Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A third feature of the Yamaha, managers take care of what

 Often heard in domestic enterprises, these ills.
once Labor Organization in the structure of learning to play the Yamaha I drew a matrix organization, institutions are capable, but Yamaha's labor organization has in some respects and I imagine completely different. They just set up a workshop production technology course, security courses, classes, and other works ranging from three to five courses, courses under the work area, workplace. Division at both the leadership of the Office of management and technical personnel, but also led the production line workers. This system is conducive to production, management more convenient and can reduce the buck-passing phenomenon.
Initially, Yuji Masui Yamaha Corporation introduced me to the Ministry of Personnel Profiles, ask me: Yamaha's four times the number of employees is, it is a lot of your subordinates, right? Q: companies have been trying to streamline the organization, the number of compressed bodies. Well the answer to my question is inconsistent. to ask him: surprised look, well tell me by the organizational structure of the Ministry of Personnel. Yamaha Personnel Department in addition to the wages of our business plan is often, labor organization, personnel deployment, there are labor safety and hygiene room, responsible for the implementation of measures of health and safety plan to start and staff labor, traffic safety, managed service centers, primarily rent and personnel services, and welfare work related business, with personnel information systems management and operations functions.
Masui said: Ministry of Personnel, Mahathir was the work of more than 50 people are very nervous, we work overtime every day, your HR department so much that only 20 people, is how dry it work. Compared with the Yamaha and other Japanese companies, Chinese enterprises in the labor organization's largest organization is characterized by overlapping many small business share. For example in addition to domestic enterprises other than this Part, the Ministry of Labour and Personnel, Labor and Personnel Division located branch, the workshop set wage workers is very systematic. not avoid the problem.
he said, Yamaha designed the various workshops producing classes generally, management courses, technical courses and preservation of the quality classes, each class is vertical management, both the management of production planning section chief, tube production organization should be responsible for the completion of production plan, so that the vertical management is to reduce intermediate links, to ensure timely delivery of work plans to the production line, production conditions can be timely feedback to the department head and managers there. Moreover, like your company, as institutions, labor and personnel system Looking back, several hundred people, the Ministry of Personnel Biyamaha much more. But this is not conducive to the enterprise organizational structure of the effective allocation of human resources, much work is repetitive, and some work also so that we can.
did not expect the growth on weekdays so courteous to work well so sharply about. I can not tell him this setting there are many other drawbacks; not told him that the internal friction arising from institutional arrangements. Yamaha
I again turn to the organization of work up. Masui said that although the Yamaha is also the people of the public enterprise, business unit system, the organs of management and technical staff of around 2,500 people .
I think that imposing the Yamaha too scientific staffing, and about every 4 people will have a white-collar, bodies keep doing what so many idlers?
on this issue, Masui Youxiang I had more in-depth description.
Masui said, operating staff of about 2,500 people, the production line has 2,500 workers, most people are engaged in management and research staff. .
Masui, said: Thinking Research: The technical staff is to ensure that products and more central position in technology, because these people every day to improve product quality, improve product performance. These are the survival and development for businesses Different mechanisms lead to different, this is a watershed in international business management. In addition to well-known factors, whether it is which country, no matter what the production company, in order to manage the efficient and convenient, the most important issue is the labor organizational structure of the scientific and rational allocation of human resources.
No wonder the work of U.S. and European companies attach great importance to human resources, because this is the first greatest resource productivity and business importance.
in the Yamaha Motor Company, labor and personnel Division is focused on the problem, formulate response options and the annual appraisal of staff. daily work is to organize more information, summary information and other basic work. All of the data on the labor and personnel are very detailed and collectively, work and meticulous depth. feel free to ask from which staff and personnel can play more to say this person's job and the specific situation. in the company under the various workshops, regardless of the number of people, only one person in the management of curricular and personnel responsible for labor affairs, but also a large number of others both work. but this was no means of labor and personnel work is not important. In my contact with the play, whether it is engaged in management or professional and technical personnel, they say, labor and personnel management of enterprises is very important.
Yamaha Kazakhstan is valued staff training, and training is the result of production changes and reflect on the staff appraisal issues, targeted for. staff training carried out at different levels, which are also the responsibility of the Department of Personnel.
Yamaha's line managers, in addition to learning TPM, QC specialized training materials and the like, we should also learn the personnel management knowledge. personnel responsible for the preparation of training materials at all levels of management personnel, organization and management of staff each year training.
all levels of management staff a comprehensive work manual, the same as the standard operation procedures for each management position job duties, working methods are fully detailed description of the guide, managers can often work learning.
gave me a working head of a This is a Yamaha all aspects of the management system and management requirements set in one of the practical materials to guide the public how the head of an enterprise in the implementation of work practice rules and regulations guide the work. this kind of materials be effective, are revised according to the development of enterprises, constantly updated. Senior Managing Director Yamaha Motor Profile (Managing Director), Mr. Yong Yi were revised preface writes: This book is completed in 1991, because the rapid changes in social development, many amended to add content to the three amendments aimed at the book level management personnel to enable those working in the use of basic knowledge.
eight years, three drafts, all because of social development too fast. This shows that this book is How do I request a timely site management application.
, workplace operations and labor management knowledge, etc., the basic level managers to do work very clear; the second module introduces production management, quality management and cost management; book contains all the basic essentials required for the management, is a work practices of the business operations Daquan junior officers.
This book is a guide to regulate corporate governance, to improve the management level, to strengthen the understanding of corporate management is very good. In part, in particular how to guide managers to add content to nurture. through grassroots management training and scientific and efficient site management, to ensure the sustainable operation of enterprises is very important.
day in March, where I domestic business leaders to Japan, he is to conduct business talks with Sumitomo Corporation, and to the future, he gave me a call. The next day, I Sakamoto leave, asked to go to Tokyo to visit. Sakamoto, after listening to my reasons for leave of absence, Some looked at me quizzically: All our work is carried out under the leadership of general manager, of course, my job managing the implementation of the work instructions. General Manager to work in Japan, and I had to study in Japan, Moreover, he also gave me the phone, I went to visit him was polite, but also as it should be. learning and are usually called to encourage me! He is the representative of the National People's Congress, China's well-known metallurgist. > to eat. This hierarchy in terms of Japanese companies is inconceivable that they appear one by one looks modest, polite, say hello to meet on the bow, but between different levels within the hierarchical order that is the boundary clear.
to opportunity, I asked Sakamoto: The big man toast. work together to negotiate with the president, dined with it. cases, not dinner. : It makes the management aware of the other side of Yamaha.
, of course, I must be allowed a leave of absence.
first into the Yamaha, I was once a division of seven, eighty-one can in a the work of the office quiet surprised, I asked Sakamoto: If we need to discuss how to do the work. Sakamoto said people often ask is incapable of work performance, we are the trunk of the work, generally do not discuss, of course, We do need to discuss the problem discussion, go to the learning room.
because companies have the system all the work, all outlaw to do, managers at all levels of their job responsibilities are clearly needed not urge you to do what to do should not.
fifth workshop on behalf of Yamaha is the best level of production and management of production workshops, games room, very clean and bright, clean and green on the floor, moving back and forth to run parts of the robot and moving the production line is the edge of the staff lounge, which automatically placed drinking fountains, vending machines, and flowers, bright and clean environment for people to rest comfortably pleasant feeling. To my surprise the field enchanting haunted house music, which I have seen elsewhere silent factory that has a great contrast. factory long small bank told me that staff working in the workshop every day is the longest time, as the factory manager, should be thinking about the work environment is good, so that employees can feel at home, the work can be happy. fifth workshop in a lot of young people, young people have their own characteristics, work time to play music is to make them feel happy , easy, generate excitement, working together does not feel tired, but also the greatest desire to mobilize the staff, the staff are very pleased to accept.
small bank in Chongqing, China Yamaha for many years, speak Chinese very well , is a love of China's China hand. He has his own management ideas and be able to work to good use, it is hard to come by. I am studying in the fifth workshop, a small shore lunch every day, are all as I said many companies management knowledge.
One time we talked about the management of the production process, he said: understand that the problem can be directly to me, ? absolute quality products and the lowest production cost is my core mission of. problems he and the workers directly to head of section chief.
I asked a small shore: machinery and equipment, so why did not produce a variety of workshops coordinated control room responsible for producing it? . Who is who governs the use of equipment, which is very desirable, why is it not to engage in production, do not know the actual status of equipment in the field of people to manage it, this is not only inconvenient for the management of conflict can also cause what. br> As for the problem of production scheduling, production plan in my study, they have some understanding. In Japan, the industry can be highly coordinated, high level of industry specialization society, even among the cross-sectoral and cross-regional business activities also have a good reputation assurance. Many businesses do not have large warehouses, suppliers and trading companies to the business day, materials and components required for timely delivery to the designated place as planned.
on parts Yamaha assigned workshops and suppliers are on time every day workshop delivery to all needs, not to mention the internal coordination and management of the professional workplace it.
the workshops as long as the plan by the production planning department of production on it. small shore told me, if the company set up a control room and then coordinate the workshops and special relationship between the production processes, it must be planning departments have a problem; if set up a department to coordinate the upper and lower every day of the workshop process and the conflict between that itself is a problem with the internal management of enterprises, institutions and production plans must be the result of poor execution.
Although different industries, production organization are different, but the small bank would be justified. many domestic enterprises within the control room , the daily job is to make internal progress on the house under the house how to how to speed up the holistic and yell, if the job it is to the production supervision and implementation of the plan, that plan should do it.
long-president and workshops work is the case, the management of grass-roots management of what it is.
in the workshop, I saw Kato, head of the training work plan, including how supervisors and subordinates on the formation of good relationships notes. I Kato asked, as supervisors also have to learn these? Kato said that the supervisor of the workshop is very important that everyone in the enterprise of the time than the time at home much longer, the eternal theme of human relationships . as a corporate watchdog, their job is to work through a number of subordinates to complete. Because men work, and personal life troubles are bound to be reflected in the work, properly handle the relationship is so that we work in harmony, fraternity, unity and mutual assistance. As a supervisor, only to be friendly, caring men, but also can not forget the strict requirements are necessary.
Kato opened his notes to me about human relationships as discussed in , he said, the right relationships, is the organization as the basis for the dignity among people. the people to form relationships at work is not simply work, but also should be engaged in work on the recognition of human personality, to fully respect for the will to work and ability to work at the same time, as a member of the organization, and the individual are engaged in the work to assume corresponding responsibilities.
Kato I asked: know, but in practical work as a supervisor should do then? their development. talk about methods of training his men are, to the men working prior to and his men involved in formulating an action plan for their comments; account of work, to explain the purpose and reason for the work of the work, the importance of the work made clear, the ability to fully trust the work of subordinates; account of work, and his men to work together on various issues identified and his men should pay attention to that, we should always observe the attitude of his subordinates; If you do not adopt their proposals, but also the reasons . to regularly evaluate the work his men to encourage people to provide constructive advice. speak at great length all work systems and work methods. I asked Kato, each character is different temperament, can be asked to do by the book you?
Kato embarrassed smile, he said he nature very irritable, very strict on the men, but he often read out the relevant guidance in the book, I hope you help him. He said that his team is the collective solidarity, If anyone have any personal problem solving under well, we will take the initiative to help each other. He believes that this is the result of his usual job training. So, while we work on very strict requirements, but we still have great respect for him, that he was very proud of.
In practice, production and operating results of any enterprise software and hardware needed to support each other. The so-called hardware products in the market of course, equipment, capital and other factors, the software is an enterprise of the rules and regulations, cultural and human environment. hardware and software is the relationship between each other to ensure that the former is a guarantee of production and operation.
on business management, I will never forget the North factory in Hamamatsu, The whole plant building construction and maintenance of production equipment maintenance, as the domestic mobile business, equipment, infrastructure repair shop one of the sections and departments, from management to a total of 70 workers.
study in the preservation of the last day of classes morning, the staff told me a long time to prepare wild goods (spare parts) and the governance tools of management. finished, Kuno took me to the warehouse management to understand the process of preparing materials.
when we went to the warehouse and saw the Treasury with the door unlatched, Kuno went in the door. warehouse is not very big, two-hall structure, placed outside the production equipment from the old for the parts down, wipe each piece is very clean, As new products are placed in the box, like, boxes and labels on the shelves of a device name, part name and model data. Kuno told me that these or later can use the forward. This is what we often say that maybe the repair old or discarded it. In the outside in a circle, where we entered the warehouse, the warehouse is an automatic door between the outside, we control the wall Press the switch on the device, the door opened, and soon to go forward, there is a voice, which is the Treasury's voice automated voice prompt system to tell those who come each warehouse each classification of cargo space . I am very much a sense of curiosity, placed between the warehouse of spare parts are new people out from in between the shelves of spare parts required after completing the above manifest themselves in the workplace to take, pick the name and number of people and parts, Then fill out the list at the specified location on it. the people inside to come out, the door will automatically ring the sound: Thank you. , that automatically play the sound only a hint role. Kuno get taught me how to fill out invoices, how to choose the right parts and do not take apart.
I look around, no one in the warehouse, I asked Kuno :

I still like his boss asked one of the employees out of jobs as asked: > listen to me say this, for a long time to understand what I mean wild.
He said regulations in accordance with workshop, storage administrator's job management course in office, his task is to keep abreast of computer spare parts for the workplace usage, and monitoring products in the library preparation, and if there is demand for the production site and timely feedback to the supplier, the supplier will be within the specified time supply of spare parts under the scheme. In addition, administrators of both statistics, reports, and other work, so his work is in the office.
hear Kuno say this, I am feeling surprised, but still puzzled and asked him: door ah? why he did not do other work in the warehouse? , during working hours, are free to come in every person, regardless of what parts to take, as long as you can fill out to obtain a manifest, so that the management for the production and preservation is very convenient. Moreover, the production or preservation of the equipment is no longer on the fact need replacement parts down here can also be placed at any time. in accordance with the administrator system administrator to the warehouse twice as long as a week, sorting items, check the check invoices, and then enter data into the computer on it.
Yuehua Jian me and Kuno, someone to the warehouse, and dashed off the shelf item, fill in the check invoices, and then go out if nothing had happened.
heard Kuno introduced the warehouse management practices, see their work, I was very surprised. factory in do not lock the door, nor the administrator of the warehouse, I really never expected. I repeatedly praise: asked: Chinese companies do not like? open warehouse management, what will happen then?
size enterprises in the country, almost all of public security sector, its main work is the production of security, but there are also considerable work is thief, both caught out to the thief can be caught in the house internal pilfering thief.
in many domestic enterprises, employees of private enterprises to take the items have not ; the. managers ; little things equipment has become an open secret, the business of public security departments busy hh
this day I can not imagine not dare to imagine, if we implement this enterprise-style storage unattended open what will happen.
the afternoon, workshops and other Ministers on shore Tianchang Ming attended the training course we preserve the wrap-up, where I again in the final report referred to this open warehouse deep impression on me.
asked Kishida me: less than the expected.
I can only say, Treasury management is the enterprise product flow and the basic reflection of the financial turnaround that management must first have the supply side of the business premise of an absolute guarantee, the Treasury also do not know whether the finished product applicable.
fact, Kishida see my According to the production company to complete daily planning, organizing vehicle transport plan, transport time and pull on it. He said no one on the production plant for storage has many advantages, but this requires strict management conditions and good quality staff maintaining it.
I asked him: Kishida very decisively, said:
Kuno added and said: Touna business articles phenomenon, even very serious, but with the improvement and strengthening enterprise management, it is absolutely none. stole some from the past to now be able to completely eliminate the phenomenon that is guaranteed by the strict management of the enterprise.
do not know how, I suddenly thought of another question, people say about Japanese products is the most economic. a car, all the spare parts under normal circumstances, is generally no need to replace, if the carburetor aging, clutch of the change, then there will be no repair the car value, because all the parts are the end of the stick.
layer each level has different business functions and work requirements, from the president's ; the critics and the young monk who sense the work of ringing bells.
only strict system of discipline and excellent corporate culture created out of high-quality staff, to ensure the implementation of open enterprise storage management, with such based, business management can promote the enterprises to continue to higher and better direction.

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