Monday, January 3, 2011

The wild horse

 The wild horse
The horse, as we know it, comes from the extinct wild horse, the tarpan. It was domesticated for the fi rst time in about 6000 years ago in Asia. People ate the horses meat, drank its milk and made its skin into leather. The horse also helped to carry heavy things and when it was tame enough, people began to ride them. It was fantastic. Now you could travel further around and hunt animals on horseback. The last tarpan died in 1918.
Mustang is well known, the home has been extinct from the wild horse Mata Pan. the first domesticated 6,000 years ago in Asia, people eat horse meat, drink mare's milk, Phi horse hide, is used in full load and after acclimation riding. Now matter how you travel or sitting horseback riding, hunting, it is strange how things ah! the world last a Mustang (Tappan) died in 1918.
From Aurochs to milking cows
Tame cattle descend from the impressive Auroch that was fi rst tamed about 8,000 years ago in Asia. The Auroch was almost two meters tall, weighted up to 1000 kilos and had about a one meter long curved horn. The last Auroch was shot in 1627. < br> from the original domestication of cattle to dairy cattle
famous lines from the original cow, that was 8000 years ago the first anecdote in Asia. The original cattle about 2 meters high, weighing 1,000 kg, up curved horn 1 m, the last one of the original cow was shot in 1627.
Wild and domesticated pigs
Just think the big, fat, pink domesticated pig descends from wild boars with rough, brown fur and large tusks! The fi rst wild boar was domesticated about 9000 years ago in Asia.
Today the wild boar lives both in Europe and Asia.
domestic pigs and wild boar
imagine, so plump huge, pink pig from rude and barbarous, covered with brown hair, with an enormous wild boar tusks, is simply incredible! first wild boar was domesticated 9,000 years ago in Asia. Today, the wild boar are still free to live in Asia and Europe.
Mary Had A Little Lamb
Domesticated sheep descend from the Asian mouflon, which was fi rst domesticated about 10,000 years ago. Sheep and lamb provide meat, milk, leather and wool.
Mary get a lamb
domestic sheep from Asia wild argali, the first domesticated about 10,000 years ago, domestication, sheep and lambs provided us with meat, milk, leather and wool.
Jungle fowl becomes tame In Asia, the Asian red jungle fowl were domesticated about 6000 years ago and became tame chickens that provided eggs and meat. The wild red jungle fowl still lives in Asia.
In Asia, chickens were domesticated chickens get married. In Asia, the red jungle fowl before domestication occurred in 6000, becoming home chicken to provide us with a steady stream of eggs and meat. Now, the wild red jungle fowl in Asia is also home to the natural world.
Little cat, walking so alone
Wild cats were domesticated by people from the Middle East about 10,000 years ago. Wild cats are a little bigger than tame cats but they look a lot alike. Wild cats still live in Europe, Asia and Africa.
The tarpan was a little horse that was about 130 centimeters tall. It was dark mousy-gray color with a black strip running down the middle of its back. The tarpans mane and tail were short with black hair.
Wild cat
Wild boar with its cubs
kitten, about alone go! wildcat was domesticated in the Middle East, about 10,000 years ago, things, wild cat looks like a domestic cat, but bigger than a large domestic cat. wildcat in Europe, Asia, Africa still has.
Tappan (European wild horse) is a ponies, height 130 cm, with mouse gray hair and body back the body of a black stripe. Tappan brown hair and tail hair is a black short-haired.
wild boar with cubs.
14 What do we use horses for?
In the old days, we used horses as working animals. Today we often use them for sports and fun. But in many places, the horse is actually still an important work helper. Doctors in full gallop!
Before the car was invented, horses were used for many things. Mail horsemen rode with the mail, and taxis were horse drawn carriages that only rich people could afford to drive in. Doctors and veterinarians also used a horse and carriage when they had to hurry away to sick people and animals so their horse had to be extra fast.

early use of the horse, we let the horse work for us. today it is much used in sports and entertaining. But in a very local, Ma is still the assistant are important to us. The doctor emergency. in the car before the invention of many things horses can be competent, Postman messenger on horseback, the so-called mail carriage; horse taxi, only the rich can benefit from. Doctors and veterinarians are often on horseback or carriage, eager visits will be at full speed, the so-called right away to come.
The cowboys partner
In the USA, South America and Australia there are still cowboys that take care of cattle and flocks of sheep from horseback. The riders and horses frequently ride over long distances in strong heat, so the horse has to be tenacious. In most places though today, the horse has been replaced with 4-wheel drive vehicles or helicopters. The doctors carriage almost 100 years ago Cowboys on cattle roundup

cowboy in the western United States, Australia, the hinterland, there are real cowboys, they have to take care of cattle on horseback, herding sheep. riders and horses often travel long distances back and forth, so their horses are very tough now, many horses have been four-wheel drive vehicles or helicopters to replace.
doctor's carriage is about 100 years ago become commonplace.
cowboy driving the cattle.
15 Horsepower
In the old days, horses were a fantastic help in many ways. For example, as draught animals the horse pulled the plow behind it when the soil needed plowing and it carried the grain to the mill. Today, a tractor or other machine often helps us in the fi eld. And so in many countries the horses power has been replaced with machine horsepower!
early horsepower, horse power can play an active role in many areas, such as plowing, pulling mill. Today, these farm tractors and farm machinery and more to be replaced. In many countries, this power horse, he was replaced by the machine's horsepower.
Horse ballet
At riding school you can learn to ride and control your horse. The riders who become very competent may take part in competitions for example in dressage. Then, the rider and horse practice making fi ne steps and movements. It takes a long time to learn and it almost
looks like a horse ballet! Another type of competition is called military and it is hard! Here the rider and horse must be in top form
because they have to perform dressage, high jumps and long rides.
immediate steps in the riding school, you can learn horseback riding and how to control the horse. rider can become a very competent racer in the game, such as participation in dress or dressage horse, rider and his horse can be trained to make a variety of gait and movement, learn This time-consuming and tedious road, the degree of difficulty as the horse danced ballet. Another is to develop a cavalry hard training, this time, one to reach the highest realm of men, they not only go horse, but also able to jump the obstacles and long distances .
The scene is yours!
Rodeos are an American show where cowboys do things like compete to see which cowboy can stay on a wild horse the longest. The wild horse bucks and does everything to get the rider off its back . And it often does this quickly! The good cowboys also compete in a riding competition through an obstacle course while the public claps and hoots. It is very important that the horses are handled well.
African nomads scenery reap! the western United States A cowboy is used to competing with the game is to see who can get on a horse to be a long time, which was the rebellious wild, it bumps vault, do anything to attempt to get rid of the polar bear's knights, vigorous and swift action, A cowboy is good but also his ability to face adversity, the applause or tauntingly, all manner if given. At this point, control of horses is also very important.
Horses are important for African nomads that wander from place to place when their herds of cattle, sheep or goats have to fi nd a new place to graze. The horse carries their tent and all of their other belongings. horse nomads of Africa is also critical, wandering sheep and cattle with them to group transitions grazing, grazing sheep and goats the total pasture to be converted. horseback and bags laden with their tents.
16 What is a falconer?
A falconer is a person that goes hunting with a falcon or another bird of prey. Birds of prey kill animals like pheasant, partridge, rabbit or hare. The falcon gets the prey for the falconer and, in return, it gets a chunk of meat.
put the eagle? there are some hunters, Eagle hunting with a class type bird hunting, these birds can hunt pheasant, quail, rabbit grass, cave rabbits and other animals. eagle to catch the animals, hunters, hunter's gift to the eagle is a large meat.
The golden eagle hunts wolves
Falconry has been practiced for several thousand years both in Asia and the Middle East. Even though it is called falconry, it isnt just falcons you hunt with.You can also use hawks, buzzards and eagles. For example, in Mongolia, they hunt wolves with trained golden eagles. Wolves are hunted for their fur.

golden eagle wolf in the history of falconry in Asia and the Middle East thousands of years, and the formation of a falconry technique, the use of Falcon Raptor not only, as well as kite, kite, buzzard, eagle, etc., in Mongolia, people trained golden eagle wolf to get the skins.
String around the leg
The falconers bird of prey lives in captivity and start training while it is very young. The falcon gets used to people but it is not like a pet. It knows that the falconer gives it food, so it returns to the falconer. At the beginning it is trained with a thin string around its leg so it cannot fl y away. After some time, it fl ies freely and returns because it gets a chunk of meat. A golden eagle hunts a rabbit
Off you go!
leg Bangsheng sub
falconer who originally raised the eagle in a cage, domesticated from an early age. people use a type of falcon hunting birds not regard them as pets, the falconer food to feed the eagle, the eagle will fly home. started in Eagle a small rope tied to his leg, so they fly away. Soon, they are free flying and still come back, because that piece of meat to attract.
17 Cooperating with hunting dogs
When the falconer hunts pheasants, it is often with both a bird of prey and a hunting dog. And all three cooperate together. Birds of prey can be a peregrine falcon. The hunting dog fi nds the pheasants,
and then the falcon is sent up in the air .
When the falcon is high enough, the falconer gives a command so the dog runs forward towards the pheasants. The pheasants become frightened and fl y up in the air where the peregrine falcon is waiting for them! Worlds fastest animal The peregrine falcon chooses a single pheasant that it hunts from great heights. Then it nose dives down towards the pheasant with its wings drawn in to the body. It can fl y at least 180 kilometers an hour and is thereby the worlds fastest animal. The peregrine falcon hits the pheasant with its sharp claws at extremely fast speeds, and the pheasant often dies instantly. When the falcon lands with the pheasant, the dog comes over to it. It waits quietly and calmly. Then the falconer comes along with a nice chunk of meat for the bird of prey. In return, the falcon surrenders the pheasant. Dressed to hunt! and the Hound cooperation
pheasant hunting hawk, often with hired thugs at the same time, unity among people and dogs eagles, birds of prey usually peregrine falcons, hunting dogs to find pheasants, falcons into the sky. When the peregrine falcon to fly high enough, when one dog a command, the dog has rushed pheasant, pheasant flush peregrine falcon was already ready to go! peregrine falcon is fly the world's fastest animal, one of their pheasant find a single one, from a high altitude dive to the pheasant, the speed of 180 km per hour and pound game. falcons attacked with sharp claws, and moving rapidly, resulting in taste pheasant killed on the spot. When the eagle standing next to the prey, the dog pretending to calmly in time. falconer good pieces of meat cut right to the peregrine falcon, peregrine falcons, pheasants This give claws, ready to go!
The falconer carries the bird of prey on its left arm. It sits on a thick leather glove that protects the falconers arm against the strong claws. The bird of prey has a pair of leather strips around both legs that the falconer holds on to when he walks around with the bird. It works the same as a collar on a dog. Remember the accessories When the bird of prey is taken out to hunt, it has a hat on its head. The hat covers its eyes and makes the bird less stressed. It also has some small
bells around its legs. This is so the falconer can hear where it is when it fl ies around. Often the bird has a radio transmitter on. This way the falconer can fi nd it again if it fl ies away. falconer with his left hand holding the eagle thick leather gloves to avoid being scratched by the eagle's claws. eagle legs wrapped around a pair of thong to the falconer who walk in the grip, as the dog away from their work pull the chain around his neck, like a dog, remember, put out the eagle aids including; eagle buckle cover the head of the eagle, eagle blindfolded cover can reduce the pressure on lending; eagle leg bells help Eagle heard where the falconer, and many hunters use a radio signal transmitter, which makes the falconer to fly again to find the eagle.
Falcon hat eagle hood
Leather strip thong
Radio transmitter signal transmitter
Leg straps with bells and bell thong legs
Leather glove Leather gloves
180 km / h speed of 180 km
18 What is a mythical creature?
A mythical creature is a mysterious animal that we people have created in our fantasy. In reality, they dont exist! In the old days there were many people who believed in mythical creatures. They thought that mythical creatures where the cause of some of the bad things or good things that happened around them.
mysterious creature have? the so-called mysterious animal is the number of human fantasy with magical skill of the animal, in fact, they do not exist! early humans believe that the divine animal. They believe that life around in their own mystery of how animals get along, it will have some bad or good results.
The beautiful unicorn ...
The unicorn looks like a white horse and has a long, twisted horn on its forehead. It is good and pure and protects young girls. If you want to catch a unicorn, you put a young girl out in a forest. Then the unicorn comes to her and falls asleep in her lap.
looks beautiful white unicorn unicorn , the head of a rotation of the horns Romania. They friendly and sincere care for the girls for me. If you want a unicorn, put a girl sent to the forest, the unicorn will come to her side, sleeping into her surrounded.
... with the magic horn
The unicorns strength ...

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