Monday, February 28, 2011

Oaks microblogging

 Home Network News
HC: Jet Li, Yi Jianlian, Zhu Dan, these famous people are air-conditioned Oaks Sina microblogging concern, while 18 483 fans for their support, to Oaks Air conditioning is especially lively meager.

including the Oaks, including a number of recent household electrical appliance enterprises have opened businesses to it, and vigorously marketing, though still in the initial stage, but the modest popularity for manufacturers of these powerful looking forward to fresh marketing communications positions. As we all know, in recent years, with successful marketing events Oaks, in the domestic air conditioning industry was a high degree of concern, the end of the

But above all the traditional marketing, advertising and promotion is not too much difference, the addition of micro-Bo, so Oaks shifted from the physical network, the stylish and high impact wide, spread fast, hot phenomenon of the new platform. It is understood that air-conditioned Oaks back in September 2010 by V certification in Sina, the opening of the enterprise microblogging. Oaks person in charge of air, V certification allows Oaks microblogging more authoritative, in general, well-known enterprises, famous movie stars, famous entrepreneurs and others have V certification, so a higher degree of fan interest, the more popular hot.

Oaks air promotion department, two staff responsible for the modest updates and maintenance, and other similar enterprises, not full-time. Main page published Oaks thin air promotions, new product introduction, air conditioning, tips, and other popular high reprinted meager contents. Oaks Air Conditioning, the official said, can learn from the case is very limited, is still in a stage of learning and exploration. positioning to win popularity and attention on the range. Reproduced modest rate, transmission speed, publicity and promotion of enterprises will play an unexpected effect, influence can penetrate to 80,90 to represent the main consumer groups, however, raised objections, or if there is a sensitive topic, slightly there accidentally, it will also play a counterproductive role of corporate image, so enterprises have more cautious.

to further increase the maintenance effort is the focus. Although the impact is modest effect today, still can not have a material impact corporate sales, but by modest by consumption characteristic, the future use of the network to enhance its brand influence is more handy to further promote the home network share, with high practicality.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Love. Understanding

 At night time, I like being alone, but also like to go to the Internet, because, as friends can see the message, you can see their feelings, only occasionally when the thought of such a topic: love! Love is a eternal topic, perhaps a lifetime to finish speaking, perhaps not sentiment lifetime! especially for romantic love, for people who love to dream. had such a story is about an elderly couple, the vicissitudes of the years has carved Yen over their faces. old man asked his wife: old laugh! Perhaps the old man's life there are too many stories, from the hearty laughter of his people know his insights. Maybe he is in the sentiment of his life, but he finally came to understand: Love is one of the most valuable. Manshan swaying bamboo, flowers listed in that season, picking flowers for the wear. Panzhi for the flute, I hope to join hands with the coagulation listen to you. how romantic love. man Jiang abundant autumn, in the golden sunset evening, willingly, butterfly Flying, I hope you dance. How Ming heart of love. may never thought so many vows, but in reality to not be so among the survey hit: how many of the love, the end of custom among the helpless. How many love, the end being in the mood maintenance. How many of the love, the end being the inability to cherish. Do you believe in her existence, but not readily accepted. What is love in the end? her like a nice The story is not ending, is years off by rinsing the color is not the first sing that song, is a simple cup of tea without Chinese tea, but it makes interesting reading.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Comprehensive Free Trade Zone, Weifang formally approved the establishment of the State Council

 Comprehensive Free Trade Zone, Weifang

Comprehensive Free Trade Zone, Weifang
radiation pattern

the Bohai Economic Rim

Dazhong Weifang February 23 (Reporter Sui Joe Zhao Hongdong) learned from this morning held in Weifang, Shandong Provincial Government press conference was informed that 14 of the first comprehensive Free Trade Zone - Comprehensive Free Trade Zone, Weifang, in January this year 25, formally approved the establishment of the State Council. Reply comprehensive Free Trade Zone, Weifang, Shandong Province to further enhance the level of opening up, speed up economic zone blue Shandong Peninsula, the Yellow River Delta economic zone of ecological efficiency and the Bohai economic circle of great significance. It is reported that comprehensive Free Trade Zone, Weifang will become the
It is understood that the country has 13 bonded port area, 14 comprehensive Free Trade Zone. According to State Department requirements, comprehensive Free Trade Zone will be built in Weifang functional, preferential policies, institutional innovations the first area, management practices, customs clearance, convenient, effective clear demonstration area, with strong international competitiveness of the open area.
comprehensive Free Trade Zone, Weifang total planned area of 12.37 square kilometers, including the State Council approved the fence an area of 5.17 square kilometers and the Weifang municipal government for its planned 7.2 square kilometers industrial zone and bonded within the network function of the implementation of the policy areas and off- supporting the integrated development of industrial areas.
comprehensive Free Trade Zone, Weifang to give full play to the role, learn from Zhangjiagang, Dalian, Tianjin, Qingdao Free Trade Zone, the experience of national advanced practice, the development of comprehensive Free Trade Zone, Weifang position is: the use of the unique features comprehensive policy advantages of free trade zone, to be built into international logistics industry, , the implementation of free trade zone within the network and network operating outside the industry, supporting regional integration efforts to build a service in Shandong, the radiation and Northeast Asia Through the five-year development, the region plans to introduce 200 enterprises, 100 logistics enterprises, 500 enterprises based economy, to complete a total investment of 48 billion yuan, the annual import and export 10 billion U.S. dollars, 70 billion yuan in industrial output value.

Weifang comprehensive live news conference FTZ Record

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sensible economists in China

 Chinese people often find their faith with totally different, which is constantly increasing since 1978, opening up a direct result. Zhao, 41-year-old youth was spent in Jiangsu Province, that time, people with the basic religious no contact.
2002 research fellow at the Zhao-governmental organizations was sent to the United States of American business culture differences. He said he was not religious, but when he went to several U.S. cities, access to research institutions time, everywhere in the church so that he was shocked. He said that in China, everywhere is the nightclub.
return home, Zhao has been fascinated of Christianity, for the United States by some as idealistic holding the perception of the U.S.. He caused controversy in an article, The biggest difference is not between the United States has more high-rise buildings, more wealthy or more advanced technology, or even its democratic political system, but the popularity of religion. He pointed out that the U.S. economic system that provides the moral basis of the lack of China .
Zhao believed that Chinese culture is one of the biggest flaws, the Chinese worship are usually those who have the ability to power. He said the reform period in China, this concept has dominated the individual and This is true throughout the country. He said that China would like to make the country more, catch up with other countries in terms of strength, rather than ideological or moral.
Today, Zhao often to be studied around the country , and with with their own commercial and economic interests have a common Christian meeting. He attended six or seven members of the discussion groups, distribution of members of different cities in the country will hold a monthly conference call to discuss how their daily business activities and better use of Christianity.
flat side of the book is also a member of the forum, he aged 45, ran a windows and doors in Harbin company. his childhood spent in the northeast town of Mudanjiang, then, the whole family of six squeeze in a little less than 20 square meters house. reform and opening up, he has set up several companies belonging to different industries, there are several very successful. to the beginning of this century, with his mother and wife, two children and nanny admitted to the total area of 800 square meters villa.
book flat side, but found commercial success did not make him happy. his marriage on the rocks. He said that China prevailing set of commercial circles Latin American relations through the back door, was removed in the hotel every night, karaoke life so that he felt his life was to give up red in the face before.
2003, the one to do business the old air-conditioning to give him a phone call that they want to talk to him about a business project. But after that meeting, the conversation did not even do that business. Even a few hours the students are in that life in America, how he converted to Christianity, believers in him what kind of impact. The conversation inspired the flat side of the book. That year in October, he and his friends went to the church Since then, was fascinated.
flat side of the book, said his religious beliefs not only his way of doing business has changed, his life changed .2006, he is no longer a gift to the rebate, which is already common practice for Chinese business. The results, to get his company's business decreased by 10%, and income is reduced by 20%, while the book may be flat or even worry about the company go bankrupt.
However, while the book flat for the past gifts of money spent on improving products, the business and therefore improved. now the company's annual revenues approaching $ 1,000,000.
he said, people have money, in addition to feed their families than to think something else; we realize that there are necessarily more powerful than what we created this world. Everyone is chasing after, however, the pursuit of different directions. (Reprinted users Shapiro Liu Wen)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Zhuzhou traced hundreds every day,

 In the pot and tumble, hard to pull the feather of a breaking gently, feather and even the complete loss of the rosin. Yesterday, a poultry shop in farmers markets Yaohua use this method to be pulling against the hair to be relevant departments investigate and deal with chickens and ducks.

witnessed the scene: Rosin pull feather

7 am, reporters came to public complaints Yaohua, a poultry shop in farmers markets, several people have mentioned the slaughter from here chickens and ducks out of a good walk. Press Bypass shop door, in a corner and witnessed the shocking scene: a big black mark against them on the stove, braving white smoke, burning a black pot is bubbling liquid, a lot of ground stacked feather, distribution of appearances Array pungent odor.

After killing a duck is a simple hair removal staff in blue gown thrown into the hot, dark bear the blame, the instant Baiya into a black duck, covered with black duck material, was thrown into the bucket next to the muddy bear. Duck sideways then a dip bucket of cold water, out of a fierce mortgage, down a layer of black, the duck is done turned from black to white process.

dialogue stores: feces odor and chemical odors.


personnel out of patience.

law enforcement agencies: already explicitly prohibited

9 am yesterday, the reporter the matter to the City Animal Health Authority report. After receiving the report, law enforcement officers soon arrived on the scene. Law enforcement officers in the poultry store to find a pot of rosin has been hidden, and confiscated all the store has been ham hair of chickens and ducks, and poultry shops out a rectification notice.

City Animal Health Regulatory Authority chief told reporters Division pack, because the store is used by industrial rosin rosin, lead large, high temperature barbecue, wrapped in vitro rosin poultry infiltrated the meat will be after eating not only damages the liver and kidney, long-term consumption could cause cancer, rosin hair pulling chickens and ducks have already been

package chief said today, the city's farmers market will start a full investigation, if the public found such behavior, can call 28682357 to report.

Related Links

how to distinguish whether plucking with rosin or pitch?

rosin or pitch if mixed in poultry meat, the cooking generally emit bitterness, consumers can be judged by smell. Rosin ham and poultry products through hair appearance will be particularly smooth, and basically no hair, and hair, boiled with bubbles, hand plucking the chickens, ducks and other poultry are very different. In addition, the hand squeezing the breathing holes near the eyes of poultry, there are often things like asphalt or rosin out. (Trainee reporter Yang Lingling)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Bomb life proud to be a limited edition live 2006

 2006 limited edition life living
proud to be thoroughly enjoyed themselves, Shixian Li Bai in a thousand years ago, a thorough understanding of this truth. And such a rich wealth in today's era of leadership, there are more and more people continue to gather wealth in the process, I feel the spiritual world of vanity and lack of inner happiness.
topics in this issue, we collected some know how to enjoy unlimited use of the limited life of happy people, they used their own ; the pleasures of life tells us that the pursuit of mm-called are most proud of and cherish.
create the pleasure
old man Freud in high on the hog in the world, bittersweet, and we strive for all the possible options. In our short life, creativity is undoubtedly the most valuable, it is becoming the new current standard of individual happiness. created only with the heart to the pleasures mm Life can only perceive real life, the noble, life was full of fun can only be counted on to have a wealth of real.
conquered Mount Everest with a foot Vanke chairman Wang Shi and the use of an amphibious car conquered the English Channel Virgin Group Chairman Richard. Branson is recognized as a They are enjoying the adventure of cutting-edge material that wire floated outside the Xin Jing agitation. you may be able to show the grandeur of the rich and gatherings of business leaders like their style, it is difficult to join with them in another adventure paradise Experience the ultimate telepathic.
But, why should we do to understand their world?
We are all desires and pleasures of others ways. every moment of our lives are limited edition, because we are going back even on the second.
prosperous life is prepared for a prosperous life, but life is not necessarily rich The end result rich people in this world, the U.S. luxury cars are sitting on both body and mind and many people waste, only the pursuit of cross-flow of material things will not only rubbed off bit by bit overflowing youth Guanghua time you also have bald flying mind stirring flavors.
German poet Schiller wrote: times, although sometimes more material will bring more, not to mention confusion, but in fact a creative life is not as difficult as one might expect more and see if we collected material mm
auction in the last two years, the works of the painter Zeng is to price the transaction, each of his painting are spiritual Inn collectors, but also in pursuit of his colorful life overturn the fine artists impression left us slovenly;
Because I like Rose, Robert Huang willing to be a farmer, in Taichung, opened up a mountain paradise rose garden, cultivated daily sunrise and sunset and habitat in order to get him to be more than 3,000 roses for the music;
determined to carry forward China's food culture, amazing woman Zhang Lan, spent 300 million yuan will result in a palace of a restaurant fight, amazing hang around;
sports fanatic who is a limited edition collector's strict way, in 30 years old that year, suddenly sold most of his baby, to form China's first GT team, the team paid an annual cost of nearly 30 million is not easy, but he regrets the limited edition hh
There are many, many examples of life Hurun .2006 charitable remainder of the first list Peng Cheng Kung University in rushing business life is in his later years to all of its assets to charity; and 20-year-old had never before seen the sea Wang Chao Yong, 40 years old has invested in the Americas Cup yacht To return to your own inner world, to enjoy the real taste to make themselves happy. that sense of achievement obtained by the creation and wealth beyond the inner freedom on peace, in order for you to go beyond the reality of you. < br> Yan Road: follow the car as to create
only, he set up China's first GT-class racing team, and for the management team, who he had to sell his beloved possession of a limited edition sports car. In this one, he gradually on the Dream went in the strict way to achieve
the dictionary, the word is not a dream, because dreams out of reach, and he will certainly do as long as the mind to achieve.
he is now less than ten days a month The time in Beijing, China, created by his first GT-class sports car racing team super team was placed in the various aspects of his conditions are better in Malaysia, as a captain, he should sweep of all the chores, including the organization of practice, determine vehicle status, arrange all the basic necessities of twenty people, loading unloading. year in 18 games, rushing him busy enough. But he did not feel tired, because the faithful in their own mind who will always do what you like to do in things.
Yan Lu is a very disturbed childhood, the children were, compared with those in the unruly boy and his restless to be more advanced this point. In order to raise funds for fun walk around, he often to participate in a variety of small invention competitions, and always get the prize. the university had formed the band. graduated a year later established her own advertising company, in 1995, the industry is still very new field.
long known the secret of business is to do things other people have not had time to do it, the more popular the better. their own money for a large number of limited edition collection of sports cars, in his private garage, parked at the same time had the most prosperous: a blue Porsche 911Car rera, a production in 1953, antique Porsche spyder 550 , in addition to Mercedes-Benz SLK sports car, two VOLV0, an Audi A6, allroad a sport utility vehicle, a ISUZU SUV, there are a Lamborghini.
I will not gain or loss to do so. I am the person is very simple to make money is to buy a car I mm. the money that anyone can have, there are a lot of money divided a little money to meet the needs of life in fact, how much money either, courage and creativity is The greatest fortune. easy, is to have enough courage, you can not give what you is not enough courage. not to try, chances are zero. I always believe that if a person really wants to do one thing, did not do fails. , any idea of flashes will not be missed. In 1995, he went to climb Mount Everest alone, in the help of a Korean climbers, climbed the 6,000 meter high mountain .1997, or a person, spent two months, from Shanghai to Tibet by bike.
listen to the melody of life
2000, Yan Road, went to Germany, because the domestic high-speed Porsche can not find a way So he went to the Porsche factory in Stuttgart, Germany, where a dedicated circuit. on the track after a racing addiction after a serious road racing coach patted the shoulder and said, talent, and unfortunately there is no good opportunity to hh However, it is not too late. later, he once again see professional coach who, surprised to find that the old Bavarian fun for every rookie on the track then told him all say the same words. For him the decision on the significance of this misleading, Yan Road, recall is always laughing incessantly, but even today, he also began to is too strong, if not join this line is really a pity r, one more people interested in motor sport, is not always a bad thing. European competition on Sunday to fly no entry fee. the third year, has been a manufacturer to pay for my travel and accommodation, please I compete. ideas, and some occasional day in September 2004 when, Yan Road to Shanghai to watch the first F1 race in Shanghai. excited, he even found an old man around the deafening roar of the car fell asleep. surprised Yu, Yan Road have set up the China team to participate in the idea of top-level competition, he believed that the only way to let the Chinese people truly understand the joy of racing. So he decided to end his year with tens of millions of advertising revenue to form China's first Porsche team.
run a GT team spent 30 million a year, for which he had to sell some of their possession of a limited edition treasures have loved sports cars, but at that time his definition for the limited edition has undergone a qualitative change.
version, not yours. I have come across such people, like the table to make their own piece of it, that is the real players. you to follow the so-called limited edition things, might as well make their own limited edition. br> 2005 �� 3 months, over running the club team in Malaysia to achieve the Chinese team in the GT race on the breakthrough. In the same year in October, the team in the Porsche Carrera Cup Asia race, total points ranked second. 3 years of operation of the team, so that there are serious road race track set up a new confidence in the cause of the Kingdom. This was a very successful businessman to see that China's car culture is still blank, but the people leading the way is perhaps the best opportunities. his racing team this year had their first sponsor, the future is enormous.
and strict way of speaking is not a dream, his life is the most anticipated racing games in the middle of his repair of a house every day to wake up in the roar of the engine. shrewd businessman, 16 years to start their own chain of British tea It makes his life even more gorgeous.
another name: Rose Man
20 years ago, from a real estate business suddenly became : Romantic.
The first big job.
Although the early years is the kind of accident was admitted to University Department of Architecture, but in the graduation, he carries is business, was the first to the French an enlarged family. many endemic species of the large banyan tree. summer, grandmother and mother were chatting in the cool shade of the banyan tree, the children play chase in the shade. businessman, saw the partnership with the hard house began to meet in the luxury car upstart life, Robert Huang of the mind was thrown waves. a dream very early on in his mind from day to day struggle. That is his second year , read the fairy tale mm Robert Huang nature of romantic love British culture, especially love the British aristocracy in the share of elegant and casual mood .30 years old, he decided to change careers, started his first tea shop in the UK. Rose happens to be the UK's national flower, so he named ; Rose Garden evaluation This feeling, Robert Huang teahouse designed in every corner, all devoted to their ideals.
walk into any filled the room with roses roses and a variety of display patterns. put on the shelf a variety of flavor, seasoning and the Rose Garden British Chaguan own research and development, adapted to local tastes of the fruit tea bags, display cabinets and exquisite Rococo Aynsley English porcelain, the air filled with the sweet aroma of baked muffins, a modest volume of violin or sing opera hh
had ringing in its ears, to the pursuit of the United Kingdom, wants a tea, Britain's largest companies. a small chain in Taiwan was not yet have much influence, while the other is the UK's largest tea company. but then the British impressed. because they found Rose Garden, There are so authentic taste. So they began a steady and continuous co-Robert Huang.
Rose Garden for the first building in the Robert Huang ideal state of pure heart, he made a harsh provisions, such as, home, in the mainland in Beijing, Shanghai and other cities have more than 10 stores, recently, in Seoul, South Korea also officially opened a new store.
Robert Huang thus earning himself a nickname, In his view, the rose represents a pursuit, one adhering to quality, his vision began in the roses, naturally, his second turn is going to personally make a Rose Garden of the people, will be everywhere in the large tea rose bush move, room full of dense rose fragrance intoxicating. love roses Robert Huang, a day to personally carrying hoes, like a standard farmer, who in Taichung opened up a piece of mountain land, sunrise and sunset, specialized cultivation rose, planted more than 3,000 strains of more than 100 varieties of roses.
can imagine this moving picture: early morning, the sun just rising, the farmer came to Hanada Robert Huang, and gardeners together, softly picking at those who still rolling with the dew on the petals of a rose, a one yard on bamboo basket, as if to meet the newborn children.

always a source of inspiration when the Seven years ago, 39-year-old Robert Huang bought the painting a whole, please the teacher to his class. studied architecture, he has some basic modeling ability, starting from the hand with the brush, he painted on roses. Rose is the driving force of his inspiration.
because of heart, so successful. the little prince's teachings on him again to come true: after nine months to study painting, he asked teachers to hold an exhibition at the Taichung Cultural Center; the second year, he was held in Changhua County Cultural Center, Solo Exhibition After Citibank and ABN Amro were looking for him to cooperate with his paintings to make Memorial Cup and the Rose Chaguan; EVA Air international marketing agent of his prints; also composer CD cover with his paintings.
2003 ��the role of Robert Huang became the first painting the cover for the painter of international VISA credit card; and his porcelain works in 80 countries are collectors. the way his art, constantly weaving dreams of art belonging to the rose, he did not sell a Zhang original painting, but the way prints and share by collectors, his works are also in the international auction to create a success.
Robert Huang has many identities, but also want others to regard him as a painter, A romantic poet, painting a rose, or the scarcity of his morning, he would own more than a thousand square meters of yard to enjoy homemade refreshments hh he overturn the trend of artists who disdain the image of luxury, he said that only the high quality of life, be worthy of their alive.
1992 years, the 28-year-old Zeng went to Guangzhou, back to a price of 2,800 yuan in the suit. At that time, even the most willing to put the clothes in Shanghai who shopped only at the Hongqiao Friendship Shopping Center, the home to show off to others , very good, I have always wanted a suit. Fanzhi sold the first picture is a bit of money after the start. Of course, College graduate, began writing fame as every patient suddenly stimulated me. , the attention of curators, magazine also published a commentary. sold the first painting in the painting for himself, did not know work can also be sold, how much to sell. buyers pay a stack of 100 dollars each. you know, when issued, , leaders such as 200-300 yuan per piece, a single picture element of each piece of 50-200, 6-20 per each piece of comics. work, to concentrate on painting. Of course, he also bought a lot of things to reward themselves, in addition to a hot summer for fans to meet in Wuhan, he bought a suit.
he began wearing an expensive suit to participate in this social activities such as exhibitions to see, and those slovenly, even the hands of artists paint adhesion incompatible, br> upper LV, jeans, pants
1993 years, to follow the suit Zeng came to Beijing, he first lived in Sanlitun, and later to the Dongzhimen, then the money to afford to buy in a large piece of land , built his own studio. He no longer only a suit and started to collect some limited edition jacket, shirt.
1994 years after the creation of the Notes to be successful, including the honor and wealth, which gave him the capital to enjoy life. He opened the Hummer, with Dunhill perfume, and even socks are wearing KENZO, every morning in his yard more than a thousand square meters of home-made food Wuhan-style snacks, coffee and sun, year-old daughter in his hands the two birch tree and planted. in the yard is also covered from Suzhou got from the old houses in brick, a piece on the value million. Those lions quite a history, the furniture had been placed in his yard back and forth freely hh
some time, Zeng luxury glossy appearance of life and become the talk of art world , once the suit was suspected LV will ruin his brush.
also learned a lot. I'm not looking for labels, but for some soft spot for the classic brand design. such as LV, men, wear subtle and dignified, but very comfortable, which is perhaps the secret of these brands. Fanzhi ignored other people's evaluation, he even publicly said that he could not see fashion magazines, watch fashion trends this year, and the perfect match. details are not one, two will be able to form, this attitude may be the problem. Chi artists shirt and bracelet. They also come to identify with, that means a luxury brand, but also stands for quality, represents a more fitting design more carefully.
a quality of life, be worthy of their
this two-year auction, the works are based on Zeng astronomical terms: The price on the yuan.
recently, Zeng has made a sensational art world and fashion it, in a star charity event, donated his work to become the most sought-after collectibles. It was a site called still hear the sound, smell its scent. warm auction. Finally, Wang Jun, president of Huayi Brothers of 170 million price was the their children were fighting for. That he is traveling, tourism, in fact, is his most expensive place, it was mainly abroad, in particular, like Europe, there are many old things to see; now spend more time at home around the inn to find his spirit.
interpretation of the independence of their own share of exciting.
Zhang Lan:

everything I do is limited edition
difficult for us to do things just by intuition
a niche to Zhang Lan : She is a businessman or artist? her friends a lot, but most are from the arts, business friends almost.
she was doing nothing planned, with the sexual whims and is, thought to do . Few people would like her at all costs to build a restaurant, you spend 12 million design of the famous Paris designer Philippe of France Baccarat Crystal Palace. Stark for her to build the Twin Towers in Beijing South Beauty LG clubs and invested nearly 300 million to design into a real scene. and in huge amounts of money in those 3 million, 2 million or so she used to purchase a wide variety of exquisite works of art, let into the palace, and they have the opportunity to enjoy international paintings and popular works of art knowledge.
and New York, South Beauty is her own hand-drawn sketches, Professor of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, his father and completion of design professionals from France, the son returned to give her strong support.
completely abandon her in the design of some of the Chinese concept of LOGO, joined the Ming and Qing dynasties, Tibet, and Dai element. However, we think of Chinese restaurants, that is, Raise the Red Lantern, the form of old. there are too many Chinese elements have the taste of things to see how you use the. thinking the same space should be like children, are free to stretch, should not be bound by the established formula.
So, in 1991, she gave up in the eyes of most people the best way to emigrate to America to choose his own career. The company started , also made a surprise move, a person far away in Sichuan Pi County, led a gang of local mountains cut bamboo, with trains to 13 meters long, thick bamboo sized shipped back to Beijing, so pretty, the predecessor of the Blue River ; A Blue Restaurant be leading the fashion in all aspects.
her to study in France to visit Wang Fei, son led her to many restaurants, so she learned a lot of Western elements, and the integration into their own creativity. , stone cooked bean curd are flashes of her, and drill into it at home, South Beauty's signature dishes.
few years ago, the office was known as the Beijing catering industry catering business But the most expensive office rents in Beijing and opened a restaurant in; Sichuan was considered to be

things others can not only improve the decoration of Chinese and Western Sichuan Canada, South Beauty's fire proof sheets blue intuition and inspiration is right. But, her More and more practitioners are copied and copied, causing great harm to the brand, which is currently the only thing that makes her headache. she does not understand why they can not play to their creativity, and to follow other people's ideas. For she is concerned, this is not really made money even if successful, do not make sense because.
sense. pieces of diamond jewelry, designer clothes are not any fans. from the abalone and shark's fin and the like do not eat the food, but taste for vegetables on steamed corn bread. Even if a pet, and she also very different, she likes to crocodile in the future to Adoption of a day, playing to accompany it.
Zhang Lan Wang is the son of the most capable assistant. The grandfather from an early age know how to pick up bottles to help picking up the children, not only intelligent and capable, and kind, attentive, blue eyes is a Zhang the best man. please Philip. Starck designed this thing to do is Wang Fei .25 years old, he single-handedly contributed to the current executive director of South Beauty Group, moving steadily, but not timid, much like the style of Zhang Lan, it makes her feel very pleased.
But nearly 50 years, Zhang Lan and will not be retired behind the scenes, the cause, she has plenty of passion, she plans in 2008, will be open to South Beauty 100 Club, New York, India , Switzerland, Rome, Milan, Paris has been in preparation for the .5-year period, she would also like to build a restaurant in Beijing, the museum will be five thousand years of Chinese food culture to flourish.
life, I think, this is my greatest pleasure in life. Island, $ 75,000,000 asking price. If more than 3 km wide this island sold, will become the world's most expensive island. At present it is owned by an artist all of the United States, because the shape of a broad-brimmed straw hat, hence the name , Brad. Peter bought in the Dominican Republic is a small island, in order to meet her daughter's birth; Nicholas. Cage still in the design and how to build the $ 3,000,000 he had just purchased in the Bahamas in an island; Johnny. Depp in the Caribbean, the Bahamas has a 1839 acre island, the island has six private beach, where he can dry in the sun all day without being interrupted; Leonard more. DiCaprio is very convenient to Belize in Central America, he purchased 4249 acres on the island resort, where he laid a small airport.
has a private island is not just a symbol of status and wealth, Star name people buy it has a more realistic level of significance, that is to protect their privacy, the wide sea barrier formed a natural barrier to the most solid barrier can not stop things: noisy neighbors, and annoying passers blankly disturb photography enthusiasts.
extension as a Ming Jiaoqie Nepal. Morrison banker said: , and it will become your own independent kingdom. , this dream has become reality. the famous luxury retailer Neiman. Marcos Group in June 2006 declared that the world has begun the first sale of a flying car.
allegedly, this car flying car in the air Flight of the maximum speed of 350 miles (about more than 560 km). It is an environmentally friendly vehicles, the use of fuel does not emit any harmful gases alcohol. of course, the price of the car higher than the average car lot, it The retail price of about $ 3,500,000, which is not included the cost of delivery.
from the appearance point of view, this car four flying car like science fiction movies, starfighters, it can take off and land vertically, plus a gallon Alcohol can fly 21 miles (34 kilometers). According to Neiman. Marcos Group, responsible person, ...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The poem describes landscapes

 Spring Hill static air.
blackbirds frightened moon, when the Ming in the spring stream.
moon to shine on.
Jingxi Whitehead out, Tian Han thin leaves.
mountain element, no rain, and air Tsui wet coats.
Bamboos whisper of washer upper.
go Huan Zhu Xuan M, Lin action under the fishing boat.
break free Chun-fang, Sun-self may stay.
br> enemy millet with chicken, invited me to Tian.
tree edge of the village together, Aoyama Guo oblique.
open face Changpu Xuan, wine words Sangma.
until Double Ninth Day, but also to to chrysanthemum.
find it a pleasure to see the mountain.
mountain air Rixi good, birds phase also.
herein are Zhenyi, to distinguish words have been forgotten.
Yang Jiong Wu Gorge
Three seven years, the only words Wu Gorge long. not a very heavy rock subterranean, Ling gray peaks. Precipice cross natural barrier, chapters cranberry bad Kam. see clearly at night, no wind, waves mad. faithful Wusuo dance, boating Yi He wound. could involve the pillar, you can float Luliang. what beauty today, Christians and aromatic fungus. mountain night air ape Xiao, sign-off tear stained skirts.
Haoran Li Bai Guangling sent West by the enemy
Yellow Crane Tower, the fireworks in March in Yangzhou.
Gu Fan Yuan shadow blue sky to make, but see the flow of the Yangtze River skyline.
Yingwu Chuzhou West Stream pity Youcaojianbian
independent students, there Oriole deep tree-ming.
Torrents of Spring rain late to acute, Nowata no boat from the cross.
Send Lushi Yu Bai 【Lushan rumors I imaginary boat】
the madman of Chu, Feng Song laugh Confucius. greenstone hand stick towards the other Yellow Crane Tower. Search cents to endure far the saying, life well into the mountains tour.
Lushan showed off the fighting near the south, the wall cloud nine stacked Zhang Jin, Ying off Lake indigo light. Jinque long before the opening two peaks, hanging upside down three Shilianghe Galaxy.
Censer falls away from the sea, the distant peaks Ling Ya Da gray.
Hongxia Cui Ying Ying Asahi, see Wu, a long bird.
spectacular climb between heaven and earth, did not return to the vast river.
Huang Wanli Activity Wind color, white wave nine mountain stream.
good for Lushan rumors, Hing Fat because of Lushan.
free Shek clear glimpse of my heart, thank the public celestial clouds, the handle toward the Jade Lotus Beijing. early September Gai Khan Man, is willing to Ao Yu Tai Qing Lu received.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


 Spent flowers outside delicate, vivid, vivid, touching, but also in delicate, lively, vivid, touching a rational description of the brilliant flashes.
drift the snow in a winter night, gazing in the memory of the flower bloom, and imagination and recollection of the smell of this flower, this imagination and bring people back to a recollection of a deal. At that time, the . so a bit like the beginning of the story of Prince Charming and Cinderella, a distressed met a Cinderella Prince Charming, then there should be a beautiful love. But Plum is not Cinderella, glass slipper, she could not get, so she there is no way to win love. but she is more precious than the glass slipper things, the warmth of a lonely heart sour, it makes the moved. This is her precious things early and meticulous, thrifty and intelligent, gentle and kind, in every possible way.
brothers and sisters of the careless and the metaphysical, in the limited conditions, changing the pattern as much as possible to fill our stomach. My concern, chewing the pure mountain; summer, she cut to bar exudes a sweet sorghum, so ; fall, she would sit Qiuchong light kerosene lamps to sing under the mountain, the mountain springs flapping like a big shining eyes and listening to furnace stoves were just pulled out of the roasted sweet potatoes, so that Listen Listen Liaozhai Water Margin, listen to Tang Dynasties, learned Chuikou Qin, flute, thus, the spark of love can say the two men who have given rise to, and plum on the > However, the future uncertain and the fate of the unknown, so that the easy, one can not empty promises blurted out, but So even in the frost deposited on the branches are the cries in the rain screaming as he falls in the know, place.
perhaps this is the best outcome, the only way to find the real plum is her happiness, and the frost and fog, the mist dispersed in the morning miraculously, in the face of a girl's warmth and tenderness, and backward, left the poor, walked straight toward hope, has been around, not look back, can not go back.
.28 now 28 years later, the ups and downs of life, vicissitudes of things, like smoke in the past flow, is also growing older years. taste through time, space, distance, getting old in years, is still so clear, strong, so the spent flowers outside sigh.
relative to the current prevalence of emotional fast food, in this emotional flooding, for Valentine's changing clothes faster than the age of 28 years ago, more valuable period of pure affection. plum selfless giving, the definition of love, endowed the noble and pure this relationship to the significance of this relationship makes the rational distribution of the purity and brilliance.
no doubt that this article is a success. But it also has shortcomings, venture to think that smoke, the article in front of and behind the contents of the paragraphs of narrative does not seem to matter much, they became a drag on the back of the content, if reluctantly part, remove the preceding paragraphs describe the complex, then presented to the reader, will be another A scene in the hearts of readers will be another effect, then, the reader will see is the beauty of an impeccable text.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thirteen years

 Today, job classification to help her husband find the required information, inadvertently turn to my husband in 1998 wrote a few letters of their own is very simple then, after he spoke not miss it, and saying their lives and the trivial thoughts, then we could goose legend, even calling the move is a luxury, but our heart is very close to them.
moment we reached middle age, children have been nine years old, and even our marriage has gone through thirteen years, time flies, ah, to blossom between a dazzling ten years. thin think, know her husband with his hand as if just yesterday, memorable but not extraordinary thirteen years.
met, our love in just 10 months to identify each other (which also includes her husband to go out six months of learning)
no romance, no love at first sight type of encounter, but resonance caused by the mind there can not wait to attract each other;
servant is not coming from the ear-like day and night friction, but there are thousands of miles away, and If his miss each other;
kiss me I'm not so much The drawing near, ear whisper, but it is the unity of mind and life Weiaichikuang found him (her) a person;
remember the days of your letter, never mind running account are missing or language, jokes, reading always makes me filled with emotion;
personally remember the first thing for you to weave a warm sweater brand, because do not know the size of magnified many deliberately, as a souvenir to your collection;
remember 1997 New Year, looking at the card you write, listening to your record to send the room with, but I burst into tears, feeling anxious miss wings;
remember our semi-annual weekend long distance, a dozen to nearly two to three hours, the total would not be enough words to say;
remember June 1997, returning again to see you from afar, we recognized each other's thoughts and life is the other partner;
I remember October 24, 1997, we received the sacred marriage certificate, do not worry about my tears DC you angry, how many times unnecessary long run ah!
marriage is the first problem we
house Because you are not local, for which we had to wait nearly two years, the house of my legs to run fine a;
second problem is your job, although long separated the two long-term psychological preparation, but but always still hope that some of Cowherd and Weaver less than life;
third problem is the child, although both parents help, but after all, not you, a dependent child who does not want to hard;
remember 1998 May Day, it is our day of wedding photographs, the first make-up make you very surprised, address him by and large not the same as usual;
remember June 1999, it was our honeymoon, you have a shoulder more post, let me experience the love of my people there is a happy thing;
you remember 2001, the entire pregnancy you work in the northern, recently hurt me from my deep, learned to make noodles and fried red shrimp;
remember you first when a father, five day and night in the hospital for my children and how close to 100 hours without sleep, why I could not bear to wake you up;
remember considerate careful you, the days in the holiday home, cleaning, cooking, laundry, I volunteered to put on the basket around the kitchen sink;
remember your wine there is truth, unworthy of myself and my son always said, the total that he is very lucky to meet me, I actually do they not do?
remember that we do and with little mutual adjustment, love him (her) to accommodate him (her), whether section or disadvantage people No one is perfect;
remember your tears, it is the truth of the feelings, it is a family feel nostalgic for love and miss their loved ones, but also sad when the man named;
remember your generosity, every year I always have to walk the road of time, you can stay away from live, work pressure, enjoy to relax;
remember your good, though ineloquent, but I know I hurt to the apex, makes me happy life, maintain self;
remember too much, how words can never finish, a word with the children in this life together, life does not regret!

the future we'd like to walk next to you One, the next ten years, until the end of life;
want and you have to face the sea spring day, you come to my firewood for cooking;
traveled around the country you want to mountains rivers, especially the unforgettable Huangshan, wearing slippers, you, always in my memories;
want to hold your hand across, sitting in a rocking chair, and slowly to the old, I am afraid most of my life romantic longing;
want to hold your hand, old age together!
know you are my greatest happiness in this life; with you, most of my life right choice. love you, always in the midnight time.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Unreal 2 space

 Maple continent, creation 7 years.
Feng Ying Feng returned to the mainland, almost dusk, sunset red sun stained Maple continent, such as the degree of every layer are light golden.
Maple Maple mainland do not affect the temporary museum, as in the empty inn. Although a temporary post, but maple is still very serious impact on their continent renovation reinforcement, laid under the ancient legacy of the , plus Five of five different color flag, just press the incantations of the skill can not maintain the five elements of a matrix of power per cent, had added his own invention, One, which is one-tenth the power of Maple can be hundreds of thousands of times higher than the continental mainland to become ashes. The first trial, when the five elements array, Feng Ying bragging, with five battle launched into spiritual power, will cast a sparrow in, Sparrow moment disappears, as a tear in the fall-into a blazing fire, like the quietly vaporized, and then launched the five elements array, only tenths of a second time will affect the newly established maple ; Maple Leaf fluttering continent one month to come down to earth, with the two months before the skill to make up for lost. From then on, Feng Ying of the five elements array is both love and hate, not careless of the five elements of the array. In Feng Ying wanted to come, Infrared YORK favor, and constantly deepen their skill and self-protection measures to hope in life insurance under the five elements array.
invented maple shadow destroyer approaching, will deepen the continent's defense network automatically, and the power to issue alerts and warning information, the scope of the risk reduction to 0 to avoid the disaster. saying goes if I'm afraid not afraid of ten thousand, if there is a act recklessly Laomo first to come to commit suicide, it was not to himself and his friends buried it? this thing is not no harm to others and themselves. Based on this consideration, Feng Ying therefore particularly baby put together a super-luxurious escape portal to protect the stay in Maple can be used to survive life on the mainland.
department name is registered with the two of them. the invention is that the concept of Feng Ying and blueprints, but it is kind creation and improvement of the process, is the brainchild of two people.
Maple Inn Film House back to see his Friends Friends of the Heavenly Man A cloud given a free hand to soak in the lobby of his beloved his can be ah, those tea career from the days of two or three before rain clouds and rocks picked tea, so that they have absolutely no desire to become water under the thing!
tea ah? not wait for me to enjoy together! know my lazy, how could go so far pick tea leaves do, say, who then Da Fangsong the unique tea I do this? to see if he looks intoxicated to know there is nothing to drive away with him.
over, forget how talented he is spiritual power ah!
but give up in every possible way to pick tea on the!
help you clean up, the operator voluntary labor, right.
disappearance of a possible fatigue.

blood mist tea Ganoderma Lu par. .. fog tea. ; shadow brother, you're too nice to the next pro-hh h. black h.. entrap me goose bumps, it was upright for three days! ah? . person. I picked up the Phoenix two years ago to have the blood, keep the rock in the mist before two months, last month pick the fragrant, everything is in place is money, you are the wind out. commonplace talk, A cloud that tree must have some demon spirit war, calling also lost their lives.
A cloud never been so quietly spent, and I never looked at him with such rapt attention to this big brother, he now looked so quiet.
Today, the opportunity, can not miss. out, saying that experience, Famous last words, I know what my teacher made no let me learn, and can not let go of his haughtily, afraid he was hidden in a kiln until the old wine is my drink, and only then I thrust out. site, you will not impersonal, but also sent packing me? Purple Rain continent yet. go there and find out for a while today and found several old friends is a breath of NetEase times there, but do not know who, if the CIA, but also a great martial art, do not find their own dead end? tomorrow, you go to the mainland Purple Rain repository copy of the data to back, and then develop a strategic attack. others attack it? r a l a magic eye surgery, I think the fun to be with the creation of technical transformation of the next r l eyes, who knows what came up with three eyes, did not control the scope of mana, peeping some of her thoughts, she They threatened to call the purple and seven women crush me. you say, I was timid person? fight, of course, I come to choose the battlefield.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Modern man to conquer a woman with a miraculous cure

 Original author: meet as occasional
This is your love ... ... novel on a white horse to put her in my arms for Burongfenshui My Darling Clementine. So, the modern man wants to conquer a woman, in the end there is a miraculous cure it?
first praise and the . As long as you choose the right time to praise the woman bold promise, but only if necessary is to make women feel you are sincere, because women are the most valued men are sincere about their feelings, such feelings should be the same as the crystal clear mountain stream and continuous converging to the sea. a woman is fickle and the good characteristics of Mu reputation, so, tough guy image of the steel you should learn a little romance, there really is not enough light, no matter how long the will to eat greasy, you have to hesitate to say from time to time some of her language of praise, with a sincere pledge to touch a woman. man's heart is the most powerful, the most gentlemanly performance, but also the best way to conquer a woman. This is not necessarily a high degree of grace, but there must be a man of tolerance. demeanor, including the degree of maturity and civilization. refers to the maturity of understanding, experienced steady, not floating; civilization is a certain degree of cultural knowledge and civilization and etiquette, both in life and will work . this manner than from the inner tube out of your mother's belly, but learned how to do the day after tomorrow. Men want to conquer their favorite woman to make a woman must have such a fascinating manner. This is a very lethal grace man's courage and wisdom, is the match up, the right medicine.

Second, the strength and is no exception. today's era, the strength created hero, money is the hero, you have no money no power would only be a bear. Maybe then you really are a good man, maybe you really profit to have learned, but how much money one of today's knowledge jin you? even if you are a straight, how much money a month? probably not more than a wealthy tax evasion it, you can live chic? Do you make a woman showing off in front of it? make your proud of you girlfriend in front of friends? to have the strength to attract women to conquer it? As a man, you have only to conquer the strength, even if the little old men, women are also known as the diamond bachelor hi. the reality of life, the concept of bringing the reality of women, women beauty and fitness every day, to dress nice, to use money to shape their own charm . Men go to conquer a woman, you no money, no potential, then to the intensity some have dozens of has the audacity to say: no way, so many women like me. he relied on what is right and the money depend on the women believe in love and do not eat the money this set, although women like money, but they also believe that love can be happy, on the basis of money that can only be considered a transaction. some real men do not have the ability to capture a just like a woman of money, but through the feelings of the betting to win a woman heart.

third capability and The him, I can not do without him. a 40-year-old man, one money, two is not handsome, three suburban farmers with low educational level, and he tell me his wife so hardened that even cheated on too stubbornly persists; and What magic to make a 24-year-old woman willing to be his lover, I feel very happy to follow him. a man conquering his wife and lover at the same time, that he must conquer the people have their own unique skills --- he has a lower body. When the host asked about the matter, the wife replied: every day, sex, lover's answer to even more peculiar: to follow him to experience the pleasure brought to the climax. As the saying goes: live Shuai to meet the psychological needs, but not necessarily got to meet the physiological needs; may really understand the culture, to enjoy a high level, but in the bed may become very vulnerable and ignorant. so men want to conquer a woman, must first be met the other physical requirements. Some men often complain, blame father and mother did not give their own good looks, women simply do not look themselves in the eye, many years as a bachelor has no one written character. In fact, the general appearance of a man nothing to lose but love at first sight opportunities in the first impression, the woman's eye may not be given too much of your attention. But as long as you have this capability, they have enough to conquer a woman's

Sunday, February 13, 2011

An American hedge fund partner Readme

 Editor's note: He is fighting numerous financial career in the United States in the Chinese, he also is a member of the Chinese securities firms. Four-year experience of U.S. hedge funds, so that he fully understand the meaning of Wall Street, but also reflects U.S. stock market the real pulse of the last four years.
from today, we rolled out in phases, seems to be brewing in Shenzhen, a full swing of summer. As usual, I'm still working Junan Securities. brother called me and told me to have a letter from the University of Kansas, looks a bit thick. I did not care, Because I had already received some U.S. college admission notice, but do not have enough scholarships. did not think it is exactly this letter changed my life.
This is a Department of Mathematics from the University of Kansas PhD students sent to the admission notice and provide full scholarships.
I hesitate, do not know should not resign from Junan study in America? I was self-employed in the Ministry of Junan bond trader for that year hot bond futures market to make my career became the most popular career. As a trader, I witnessed the Treasury securities futures trading nations collapsed. and we Junan self-government bond futures market, the Department never made a brilliant victories . self-Manager Xie Xuefeng have privately revealed to us that, as I and another bond trader Wang Zhihua's outstanding performance, he has to fight to the reporting requirements of the above awards us.
but I have to leave the I always dreamed of occupation. Although I knew there was a Department of Mathematics, University of Kansas, graduated from Stanford, Dr. Duncan, random processes quite accomplished, and random process is the mathematical basis of modern financial theory, Duncan mathematical finance professor has published a number of high level papers. but still it is Department of Mathematics, after all, a non-elite non-class University of Kansas. mathematics graduate is able to re-enter the financial investment industry has become what I was most worried about.
1995 年 26 June day, I embarked on a flight from Shanghai to the United States.
from the map found in the central United States, University of Kansas, a small town of Lawrence (Lawrence), the school from the airport about a half hour away. to the first day of school, a professor at Taiwan University of Kansas, led me to lap up the various departments. On the way, he specifically told me I should go to Meet about Professor Deng Ken, because the Department of Mathematics, University of Kansas is not longer than the statistical research, so Students learn statistics are not very interested in origin (by the way, I graduated from Fudan University, Mathematical Statistics major). But Professor Deng Ken found out that my financial background I teasing Road spade less urgency and mold shallow soil e fat brag To subtract upheld both ∥ Shake N Yititundi Chidibanxin Mutangzhongqian 5S Qiansixiatang Kuanghuanxianzhang Yijianpianpangmie Chunchuisixia Gouyunyaopa Juexieyueyin thin S Xueqianyichuang suffering Balangtuba T boil basket for trapping fish hook straight male figure first グ Ben Kui Jing gp pump wire jurisdiction drip glaze?
Professor Deng Ken first met in his office, when I introduce myself, after some, Professor Deng Ken is very pleased to once I said: of course, is nonsense and Professor Deng Ken shelves immediately handed me a paper out: impression, I thought: calves are not afraid of tigers, a In 1900, French mathematician LouisBachelier pioneered the first time in history, the random Brownian motion applied to the equity research, five years after Einstein published his famous paper about Brownian motion. Since then, the random movements of stock been adequate in the financial sector development, especially after the 70s of last century theory of options and the development of asset prices can be said that Wall Street has created a thriving today. It all originated in the recognition of the randomness of stock prices.
remember me speculation in stocks or bonds in the country when you popular technical analysis, technical analysis, there is a fundamental assumption that: demonstrates a simple experiment, in this experiment, we randomly simulated stock price, we toss a coin to decide the next day the stock price changes, the ebb and flow rate determined by a random normal distribution. Each group of data we have simulated thousand days in the stock price, and this has a thousand time series data in accordance with normal paint, like stock charts drawn. We will be surprised to find such a complete simulation of randomly generated and real stock price movements very similar to the stock price movements. You can simulate the stock price chart is very easy to find technical analysis pattern advocated by, for example: increase (decrease) channel, shoulders top (bottom), arc Quanding (bottom), jump up (down) and so on. but our data because it is completely random, and if we use simple technical analysis, the error is obvious. we continue this experiment, this time we have five sets of simulated price trends, and then selected from the Dow Jones index of a real stock price, we have this confused with the six groups of charts, and then let the professional financial experts to find out which one is the real stock trend. our results, these experts choice with the results of random selection, there is no statistical difference.
this classic experiment is not our own invention, and it was repeated in the world financial community many times.
(of 1995 from Junan study in the United States Securities and resignation, in May 1999 into the hedge fund MQA, later became a partner in the hedge fund, in April 2003 as senior financial analyst to join Star Finance Corporation No Juan lava vaStarFinancialCo ..)
special essays Wang issued the first fruit instant, I am studying full year in Kansas, I started a new dream: to enter the U.S. financial sector.
for a poor student like me, the expensive tuition fees as an insurmountable MBA the mountain. I began to apply Dr. Jin Rong Department, because that Dr generally provide scholarships. This is fortunate, because research experience at the University of Kansas, I was soon at Washington University in St. Louis, PhD, Department of Finance admitted. Washington, DC University has twenty Nobel Prize winners. This university lure of high salaries of many world-renowned scientists, such as the financial system's DiBona Ludwig (PhilDbvig) Professor, DiBona APT model under the tutelage of founder Ludwig If Sri Lanka (SteveRoss) Professor, twenty-year-old graduate and is the less than three years old tenured professor at Yale University, once refused to Wall Street, Lehman Brothers, the annual salary of one million dollar contract and reputable. University of Washington that it would like to left Yale University, immediately with the annual salary of three hundred thousand, and promised to reduce his schedule as much as possible to meet the desires of their research, when the annual salary of creating a record U.S. professor of finance.
before leaving the University of Kansas, I math Department of the students boasted: risks and rewards of science from the University of Kansas, University of Washington
only four or five hours by car. I get to school immediately after the call a few senior, discovered after some exchange of mathematical skills you extraordinary brothers, two of them actually have a mathematical PhD. One senior told me that school finance in the United States, in particular, asset price theory, the mathematical level of at least Master's level to reach, or difficult to survive. I had to lament their own .
days later the level of tension can be imagined, in that in three years, I very seldom home before midnight.
sweat certainly not in vain. I really understand Finance is the study of the relationship between risk and return, important question: If I am right, then I won the money I bet, from the beginning the next bet a dollar note. If I am wrong, then would lose the money I bet, but I'll bet I followed all of the money lost combined, plus a dollar, so you can ensure that the next time I guess, I not only earn back all the lost money the past, and plus the profits of a dollar.
is a pity that DiBona Ludwig Twenty years ago Professor proved that the The. Before long, investors will have no capital can be the real world, the nations from China to Britain's Pakistani Mitsubishi Securities Bank, the number of examples of this are free to come.
there is a investment called ; double strategy victim
John. Marinelli outside Ze (JohnMeriwether) Salomon Brothers on Wall Street was a partner and vice chairman, personally and global bond market trader risk control management. The Wall Street of the 20th century's 80 most situation People were called the market more efficient. poor forced to resign.
1994, the Merry Ze outside the former Central Bank Deputy Governor Joint David. Mullins, and two scientists won the Nobel Prize co-founded American Financial Long Term Capital Management (LMCT) . LMCT1995 43% of net income, earnings in 1996 41% 17% 1997 earnings .1997 soaring 33% S & P, Marinelli outside Ze such he in 1998 adopted the billion dollars to 47 billion U.S. dollars lower, but still pass the District LMCT 4.7 billion of capital to buy the same in 1997 as 130 billion U.S. dollars of financial assets, which means that LMCT jumped to leverage their investments promoted to 28:1. < br> 1998 years Ⅴ June, the storm began to come, the bond market mortgage down to LMCT loss of 16%, LMCT reduced to 4.7 billion of capital from 40 billion investment into the 30:1 leverage from 28:1. Misfortunes never come singly , Aug. 17, the Russian government announced a freeze on repayment of all bonds, the blockbuster caused the credit crisis, investors sell wild stocks, corporate bonds, foreign bonds, mortgage bonds, buy U.S. Treasuries, and all this with the Micrel Ze's hope for outside runs counter to just one day August 21, LMCT net loss of 550 million U.S. dollars. the end of August, LMCT net loss of 52%, while the total assets of leveraged buy is still in the 126 billion, investment leverage change at this time became 55:1. at this time outside the Ze Marinelli has wits, they resorted to a extra investment, the standard from the 28, LMCT net loss of 92%, only 400 million dollars of capital investment for the 250:1 leverage at this time. As LMCT lending funds and transactions in major financial institutions around the world, carrying on a total of more than sixty thousand pen transactions, the book value of up to 1.25 trillion U.S. dollars, no one dares to imagine LMCT may lead to the collapse of much of an impact, the U.S. central bank for insurance purposes, had come forward to organize a rare 13 Wall Street, big banks join forces to take over 36 billion dollars in temporary custody of LMCT this mess.
Two years later, Marinelli outside Ze comeback, setting up (Bloomberg) posted on out website.
soon I received a phone Edward, Edward was being set up a stock hedge funds, a much-needed experience in the financial markets both computer knowledge and know people. I immediately think the opportunity to to the creation of a new company has always been my dream, maybe I can plan a big financial company to a higher wage job, but the creation of their own financial companies in the United States experienced, but golden for me opportunities. to participate in the creation of hedge funds would make me really into the stock trading operation, rather than the majority of Chinese students while nominally on Wall Street, but actually only doing the back office computer programming or analysis.
I embraced the work of Edward contract.
1999 年 5 to join the end I left the University of Washington School of Business, came to the U.S. eastern Connecticut is a beautiful seaside town Feierfeide (Fairfield). Philippines Er Feide only one hour from New York City by car, Feierfeide under Feierfeide County, the entire Feierfeide County known as Feierfeide County, Connecticut has become America's most affluent state. LMCT was mentioned earlier is Feierfeide Greene County town of Albion. Connecticut is well developed financial sector, hedge fund spread.
Our MQA company is in such an environment, the former Wall Street climb due to outside Bo (PaineWebber), president of Tang. Nicholson (DonNickelson) funded the establishment of Mr. Edward as a general manager responsible for daily management. First day of work, Edward said to me: published an article, our model is to be the market do the real test, this model is the basis of our entire fund He soon found that technology is know little about, I soon realized that the whole development tasks will basically have to take me to one person. every time I think I will have millions of dollars of capital will take this model to investment, the pressure can be imagined. the long development process is painful but full of hope, when I tried to think of the method is detection proved unreliable, can not help but produce a transient sense of frustration, when I will leave the computer in the back yard of the applied to the actual market transactions, we found that although the rate of return is much higher than stock index returns, but the volatility of returns is very large, which is the concept of risk I mentioned earlier. Although Nicholson, the more we urge and more and more, after many times of, we still think we should postpone the start fund investments should be in our system model to add technical analysis to seek to reduce the volatility of returns.
data manipulation and sample selection bias < br> In the kneading and technical analysis to fundamental analysis of the process, I once again feel the misunderstanding that many investors often enter: one-sided analysis of subjective analysis.
investors for analysis of each study are often encounter such a phenomenon: a person will tell you he found a new technical analysis indicators technical analysis indicators that will help investors to profit within three months, up 100% and so on; then he will show some stock price chart, in those charts, this technical analysis indicator did show a striking ability to predict. But the real use of investors in the market when the technical indicators, most of the results are unsuccessful, the Technical Analysis amazing ability to predict target disappeared.
the next three years, I used the computer program detected a total of no less than hundreds of technical indicators of the effectiveness of each indicator I use to at least 2000 kinds of testing the effectiveness of U.S. stocks go up, to minimize sample selection bias, and in order to reduce the data manipulation, the general refused to fine-tune the index parameters. My test results show that 95% of the so-called . For those who initially found to be effective indicators, I also adjust the parameters used to detect the index of reliability, my experience is: does have some technical indicators forecasting ability, particularly when a number of technical indicators to use especially when cross- . But as we can not find investment, I know that Edward and Barry on the market I feel is not entirely convinced that the experience I had all of the real market experience from China, for many U.S. investment companies, when the Chinese experience, When investors enter the market, the most fundamental purpose is the risk as small as possible in the case of the maximum possible profit, this will not change in isolation from the Pacific Ocean.
, of course, I knew I had to results to change their stereotypes of us, they generally believe that the Chinese people in Wall Street, management analysis, and programmers can only operands.
advantage is that small companies are basically that everyone can easily participate in other departments I attended every day within the Fund investment conference, meeting, they arranged for me to analyze only the Fund's investment risks, because all systems are I created the risk. But, our investment model system is established by me, I am the only one of the tricks most clear, in the direction of investment and stock options Taolun, I tried to seize every opportunity to clarify my ideas, in fact, these ideas are my prepared in advance. I take full advantage of a comprehensive knowledge of specialty, and blend an objective mathematical analysis and my many years of market experience. previous occasions, they just politely praised a few, then they finally realized that my idea of the proof of the market many times. At one point, Edward and I directly refuted Barry the two judgments, when I confidently state my analysis and forecasts, I could feel They are surprised.
Since then, the investment conference, I will become one of the protagonists, of course. Edward started decided to fund another five million dollars to open a sub account under my full control, the two of us being made up the ante in the joke: Who's account monthly rate of return, will win a beer. Since then, I am also wondering market movements in sleep, always remind myself: technology, while a more important factor: a valuable market experience. A year later, I won there from 9 Edward beer. then I gradually increase account control, may affect the maximum 75% of the funds.
market fund transactions in our transaction deserves a few memories. when our model system on Enron's financial condition and stock price analysis of similar stock, Enron is expected to be at 18 dollars per share price of about , in 2001, our system in the analysis of market trends, finally issued a buy signal space, when Enron was Wall Street's pet, even if the stock market has dropped more than a year in the case, its stock price still is 60 yuan. We special meeting to discuss Enron stock, and finally decided to buy blank. In the same year by the end of October, when the Enron financial scandal broke, we closed at 13 dollars, 47 dollars per share net profit. Maybe someone will pity we have not dropped a dollar less in the later When open, but I personally think that our approach is consistent with the principles of proper risk management. the stock market had a famous saying: to a serious situation to the point that even in retrospect, the largest U.S. securities firm Merrill Lynch is still published analysis reports that Enron will survive.
accounting scandals like this sudden event, investors are unpredictable, and this is the randomness of the market.
we decided to open about 13 U.S. dollars, is the full account of Enron's stock plunged after the oscillation will certainly increase significantly, which means that if we continue to have Enron position, will assume a huge risk, which is not consistent with our principle of the Fund's risk control.
at Kmart (K-Mart) the company's investment did not achieve results, K-Mart is second only to Wal-Mart the second-largest U.S. department store retailer. then all the way Wal-Mart's stock price soaring, Kmart's stock price all the way down to the point where only a few dollars. We analysis that Kmart will bounce back, but we buy into after the K-Mart stock is still falling, and we quickly liquidate the city, too late. We tracked down the cause of Kmart stock, and finally found that because the United States since 2000, many companies closed down, many telecommunications companies in particular psychological closure to investors cast a dark shadow, investors generally inconsistent with a large number of bonds that the company, Kmart to such a case. Once the poor management of these companies, investors tend to shy away, the company's quarterly report does not will reflect these changing market mentality, which also shows the analysis of rigid investment will only cause damage. Later, Kmart declared bankruptcy, we are fortunate to market as soon as possible. long-term based on the market an important factor. including Northwest Airlines, Continental Airlines and several insurance companies stocks, the stocks we buy empty completely based on our financial analysis of these companies and the market analysis.

9 17, the stock market re-opened after the day of our 2% of the fund earnings, which we have such a market-neutral and do not use any leveraged investment in hedge funds, the equivalent of a two-month return rate. But the mood that day each of us are very heavy, and I hope I earn does not come from the cost of thousands of lives. We have always taken for granted that this kind of thing is very far away, but who become like it suddenly appeared in front of me, I am shocked. I often scared to think, if that day I happened to work in that building two, or our company at the time in there, I will for the mere 2% of the profits cheer it? I hope the future world peace forever.
CDO structured finance in financial belongs to a class. the so-called structured finance that is through a combination of many financial instruments to re-create new financial instruments, new financial instruments created with the same the original risks of different financial instruments and the reward structure, these new financial instruments would be more suited to the needs of investors. Suppose we have 100 different enterprise risk bonds, which 100 enterprises due to poor management, they have 30% bonds possibility can not be repaid. the limited funds as investors, investors may only purchase a bond, if investors buy only one single enterprise bonds, investors may not even have 30% of the principal money back, and no investors willing to take such a big risk. But let's put it another thought, we all know the statistics of large numbers theorem, if we put 100 different corporate bonds together, under the Laws of Large Numbers that only a maximum of 100 kinds of bonds 30 can not return the loan at maturity, which means another 70 bonds will be no risk, and the problems we face is not known until the maturity of bonds which will have capacity of 70 bonds withdrawal. To solve this problem, we risk to 100 species of these bonds as collateral to a new portfolio of bonds issued, the new total bond portfolio of bonds, including 3 levels:
first grade bonds accounted for all the bonds 60% of portfolio, bank guarantees issued without any risk, and have been the first priority of any return of principal and interest companies. As the first investment grade bonds is essentially no risk, relatively low interest rates accordingly.
Second grade bonds accounted for 10% of all bond portfolio, the level of any business to have a second priority to get the return of principal and interest, that is only the first level of debt repayment after all, only the second grade bonds to make any return of principal and interest companies. The second level of bond investment has some risk, but the risk is much less than the risk of individual bonds to buy a business, so its level of lending interest rate is higher than the first, but the company paid more than to the bank's interest to be much lower.
third grade bonds accounted for 30% of all bond portfolio, the level of priority has been the final return of principal and any business interest, that is only the first and The second level of debt repayment after all the third grade corporate bonds in order to make any return of principal and interest, so the third level of the risk of bond investment has to be higher than the previous two levels.
this way, banks With this new bond portfolio, selling its own account the risk of a large number of bonds. This bank has many benefits: 1) risk transfer: Bank transfer of risk investors are willing to take risks; 2) risk-free profit: As The new bond portfolio significantly reduced risk, banks need to pay investors the interest rate is much lower than corporate rates paid to banks, the banks in a very small risk of the interest rate spread and win a lot of money; 3) to increase liquidity: Thus the accumulation of bank funds to solve the problem on the bad debts, with the new capital investment and better investment, which is today's urgent problems China's banking sector.
freelance writer Wang temporary closure of the first fruit MQA
4 years in the MQA, I understand a truth that must learn the strengths of others in order to better development. Barry has nearly 30 years a Wall Street veteran, has managed billions of dollars money, he, like many of the older generation, like traders, the mathematical analysis of the modern know little, but 30 years of experience gives him keen insight into the market, with grace under pressure in the general demeanor.
2002 6 months ago Our fund return was 13%, when the index before the market fell 15% in 6 months time, we decided to see profit-taking, but did not wait for our actions, the market starting from early July despite drastic changes, a few after that months, the index change of 1% per day over the first half of the day has more than doubled. from mid-July, said the largest U.S. mutual fund Fidelity sold nearly 300 billion in stock, so the way the stock market slumped, our funds was down 5% from its peak, this is our biggest month fund loss in history. As we are market neutral investment funds, 5% of our risk control far more than the warning line and our expectations, the company immediately in an atmosphere of repression emergence, Barry shows their general demeanor at this time, more decisively to prevent the proposed liquidated damages. This decision turned out to be correct, the risk control for our clients highly praised.
MQA hedge funds from 2000 to 2002 of return was 31% compared with the stock market index return of -40.3% cumulative, the amount of our funds of funds also increased to one hundred and fifty million U.S. dollars. but this time we also found that due to weakness in the stock market for three consecutive years, many investors away from stocks, in particular, individual investors are disheartened. market professional investment professionals only, and divide PCT will fight, getting lower and lower profit margins. If we continue to invest, it would allow customer's funds to take unnecessary risks. Edward and Nicholson in March 2003 decided to temporarily close MQA hedge funds.
Chinese saying goes: closed funds, this
fought NovaStar
happen at this time, a friend from Taiwan where he lava Star Financial Corporation (NovaStarFinancialCo.) is preparing to start a hedge fund, and has been preparing the first issue of the company collateralized mortgage obligations (CollateralDebtObligation), senior financial personnel needed.
headquartered in Kansas City Star lava financial company was founded in 1996, a NYSE listed company in 1997, the company's main business is home loans.
the job very attractive to me, so in the end of April, I rushed rushed to Kansas from Connecticut to officially as senior financial analyst to join this new creation of hedge funds.
in the bond market, mortgage market after the government bond market issuance. the last five years, a new generation of financial instruments that guarantee mortgage debt (...

Friday, February 11, 2011

[Noon to read the tape] to actively participate in short-term speculation institutions Awkwardness.

 [Noon to read the tape] to actively participate in short-term speculation institutions Awkwardness.
The broader market continues to rise, as we predicted in the morning, stock index at the impact point 4500 again blocked, but the overall market sentiment is relatively high, having a tape and then break 4500 points high is just a matter of time. The Shenzhen Component Index once again set a new record highs, deep strong pattern of Shanghai is still weak.
Association of China and the Securities Investor Protection Fund investors have jointly conducted the survey, individual investors and institutional investors on the 2007 forecast market trends generally hold a more optimistic attitude, two types of investors that the bull market have Liucheng extended to at least before the 2008 Olympics.
individual stocks does not appear broad based situation, the current decliners topped advancers are still many days. from the disk observation, finance, real estate, brokerage concept, non-ferrous metals among the biggest gainers, the mainstream line of hot plate starts to become today's stock upside force to do more. institutions Shigekura The better the overall performance of high-priced stocks, showing the main body and by the broader market sentiment, Jacuzzi pulled their stocks, many stocks ignored by the market. now actively participating institutions operating Awkwardness better short-term speculation. However, agencies deliberately pulled up pulled up some control disk index of stocks to maintain market sentiment, once the organization pulled after the lighten up, will cause the market correction, there is currently a worrying phenomenon of institutional control disk.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bai Lin Quannan CBD close to three-bedroom grace urgent sale - chain of family property

 Grace in the East Third Ring Road and East Berlin between the City of Victoria, close to West Da Wang Road, adhering to its design quality and the essence of German architecture, the perfect reproduction of the original German brewing community and temperament style building communities. Plate with small high tube in tube structure of the organic combination of the tower to form the inner   to ensure the privacy, security, cultural exchanges and a more reasonable space. scientific connections and southeast to the northwest to cut off the layout, effectively blocking the intrusion of sand while also ensuring slowly into the gentle southeast wind, so that the air inside the building community has always been a natural flow, natural purified. wide floor space, so that a broader perspective. The super wide 180 degree field of vision and the outer low-ceiling windows bay window, so that the casual nature of the glory always present in the room.
132 square meters to the south is full of houses with two bedrooms, Garden Sanju changed by decoration. to see the house call me.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A third feature of the Yamaha, managers take care of what

 Often heard in domestic enterprises, these ills.
once Labor Organization in the structure of learning to play the Yamaha I drew a matrix organization, institutions are capable, but Yamaha's labor organization has in some respects and I imagine completely different. They just set up a workshop production technology course, security courses, classes, and other works ranging from three to five courses, courses under the work area, workplace. Division at both the leadership of the Office of management and technical personnel, but also led the production line workers. This system is conducive to production, management more convenient and can reduce the buck-passing phenomenon.
Initially, Yuji Masui Yamaha Corporation introduced me to the Ministry of Personnel Profiles, ask me: Yamaha's four times the number of employees is, it is a lot of your subordinates, right? Q: companies have been trying to streamline the organization, the number of compressed bodies. Well the answer to my question is inconsistent. to ask him: surprised look, well tell me by the organizational structure of the Ministry of Personnel. Yamaha Personnel Department in addition to the wages of our business plan is often, labor organization, personnel deployment, there are labor safety and hygiene room, responsible for the implementation of measures of health and safety plan to start and staff labor, traffic safety, managed service centers, primarily rent and personnel services, and welfare work related business, with personnel information systems management and operations functions.
Masui said: Ministry of Personnel, Mahathir was the work of more than 50 people are very nervous, we work overtime every day, your HR department so much that only 20 people, is how dry it work. Compared with the Yamaha and other Japanese companies, Chinese enterprises in the labor organization's largest organization is characterized by overlapping many small business share. For example in addition to domestic enterprises other than this Part, the Ministry of Labour and Personnel, Labor and Personnel Division located branch, the workshop set wage workers is very systematic. not avoid the problem.
he said, Yamaha designed the various workshops producing classes generally, management courses, technical courses and preservation of the quality classes, each class is vertical management, both the management of production planning section chief, tube production organization should be responsible for the completion of production plan, so that the vertical management is to reduce intermediate links, to ensure timely delivery of work plans to the production line, production conditions can be timely feedback to the department head and managers there. Moreover, like your company, as institutions, labor and personnel system Looking back, several hundred people, the Ministry of Personnel Biyamaha much more. But this is not conducive to the enterprise organizational structure of the effective allocation of human resources, much work is repetitive, and some work also so that we can.
did not expect the growth on weekdays so courteous to work well so sharply about. I can not tell him this setting there are many other drawbacks; not told him that the internal friction arising from institutional arrangements. Yamaha
I again turn to the organization of work up. Masui said that although the Yamaha is also the people of the public enterprise, business unit system, the organs of management and technical staff of around 2,500 people .
I think that imposing the Yamaha too scientific staffing, and about every 4 people will have a white-collar, bodies keep doing what so many idlers?
on this issue, Masui Youxiang I had more in-depth description.
Masui said, operating staff of about 2,500 people, the production line has 2,500 workers, most people are engaged in management and research staff. .
Masui, said: Thinking Research: The technical staff is to ensure that products and more central position in technology, because these people every day to improve product quality, improve product performance. These are the survival and development for businesses Different mechanisms lead to different, this is a watershed in international business management. In addition to well-known factors, whether it is which country, no matter what the production company, in order to manage the efficient and convenient, the most important issue is the labor organizational structure of the scientific and rational allocation of human resources.
No wonder the work of U.S. and European companies attach great importance to human resources, because this is the first greatest resource productivity and business importance.
in the Yamaha Motor Company, labor and personnel Division is focused on the problem, formulate response options and the annual appraisal of staff. daily work is to organize more information, summary information and other basic work. All of the data on the labor and personnel are very detailed and collectively, work and meticulous depth. feel free to ask from which staff and personnel can play more to say this person's job and the specific situation. in the company under the various workshops, regardless of the number of people, only one person in the management of curricular and personnel responsible for labor affairs, but also a large number of others both work. but this was no means of labor and personnel work is not important. In my contact with the play, whether it is engaged in management or professional and technical personnel, they say, labor and personnel management of enterprises is very important.
Yamaha Kazakhstan is valued staff training, and training is the result of production changes and reflect on the staff appraisal issues, targeted for. staff training carried out at different levels, which are also the responsibility of the Department of Personnel.
Yamaha's line managers, in addition to learning TPM, QC specialized training materials and the like, we should also learn the personnel management knowledge. personnel responsible for the preparation of training materials at all levels of management personnel, organization and management of staff each year training.
all levels of management staff a comprehensive work manual, the same as the standard operation procedures for each management position job duties, working methods are fully detailed description of the guide, managers can often work learning.
gave me a working head of a This is a Yamaha all aspects of the management system and management requirements set in one of the practical materials to guide the public how the head of an enterprise in the implementation of work practice rules and regulations guide the work. this kind of materials be effective, are revised according to the development of enterprises, constantly updated. Senior Managing Director Yamaha Motor Profile (Managing Director), Mr. Yong Yi were revised preface writes: This book is completed in 1991, because the rapid changes in social development, many amended to add content to the three amendments aimed at the book level management personnel to enable those working in the use of basic knowledge.
eight years, three drafts, all because of social development too fast. This shows that this book is How do I request a timely site management application.
, workplace operations and labor management knowledge, etc., the basic level managers to do work very clear; the second module introduces production management, quality management and cost management; book contains all the basic essentials required for the management, is a work practices of the business operations Daquan junior officers.
This book is a guide to regulate corporate governance, to improve the management level, to strengthen the understanding of corporate management is very good. In part, in particular how to guide managers to add content to nurture. through grassroots management training and scientific and efficient site management, to ensure the sustainable operation of enterprises is very important.
day in March, where I domestic business leaders to Japan, he is to conduct business talks with Sumitomo Corporation, and to the future, he gave me a call. The next day, I Sakamoto leave, asked to go to Tokyo to visit. Sakamoto, after listening to my reasons for leave of absence, Some looked at me quizzically: All our work is carried out under the leadership of general manager, of course, my job managing the implementation of the work instructions. General Manager to work in Japan, and I had to study in Japan, Moreover, he also gave me the phone, I went to visit him was polite, but also as it should be. learning and are usually called to encourage me! He is the representative of the National People's Congress, China's well-known metallurgist. > to eat. This hierarchy in terms of Japanese companies is inconceivable that they appear one by one looks modest, polite, say hello to meet on the bow, but between different levels within the hierarchical order that is the boundary clear.
to opportunity, I asked Sakamoto: The big man toast. work together to negotiate with the president, dined with it. cases, not dinner. : It makes the management aware of the other side of Yamaha.
, of course, I must be allowed a leave of absence.
first into the Yamaha, I was once a division of seven, eighty-one can in a the work of the office quiet surprised, I asked Sakamoto: If we need to discuss how to do the work. Sakamoto said people often ask is incapable of work performance, we are the trunk of the work, generally do not discuss, of course, We do need to discuss the problem discussion, go to the learning room.
because companies have the system all the work, all outlaw to do, managers at all levels of their job responsibilities are clearly needed not urge you to do what to do should not.
fifth workshop on behalf of Yamaha is the best level of production and management of production workshops, games room, very clean and bright, clean and green on the floor, moving back and forth to run parts of the robot and moving the production line is the edge of the staff lounge, which automatically placed drinking fountains, vending machines, and flowers, bright and clean environment for people to rest comfortably pleasant feeling. To my surprise the field enchanting haunted house music, which I have seen elsewhere silent factory that has a great contrast. factory long small bank told me that staff working in the workshop every day is the longest time, as the factory manager, should be thinking about the work environment is good, so that employees can feel at home, the work can be happy. fifth workshop in a lot of young people, young people have their own characteristics, work time to play music is to make them feel happy , easy, generate excitement, working together does not feel tired, but also the greatest desire to mobilize the staff, the staff are very pleased to accept.
small bank in Chongqing, China Yamaha for many years, speak Chinese very well , is a love of China's China hand. He has his own management ideas and be able to work to good use, it is hard to come by. I am studying in the fifth workshop, a small shore lunch every day, are all as I said many companies management knowledge.
One time we talked about the management of the production process, he said: understand that the problem can be directly to me, ? absolute quality products and the lowest production cost is my core mission of. problems he and the workers directly to head of section chief.
I asked a small shore: machinery and equipment, so why did not produce a variety of workshops coordinated control room responsible for producing it? . Who is who governs the use of equipment, which is very desirable, why is it not to engage in production, do not know the actual status of equipment in the field of people to manage it, this is not only inconvenient for the management of conflict can also cause what. br> As for the problem of production scheduling, production plan in my study, they have some understanding. In Japan, the industry can be highly coordinated, high level of industry specialization society, even among the cross-sectoral and cross-regional business activities also have a good reputation assurance. Many businesses do not have large warehouses, suppliers and trading companies to the business day, materials and components required for timely delivery to the designated place as planned.
on parts Yamaha assigned workshops and suppliers are on time every day workshop delivery to all needs, not to mention the internal coordination and management of the professional workplace it.
the workshops as long as the plan by the production planning department of production on it. small shore told me, if the company set up a control room and then coordinate the workshops and special relationship between the production processes, it must be planning departments have a problem; if set up a department to coordinate the upper and lower every day of the workshop process and the conflict between that itself is a problem with the internal management of enterprises, institutions and production plans must be the result of poor execution.
Although different industries, production organization are different, but the small bank would be justified. many domestic enterprises within the control room , the daily job is to make internal progress on the house under the house how to how to speed up the holistic and yell, if the job it is to the production supervision and implementation of the plan, that plan should do it.
long-president and workshops work is the case, the management of grass-roots management of what it is.
in the workshop, I saw Kato, head of the training work plan, including how supervisors and subordinates on the formation of good relationships notes. I Kato asked, as supervisors also have to learn these? Kato said that the supervisor of the workshop is very important that everyone in the enterprise of the time than the time at home much longer, the eternal theme of human relationships . as a corporate watchdog, their job is to work through a number of subordinates to complete. Because men work, and personal life troubles are bound to be reflected in the work, properly handle the relationship is so that we work in harmony, fraternity, unity and mutual assistance. As a supervisor, only to be friendly, caring men, but also can not forget the strict requirements are necessary.
Kato opened his notes to me about human relationships as discussed in , he said, the right relationships, is the organization as the basis for the dignity among people. the people to form relationships at work is not simply work, but also should be engaged in work on the recognition of human personality, to fully respect for the will to work and ability to work at the same time, as a member of the organization, and the individual are engaged in the work to assume corresponding responsibilities.
Kato I asked: know, but in practical work as a supervisor should do then? their development. talk about methods of training his men are, to the men working prior to and his men involved in formulating an action plan for their comments; account of work, to explain the purpose and reason for the work of the work, the importance of the work made clear, the ability to fully trust the work of subordinates; account of work, and his men to work together on various issues identified and his men should pay attention to that, we should always observe the attitude of his subordinates; If you do not adopt their proposals, but also the reasons . to regularly evaluate the work his men to encourage people to provide constructive advice. speak at great length all work systems and work methods. I asked Kato, each character is different temperament, can be asked to do by the book you?
Kato embarrassed smile, he said he nature very irritable, very strict on the men, but he often read out the relevant guidance in the book, I hope you help him. He said that his team is the collective solidarity, If anyone have any personal problem solving under well, we will take the initiative to help each other. He believes that this is the result of his usual job training. So, while we work on very strict requirements, but we still have great respect for him, that he was very proud of.
In practice, production and operating results of any enterprise software and hardware needed to support each other. The so-called hardware products in the market of course, equipment, capital and other factors, the software is an enterprise of the rules and regulations, cultural and human environment. hardware and software is the relationship between each other to ensure that the former is a guarantee of production and operation.
on business management, I will never forget the North factory in Hamamatsu, The whole plant building construction and maintenance of production equipment maintenance, as the domestic mobile business, equipment, infrastructure repair shop one of the sections and departments, from management to a total of 70 workers.
study in the preservation of the last day of classes morning, the staff told me a long time to prepare wild goods (spare parts) and the governance tools of management. finished, Kuno took me to the warehouse management to understand the process of preparing materials.
when we went to the warehouse and saw the Treasury with the door unlatched, Kuno went in the door. warehouse is not very big, two-hall structure, placed outside the production equipment from the old for the parts down, wipe each piece is very clean, As new products are placed in the box, like, boxes and labels on the shelves of a device name, part name and model data. Kuno told me that these or later can use the forward. This is what we often say that maybe the repair old or discarded it. In the outside in a circle, where we entered the warehouse, the warehouse is an automatic door between the outside, we control the wall Press the switch on the device, the door opened, and soon to go forward, there is a voice, which is the Treasury's voice automated voice prompt system to tell those who come each warehouse each classification of cargo space . I am very much a sense of curiosity, placed between the warehouse of spare parts are new people out from in between the shelves of spare parts required after completing the above manifest themselves in the workplace to take, pick the name and number of people and parts, Then fill out the list at the specified location on it. the people inside to come out, the door will automatically ring the sound: Thank you. , that automatically play the sound only a hint role. Kuno get taught me how to fill out invoices, how to choose the right parts and do not take apart.
I look around, no one in the warehouse, I asked Kuno :

I still like his boss asked one of the employees out of jobs as asked: > listen to me say this, for a long time to understand what I mean wild.
He said regulations in accordance with workshop, storage administrator's job management course in office, his task is to keep abreast of computer spare parts for the workplace usage, and monitoring products in the library preparation, and if there is demand for the production site and timely feedback to the supplier, the supplier will be within the specified time supply of spare parts under the scheme. In addition, administrators of both statistics, reports, and other work, so his work is in the office.
hear Kuno say this, I am feeling surprised, but still puzzled and asked him: door ah? why he did not do other work in the warehouse? , during working hours, are free to come in every person, regardless of what parts to take, as long as you can fill out to obtain a manifest, so that the management for the production and preservation is very convenient. Moreover, the production or preservation of the equipment is no longer on the fact need replacement parts down here can also be placed at any time. in accordance with the administrator system administrator to the warehouse twice as long as a week, sorting items, check the check invoices, and then enter data into the computer on it.
Yuehua Jian me and Kuno, someone to the warehouse, and dashed off the shelf item, fill in the check invoices, and then go out if nothing had happened.
heard Kuno introduced the warehouse management practices, see their work, I was very surprised. factory in do not lock the door, nor the administrator of the warehouse, I really never expected. I repeatedly praise: asked: Chinese companies do not like? open warehouse management, what will happen then?
size enterprises in the country, almost all of public security sector, its main work is the production of security, but there are also considerable work is thief, both caught out to the thief can be caught in the house internal pilfering thief.
in many domestic enterprises, employees of private enterprises to take the items have not ; the. managers ; little things equipment has become an open secret, the business of public security departments busy hh
this day I can not imagine not dare to imagine, if we implement this enterprise-style storage unattended open what will happen.
the afternoon, workshops and other Ministers on shore Tianchang Ming attended the training course we preserve the wrap-up, where I again in the final report referred to this open warehouse deep impression on me.
asked Kishida me: less than the expected.
I can only say, Treasury management is the enterprise product flow and the basic reflection of the financial turnaround that management must first have the supply side of the business premise of an absolute guarantee, the Treasury also do not know whether the finished product applicable.
fact, Kishida see my According to the production company to complete daily planning, organizing vehicle transport plan, transport time and pull on it. He said no one on the production plant for storage has many advantages, but this requires strict management conditions and good quality staff maintaining it.
I asked him: Kishida very decisively, said:
Kuno added and said: Touna business articles phenomenon, even very serious, but with the improvement and strengthening enterprise management, it is absolutely none. stole some from the past to now be able to completely eliminate the phenomenon that is guaranteed by the strict management of the enterprise.
do not know how, I suddenly thought of another question, people say about Japanese products is the most economic. a car, all the spare parts under normal circumstances, is generally no need to replace, if the carburetor aging, clutch of the change, then there will be no repair the car value, because all the parts are the end of the stick.
layer each level has different business functions and work requirements, from the president's ; the critics and the young monk who sense the work of ringing bells.
only strict system of discipline and excellent corporate culture created out of high-quality staff, to ensure the implementation of open enterprise storage management, with such based, business management can promote the enterprises to continue to higher and better direction.