Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Kai-fu Lee to Chinese students choose the wisdom of the sixth letter

I think, for young students, the most important thing is not specific guidelines or methods, but the trade-offs in complex situations of various factors, and the most intelligent way to make the right choice of capacity. I put kinds of capabilities known as The 21st century is the century of a choice, because if future historians look back now, they will remember today the biggest reform is not technical or networks of innovation, but mm humans will have the right to choose.
he say this is because in today's information society, everyone can access information, knowledge, relies on brain power to better themselves, everyone has the opportunity, then look at each person's success is even more active in fighting for and the wisdom to choose .
exchanged letters with the students and the founder of moment of confusion often encountered. For example, students often ask me the question about how to choose.
My answer is:
I can help you do not choose their own problems because you only know what is best your own future, and only they are most concerned about.
I can do is teach the wisdom of your choice to help you listen to their mind, the most realistic sound to help you make wise choices.
my choice the wisdom of success and there were 8:
rejected with extreme moderation; a rational analysis of scenarios; make an impact with the pragmatic; with sober control of choice; by conscious correct attitude; gain experience with the study; with the courage to give up the burden; really follow with wisdom.
(a) refuse to use the doctrine of extreme
To avoid and reject the extreme and one-sided.
example, the fifth letter in my proposed initiative, if done to extreme, it becomes a high-handed, like the dictates of others. In my second letter get along with others raised in the most important empathy, if done to extreme, it becomes a blind obedience, nothing not thinking independently. extreme self-confidence to become arrogant, extreme becomes foolhardy courage, the mind is the extreme weak, extremely low self-esteem will become self-reflection.
I have personally experienced an extreme test: in the training courses, so that a circle of 10 vice president, one and a half hours you can speak freely, but only can not speak companies do. So, everyone started talking about the weather, politics, sports disputes have emerged during hh. one and a half hour later, each according to his vice president have in mind respect for other vice president, the degree of order for them to row a and placed himself in the right place. sort, we found: the first is the last person did not speak from beginning to end, last second, then most people. do not speak of people may have ideas, but did not express them, then people would think that he had no opinion. On the contrary, if too many people may have some interesting words, but many should not talk about it, which makes him unable to get all the praise.
Therefore, Gold work, the company has a manager named Sean, we all know he is a very talented, especially in a meeting, he perfectly decent words to show his extraordinary intellect, emotional intelligence and eloquence, enough to the presence of all admiration. One day, I summon the courage to ask for advice on effective communication Sean whereabouts secret. Sean said: When in doubt, my mouth tightly closed; but when I have good advice, I will not miss the opportunity to mm if not let me speak, I will not let the meeting end. If other people are rushing to talk, how do you speak? (such as throat clearing sound), or host with eyes asked me to speak. However, if other people do to occupy all the opportunity to speak, I'll wait spokesman for the adjustment of breathing and quickly connected to the thread of her conversation. : l to r chance to answer him; If not, I would say that l do not know, but I will go check r, and so will finish, I'll definitely check out the problem. mm long as a good grasp of what the degree to speak, choose a good time to talk, you can get the respect of people around.
(b) a rational analysis of scenarios not only emphasizes moderation
keep honest middle, also requires that we choose the good and from.
in the face of choice, we will start with the first go to extremes to avoid the trap of wisdom, and wisdom with the second in a complex, changing environment, prudent and calm and to choose the best solution.
I remember there was a young man asked me: Your boss is a person willing to accept dissent? If not, then you do not mess statement, but you can start looking for a new job and new boss! If he can accept the challenge, then, the boss has not made the final decision, do not be afraid to challenge; but we must take into account, if it is to speak in public, in their own words, there must be some skill, should be concerned that the boss's face. boss once made a decision, we both have different opinions , must be supported and implemented, where there do not agree with the boss can only communicate in private. Zeshanercong way.
the other hand, we can see that leadership also needs Zeshanercong. Many people mistakenly think that good leaders have the same style, for example: command command, the macro control harmonious cooperation, democracy and freedom, authority responsible for mentoring and training.
In fact, the famous management book Six of these seemingly contradictory leadership, and because of the specific situation will be wise to use the right kind of different.
most choice in life is not wrong, black or white, either-or things. We have to learn in the most appropriate time for the most appropriate person with the most appropriate method, to learn to make decisions in a rational overall pros and cons of various factors to measure their abilities and inclinations.
(c) with a pragmatic choice to influence the integrity and balanced
, you must first figure out what you face is that you can affect, or you can not afford to change. Stephen. Covey in his book, Seven Habits high and low level, the problems of life can be divided into three categories:
can directly affect the question: For this problem, the solution lies in the implementation of the correct attitude. This is our mission possible, and it is the core sphere of influence encounter any problems, if you think that the negative and pessimistic state of mind.
fact, encounter problems, you just break it open patiently to see which part is you can influence and what part is you can look but can not influence. Then, to strive for those who can Come and lets you expand your sphere of influence.
So, whether a question is which of the three, the first step to solve the problem should start from their own sphere of influence: first of themselves, no longer affect the others, the last possible impact on the environment.
This method is the sufficient operational.
one student asked me: is trouble. Previously, because I could not understand the practice of certain students, said something in the air behind the words. On one occasion, he even used the terms student cadres in front of me leading a lot of fabricated charges. leadership to implement in the absence of survey dispose of the case to me. fair, because these are already happening, you can not influence, nor change. I advise you to think more, what matters is that you can influence and change. For example, you have not thought about, if you had not speaking ill of him behind, is not all this be avoided? I'm not saying other people are doing right, but you can only amend their own, not fix others. You must know how to modify their only way to avoid this the problem from happening again. If time could go back, you will do better? You will control your emotions, or will it get rid of bad things about the wrong person behind that? l Have you heard how I treat others, they r how to treat me this sentence? If you do not criticize others behind, it is likely that others will not motivate you. There is a saying: l Although we can not change the wind, but we can adjust the sails. r I hope you can clear understanding of life and work where their sails. the fact that after the announcement, much of the media because they were misled into believing that my breach of the contract left to made a number of sub-statements of fact. At that time, thanks to my lawyer friend reminded me: the media reports, we are powerless, because whirlpool case, I personally can not come forward to explain, otherwise not only added insult to injury, and may provide additional materials to each other. The judge's decision is that I can be indirectly affected, and we must strive to fight a good fight. As can be directly side effects of extensive search of evidence that I can look for witnesses, to understand the law, ready to confront the evidence confirmed that the other side lies. Thus, in two months time, I no longer subscribe to the newspaper, not on the news sites, is no longer confused by rumors. I spent 16 hours a day studying hard law, in each other's nearly 30 million documents found in the files we need, and attorneys with the drafting of our defense, court time and again to make rehearsal .9 May appear in court, we really win. It is worth mentioning is that when I return to China to work, I did not spend any effort trying to guide or change the media, media coverage is naturally completely transformed into a positive report. From this example, We can see that: focus on the things you can change, it may not change even when the last thing has changed.
(d) control the decision with calm
life is a continued choice of the game, this one of the most Importantly, we have to use a calm attitude control of the whole process of each choice:
the choice before the think, is to develop objective and precise sense. every important decision you probably closely related to their own future, but you choices and judgments, we must avoid preconceived mind-set, to avoid the tendency of their subjective accurate and objective judgments.
So what to do out of our objective and accurate decisions? I offer three suggestions to you:
First, the list of factors affect your choice as a Table ?
1998 years, I have before me two paths to choose from: Back to the Research Institute of China was founded, the company in the United States to do business. When I asked a lot of friends, , they said: out the pros and cons of a table:
pros and cons of using such a table, I quickly made the decision - back to work in China. because, after considering all pros and cons, back to China to work the best to play my own strengths, and most in line with my personal values and ideals.
Second, learn to look at the issue of probability theory methods.
In most cases, we did not need to believe that a choice must be the probability of success 100% or 0. On the contrary, we should learn to analyze the thing On the other hand, do not wait until it reaches 100% probability of success only to do, because even if a cause of this kind of thing, and nothing to be proud of.
do probability analysis, to list the possible any company established in China as well postgraduate - this is the worst; 40% sure I can make a world-class research institutions - this is the best possible. take into account in this way two extremes, I soon realize that even the worst, I can readily accept and companies.
course, many choices and not so good We need to carefully assess the risk factors, but also at the right time have the courage to challenge yourself. Former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell had explained, %, you should do it. Maybe you'll fail, but the cost of delay or waiting is often greater. br> more to seek the views of others is always good. those who are more experienced people can use their many years of accumulation for us the way, the highly intelligent people who can inspire us with their idea of intelligence, those who know how to describe a person can use their emotional intelligence to help us communicate effectively hh
when you ask the views of others, can carry the above-mentioned the other hand, you also avoid subjective influence others described. Of course, you also must understand that the final decision on your own, even if you accepted the views of others, you can not shirk this responsibility to others.
The so-called > For example, some people because of their lack of confidence, each time just to make the decision to immediately tense up, do not know what their choice will lead to results; some people really like take into consideration, but afterwards they regret forever; there are those who are too sensitive, that would have to make their own objective and fair decision, but after hearing others talk to swing hh
fact, both the right and your choice No, regardless of its outcome, the decision has been made can not be recovered, you only readily accept it, or in the future to find ways to remedy the situation. for what has happened, or things they have no control, any concern or remorse are is redundant. Rather than spend time on unnecessary anxiety, these things would be better to br> Chinese saying: understanding of their working life in the community may play a role in a clear positioning.
psychology, the ability to self-knowledge that are referred to as of, understand and correctly assess their qualifications, abilities and limitations, I believe their value and ability areas.
a conscious one can make for themselves the most intelligent choice, choose to do their own competence in job satisfaction can be selected to do the work and so on. a conscious person, neither will their ability to judge is too high, it will not easily underestimate their potential. on their own are often easy to judge too impetuous, aggressive , and others are not good at cooperation in the cause suffered a setback when the psychological gap is relatively large; people underestimate their potential will be over-cautious in their work, hesitant, do not shoulder the burden of responsibility and courage.
I a subordinate, a reads: development, because he lacks the most basic self. Sure enough, he soon made, I do not know his talent, he can not be reused, he decided to go to other departments and find another job. but he eventually found himself not only find more good jobs, the company's colleagues believe he lacks self-knowledge. Finally, he left the company in frustration.
(VI) accumulation of experience with learning
West has a fable, a young man talking to a consult the wisdom of the wise old secret. young man asked: said: very difficult to make the right choice, but the wrong choice time and time again, if you can learn from the lessons learned enough, he can gradually learn the right choice approach, he will naturally become a wise person. Looking back at my life, I can confidently say: I learned from failure much more than I learn from success. So, do not be afraid to fail. Every failure is not punished, but a learning experience.
learning experience is not something done overnight, sometimes long process to go through. In the words of English: headquarters, and found that the department has just taken over the direction of a project on the existence of bias mm development team did not put the user in the first place, and only know of something that seems very research and development projects. At that time, an employee asked me: What assured the project will not be a surprise in the next harvest it? SGI, the leadership team of more than 200 research and development of a three-dimensional walk through the world's most advanced technology. The technology hardware 10 years ago to create a beautiful three dimensional effect. But in doing this project, we did not consider the users and the market needs, developed three-dimensional experience, and not for a particular customer base, but to solve all customer problems. the results of the final product can not use SGI existing marketing channels, products and network hardware requirements are beyond the the capacity of ordinary users, our project was eventually canceled, technology has been sold.
this very big blow for me because my hands more than 200 people need to find a new way, and some people even so unemployed. my heart feels guilty. But on the other hand, I also learned from the painful lessons of the experience enough that I deeply understand: Innovation is important, but useful innovation is more important.
( g) the burden of
with courage to give up new opportunities when the time before us, To give up all that has been obtained, which requires considerable courage. Sometimes, you have not yet found a must give up something you already own, it requires more courage.
a lot of people have problems just do not want to give up what has been reluctant to open up new world. In fact, some things seem worth treasure, but this is often hindered the immediate interests of the more successful you get the source. When the arrival of new opportunities, the courage to give up the things that are not short of success has been obtained, more than halfway, which is to seek new development. If your courage at the right time of course, should be mm mm wisely abandoned already have, but what may become obstacles to progress, you will likely be surprised to find: their own but put aside for a while to wind and rain, but line of sight of the umbrella will hinder their own thus see is extremely broad, extremely magnificent landscape picture!
I have had several The things that turn professional. the other in Carnegie. Mellon University teaching, the giving up of the two years to join Apple. Although I have been to my teacher as a role model, and taught at the world's top honor Department of Computer Science, but most of the time this work into how to get tenure, how to publish and so on. these things could have been a good thing, but these things value to society is not so straightforward. I hope to do some direct something beneficial to the community. So, when Apple, a vice president said to me, the to give up so you do not feel pity? When I see a stick to their ideals and socially responsible company, I found, the creation of Google China is a unique opportunity. So, as I mm has the right to choose I chose Google. I chose to China. I want to do mm influential in China, I can do more to help China's youth, the most influential thing to do. I want to be the best own mm in Google, I can learn new and innovative models through to become the best of themselves. ; is your inner values, ideals and interest. These three together constitute the most realistic of our inner voice.
how to find their own I will use a special read the newspaper, you do have been published as headline news, you will therefore not be ashamed of? will not face their own conscience? If not, you do things worthy of your own values.
The following is a . He wrote a paper 10 years ago, very good, but it was withdrawn after joining the company, stubborn, and working hard, not too many results. He knew that after the crisis facing the teacher asked us to share the hope that I am mindful of the friendships of fellow , let him.
is just another new employees joined the company two months, has not had time performance, but he should be a potential employee.
within my heart ; and do for themselves, ) cold Kai-fu Lee, a classmate of the brothers cut.
Although I do not want to see these two because it violates the basic principle of good faith I am. If I go against the principle of good faith, then I have neither seen the company's leaders face, not qualified to do a professional manager.
So I laid off a senior, Then I told him that in the future if there is any need me, I will try to help.
This is a painful experience, it goes against the very strong in my heart I maximize the impact. this vision has helped me to make many important decisions, such as return to China in 1998 founded Microsoft Research China, in 2005 and decided to join Google, and decided to return to China Venture, these major In fact, all my heart choose to follow the performance: I think my ideal can be achieved better in China.
before the age of 25 college students, they usually face two important choices. First, select the most suited to their profession, The second is to choose the most suitable job. Select the professional time, should not just listen to the views from their parents, nor should look at the size or reputation of the school students sit for the high and low scores. Accordingly, the choice of work can not simply be considered when name, Lee, fashion external factors. I think the most important thing is to listen to your inner voice, in the consolidated balance their ideals, study the accumulation of talent and working conditions, based on making the right choice.
each person's will soon become the world's largest market and the largest centers. There are numerous opportunities waiting for you, as long as you take the initiative to choose with wisdom, success may come at any time to your side!
Related Links:
Replication Lee's letter to Chinese parents
Kai-fu Lee's first letter to Chinese students: from faith about
Kai-fu Lee's second letter to the Chinese students: from good to great
Kai-fu Lee to Chinese students The third letter: successful, confident, happy
Kai-fu Lee's fourth letter to Chinese students: four years of college should be spent this way Kai-fu Lee
the fifth letter to Chinese students: You have the right to choose

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