children back there is a trace sad. She do not know him, he did not know much about her. But now, she and he was lying on the bed and suffering from so close.

body to move about jade, that we talk a little word for it. Tang to say good. Let Yu said: said: right? my eyes, my head and nose are full of the smell of your child. other things, important? is the atmosphere. my nose and inhaled the breath of an orange into my mind is a green atmosphere. She thought, this is a She thought, maybe this and this

to Jade said: Let a man read, and I do not want this man in the town swinging. said: The oil painting. not your face, but your body. It's that simple. do have a say. This matter can not be too easy, you have to give a reason. Don to say: , said: Tang staring to like from his eyes to find something. After a long while, and she loose her face said:

Tang left to right so that the days had become routine. He moved first to go in the living room coffee table, put on the easel and drawing board, and then spread across a piece of crimson velvet sofa, reclining to make jade above.

on to jade, it is a strange and flustered experience. Although his eyes had a taste of the man himself, but began to undress, her hand still at a loss to the hem on the moving around, apparently waiting what command. Don did not go to her, point the other end of a cigarette in the living room slowly paced, while Gouzhao head thinking of something. His art to make Jade look a little peace of mind. She lost a hesitation, followed by a piece of clothing left to himself, and then put himself on the sofa. But lie down, she's a hand in the chest, the other hand is placed in the abdomen.

Tang saw the drawing board to come to look like jade, grinned. Yu wait for the command. Don to say: Don to say: Don to say: Tang

children to draw things like tube called the job. According to agreed, the two started on the job after dinner, the time two hours, a break of a quarter. In order to avoid boring, put the music room.

music to pick up the brush in the Tang Dynasty, started from the canvas-shaped composition. According to the desired layout, he is prepared to make Jade's body placed in the bottom of the canvas, and her head thrown back so forcefully to highlight the damaged chest. In this issue, two people had different opinions. Tang is to let go of the idea of natural jade body appearance, so the idea of jade is not show his face. She said that because it is painted to watch herself, let herself Liangliang Xiang on the line, who is not worthwhile to the body but also to draw out. She added that, if I fly as a kite the day, do not let God know that only a small part of my body missing Yeah. The face of opposition to Yu Tang to retreat a step, of course, only a small step. He decided to make the first painted the face of jade, and then blocked with tree branches and leaves part of her nose and eyes, the effect of half covering her face.

for Yu Tang agreed to the idea. Now she's asked by Don to lie there quietly. Her ears, was gently flowing music. Her eyes then have a easel, easel back is a long hair, Liansai bearded man on the cloth. Let Jade trance trance seems to some heart-breaking. A few days ago, she also keep his body sealing and shaking the old heart, I feel surrounded by the suspect. Can at this time, she not only handed out the body, also traces a long ugly scar Liang eyes of others, a man known only for a few days the eyes.

for Yu also feel tired, or at least tired than class. Class body is active, the current body is solid plate; class led the students to do is read, now have to accept another person's reading. Although the middle to rest, drink water stretch a waist, but two hours on the sofa, apparently more than two hours in class much longer.

But let Jade do not feel bored. After all, she doing a new thing, this matter has stained the name of art. More importantly, she's lying still in fact a painting of children waiting for --- call it a day is the start of another job.

Another job is to do AI.

two hours of a run out, put away the Tang to the drawing board, but also the serious look away. Rolling back to him. He first allowed to wear clothes one by one, jade, and then she picked up down the middle, moved to the bedroom from the living room, and then stripped of her clothes one by one. After a wearing a strip, so that Jade's body is no longer a description of art objects, but a pale and sad aura of the body. Only pale body to the bed, like a fish back in the water, toss rejection tail, all of a sudden live a. Don to do that again and fish struggling Puzhu children.

the next few days, the human body from time to time the two groups together. To be boring in bed, then moved to the table or chair. Tables and chairs and too stiff, put the body moved to the living room floor. More open the floor for two moved the body of the translation. Norway can also turn the light changes, press to open purple lights, the other side of the body seems to coat the taste of wine; press to open the red light, the house has become a bloody battlefield.

In such an atmosphere, so that Yu also learned naughty. Once she had an idea, pick up the brush to the chest in the Tang Dynasty drew a clown hat, although not, but very funny. Tang went on to the chest erected at the top of her, along with a drop between the bird she saw the funny clown, also hobbled down.

following day, they again developed to a balcony on the naughty. Light wind on the balcony, you can see the moon, but some risk. But Don is not afraid to risk, so that jade is also not afraid to follow. Two people leaning against the railing on the naked body look of the sky half a moon. Look for a moment, to not settled Tang. He started back to Jade's face attached to the neck, and then let the beard down to walk, brush her back, brushed her buttocks. Jade body to itch, and the exciting moment, but did not dare call him. Twisting her body can only hold it, and then, looking at the moon is only half the air dangling.

children play-shaped composition is only the first step in painting. Don to say, painting is a fine job, to complete a form, the applicant may shop color, shape, cover stained, re-shaping, re-cover stained. Click here to procedure, not on the job and at least dozens of days a few days.

to jade sometimes think this is really a self-willed man, putting aside the decent thing children do not draw, but it took a lot of time to describe her body. If this game a few days is also OK, time to spend more not only of luxury and some outrageous. Don explained why she preferred to act so: he is not looking for a place to rest a while, not to repair her injured psychological, but to be with a woman more than a few days, his children's painting process, but also completed a Aventure process.

find it that way, so that real jade to put some heart. He is not afraid to spend time, what she was afraid. Just a long day, not the old house when the hotels around the house, there was always spare some thought to cope with life, crushing, such as dinner.

first few days, both men like to call up the meal, both the peace of mind and save time. Eat a few tons, an eat garbage smell. Let it every day jolly jade, and then go home wash Yaki-Yaki. Since the meals do not smell, but also easy to comfort, especially on a walker. Don eat, and very praise. Don looked at the dinner table to sit in something positive like cramming, so Jade is also very happy. She even felt, because this meal, Don has been painting this picture will go down.

, of course, have to have delicious meals accompanied by wine. Tang is not willing to go to dinner, drinking, fear of chaos to paint children. Under such a job, he hehe smile, say that the stomach to inspiration, and said to his mouth has left birds. Let yu put Cornish heat it,UGG boots clearance, then took out a bottle of wine and two glasses on the table, and then two people to sit before the glass. Jade sat just

to accompany, or just go for a drink like Tang. Tang went drinker is not bad, but fell in love with a man. He poured a wine to his mouth, like with a while and then, suddenly Adam's apple of a move, mouth empty, front air Hachu breath. Such a mouth to drink, and his face was red up a little bit.

Yu also accompanied sometimes to drink a little bit, add half a cup or glass. If Zaiquan Tang to make it not from jade, and that day it has class. Don to say: do not forget to get up the wine, but now you drink alcohol side. Tang said to touch the face, my face is red go again.

there one night to drink, I do not know how to play the interest of jade, actually stand up to the Tang to the tease, drink two glasses. I feel like something is not done, find a pillow to lie down calmly. Do not want to sleep the sleep sound, drag out a long time than usual. Jade looked to wake up time, screamed, rolled up and scribbled children wash and let Don go to drive school. Think of no use got breakfast, and hurried to the street to buy a bun, biting the side of a little reminder Tang to open soon. To the school entrance, school bell just rang. Jade jumped out and ran to look inside, take a few steps, stopped by to Tang. Yu-Po to come back,UGG bailey button, say how the matter? Tang pointed to her pants. Let jade and saw that he wore a floral pajamas. Proton her face red. Don went to laughed and said: Don went to see her this way, laughed about, said:

into the classroom, to open the books start with the word jade. Several said that she had taught underground station Pi test, the students walked over and went back to the middle. Students listened quietly, his face nothing weird look. Jade my heart to loose.

After a while, when it comes to no problem (no problem), let Jade stopped, his mind slipped a bit small difference. She would like to Yes, drink wine have anything to do! Drag Lanjue have anything to do! Class wearing pants what is the relationship Floral! Feel no problem to no problem.

together with Don to move along, so yu also like to talk to him on the words. If nothing quasi-head talking,UGG boots, suddenly uncertain of where to count which, children. Yu unthinking once asked Don to go, know what I am thinking? Tang to did not know. Let Yu said: to say: Let Yu said: on them. ! Really like a child asleep. Tang to be put down the brush, next to the sofa sat quietly watching her face her body and her hand. He saw her wrists in a light scar.

chat, then the next time, Tang to mention the scar on the wrist. He said: Let Yu said: they took out a cigarette point, create a circle of smoke in the mouth, and then said: go. Don to say: . Writing to the Tang Dynasty to bring benefits. Don to say, the room is open, but the inside is empty, my mind was empty. Don to say, had never been seen too depressed, and smoke powder brake can not brake, drawing two children and marriage are a mess. Finally one day, Don went in the studio to cut a knife wrist, drawing blood drip to the paper, shape into a ball like the color of flowers. This group looked at the color, Tang seemed to wake up to - he thought of spring, but also think of the wild. He quit K powder, began to go out wandering. However, the same walk the day to let him down. Don to say, what I see? I saw a white trash, black seat gouged out the river and a green hill, those who are unable to enter the painting fuck. Don to say, when I felt the original sucked the poison the whole world.

Later Tang over and over again in Tibet. Tibet's sky is blue, to great, but his mood did not keep pace, it was not light gray. Lalu called him a place in Lhasa rented a room. A bit like a bunker that room. During the day, he slept in the bunkers, and occasionally go out at night in a bunker to draw some random draw children. One night, he encountered one thing. Don to say here, face the emergence of a warm, quiet warm. He said: go. go for a while, I first heard the sound of the Lhasa River Tangshui, and then heard a crunchy Xi Xiaosheng. I slowly walked over and saw the three young women standing in a very casual open space. they are wearing clothes, naked. I was taken aback, not by the call up to the side and sat down on a stone. I lit a cigarette, quietly watching them. Then one of them came, now I want a cigarette. I say you doing here. She said they were employees of a company to play in Lhasa. She said this place in Lhasa, in particular, wanted the bit body. said she went back. three beautiful figure to stay there so freely, holding the arm to smoke some children, some activities of the body open arms, the wind over the river, to float their hair. little body just put them looked very clean. Speaking of the nude models I've seen a lot, but really not the same night. time, I saw the most beautiful things.

the lower part of her lying on the screen, the body slightly reversed, his head thrown back, hair out of the paintings. Sense from the eye, said light scored from the left, dipped in the high and low parts of the body, forming a color layer. The most striking is of the chest, the scar beneath a garish signs, the top is a prominent breasts. It painted breasts cute, plump and light, as if by a burst of fast flutter by like the wind. And because it's a good breast, a scar than a trace of desolation, people shook my heart, and a little pain and a little pity.

But painting is only the initial stage of children, body parts need to cover stained and re-shaping, but also light the upper half of the canvas with color, it looks very shallow picture space, the lack of deep and broad. Don to say: As for what paintings, Tang went to did not say, did not ask for Jade. Her concern is

weather is slowly getting hot, rainy days and more up.

If it rained, but also to catch up to Jade to school, Don went to have a person stay home. Yu afraid of him to feel oppressed, will ask him how the day before. Don did not care to look, that I like to listen to the rain. Let Yu said, the rain had enough of it? Tang to say, listening to music. Let Yu said, the music heard enough? Tang to say, look at light readings. Let Yu said, the book enough to see it? Said Tang went to sleep, I fell asleep, and you can not always ask the bar down. Let Jade laughed.

sometimes let jade class home, really see Don go to sleep lying on the floor, hand side is also a detour to a book. Yu do not wake him so, but sitting quietly next to him, picked up the book look. That is the art book, so I do not understand jade. I do not understand anything to do with it. A man sitting next to fall asleep, quietly turned a book floating out the window and rain, this feeling is not bad.

that some time in the past, Tang to bounce eyes wake up. Don woke up to look for jade is also quiet, watching her read the books look. After a long while before he lift a body, conspiracy, said: to say: br> Later that night down the job, used the supper, Tang also looking for a little something to do, go for a ride on the proposal. Let yu look out the window, the rain stopped early, the air quite cool, the sky there is a crescent children and a few stars. She said yes.

two people upstairs under the jeep. Tang to turn on the music, the car pulled out of the yard. the street people have little lonely bright yellow street lights forward. A little while later, the car ran a lap around the town, and do not know where to open. Let Yu said, boring town, we go out a little. Tang Shan to let the cars up and thrown into the street behind. and then driving for a while, had come to the wild. Tang went to the car stopped. where you can see from the lights, in front of a river.

two people get off to the river. the river is very quiet, so quiet like a mirror. mirror sprinkled with a few stars, as well as a Crescent Moon. Don to say: , rushing sound of the ringing in the dark. can feel it, like Don to have a happy release. Let Yu suddenly would also like to dry something. She thinks, to touch the clothes Tang, dig point out the cigarette, smoke, spray several more cough, and then smoke, actually smoother. This is her first time smoking it.

wind blowing from far away, over the water, came to Jade's face. She saith the head, saw the air Crescent Moon and the stars. that Crescent Moon and the stars appeared to be very clean. I do not know how, so give birth to a jade heart impulse, the impulse did she give birth to a idea. She dropped cigarette, began to undress.

Tang to float in the water, saw the solution to suit jade doing the action. he do not think she can not swim, but also dare to himself into the water? not ready yet, have to see her stripping net clothes, naked body would. but she did not water, but stood there, arms folded. After a while, she opened her arms to make a bubble in the wind The comfortable look. Diablo, the deterioration of her chest was gone, only to show a smooth and nice figure. Tang to blink blink of an eye, that her body float to the wind, with a kite-like.


Don to go.

away some of his sudden, as he's come.

first night, Don was told to go to jade, to their own time to leave. Let Yu Ting wonder, What does it mean to leave Well, your picture is also half empty, not take time to go into the. but let Jade do not ask, do not say the words to stay. After all paintings painting children is an excuse for unfinished anything to not finish the painting. he was leaving, his own truth. perhaps that day is a lot, enough rest, have floated elsewhere. may be getting a good feeling that she together, that they have no need to stay, the.

the night, two people not on the job. as if to not run into each other's eyes, they turned off the lights in the dark listening to music. Listen Listen, they started doing the AI. made a very long time, rest, and lay still, not to speak. silence to lit a cigarette Tang and handed to jade. Let jade smoke, then back to the Tang to go. She said: to the door Let the brain to think about. so empty for a long time, and my heart is still the same thing with water drips out, it is sad. sad tiring, she slowly fell asleep again. This Shuishui a long time and woke up almost noon .

to jade to get up, draw the curtains, the light suddenly came over, flashed her eyes.

to Jade felt a string of earlier days is a dream. The dream now end.

back to jade a person's life. go to school, climbing, to cook their own food, watching TV reading, and life is not nothing the same as before.

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