Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sensible economists in China

 Chinese people often find their faith with totally different, which is constantly increasing since 1978, opening up a direct result. Zhao, 41-year-old youth was spent in Jiangsu Province, that time, people with the basic religious no contact.
2002 research fellow at the Zhao-governmental organizations was sent to the United States of American business culture differences. He said he was not religious, but when he went to several U.S. cities, access to research institutions time, everywhere in the church so that he was shocked. He said that in China, everywhere is the nightclub.
return home, Zhao has been fascinated of Christianity, for the United States by some as idealistic holding the perception of the U.S.. He caused controversy in an article, The biggest difference is not between the United States has more high-rise buildings, more wealthy or more advanced technology, or even its democratic political system, but the popularity of religion. He pointed out that the U.S. economic system that provides the moral basis of the lack of China .
Zhao believed that Chinese culture is one of the biggest flaws, the Chinese worship are usually those who have the ability to power. He said the reform period in China, this concept has dominated the individual and This is true throughout the country. He said that China would like to make the country more, catch up with other countries in terms of strength, rather than ideological or moral.
Today, Zhao often to be studied around the country , and with with their own commercial and economic interests have a common Christian meeting. He attended six or seven members of the discussion groups, distribution of members of different cities in the country will hold a monthly conference call to discuss how their daily business activities and better use of Christianity.
flat side of the book is also a member of the forum, he aged 45, ran a windows and doors in Harbin company. his childhood spent in the northeast town of Mudanjiang, then, the whole family of six squeeze in a little less than 20 square meters house. reform and opening up, he has set up several companies belonging to different industries, there are several very successful. to the beginning of this century, with his mother and wife, two children and nanny admitted to the total area of 800 square meters villa.
book flat side, but found commercial success did not make him happy. his marriage on the rocks. He said that China prevailing set of commercial circles Latin American relations through the back door, was removed in the hotel every night, karaoke life so that he felt his life was to give up red in the face before.
2003, the one to do business the old air-conditioning to give him a phone call that they want to talk to him about a business project. But after that meeting, the conversation did not even do that business. Even a few hours the students are in that life in America, how he converted to Christianity, believers in him what kind of impact. The conversation inspired the flat side of the book. That year in October, he and his friends went to the church Since then, was fascinated.
flat side of the book, said his religious beliefs not only his way of doing business has changed, his life changed .2006, he is no longer a gift to the rebate, which is already common practice for Chinese business. The results, to get his company's business decreased by 10%, and income is reduced by 20%, while the book may be flat or even worry about the company go bankrupt.
However, while the book flat for the past gifts of money spent on improving products, the business and therefore improved. now the company's annual revenues approaching $ 1,000,000.
he said, people have money, in addition to feed their families than to think something else; we realize that there are necessarily more powerful than what we created this world. Everyone is chasing after, however, the pursuit of different directions. (Reprinted users Shapiro Liu Wen)

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