Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Illegal trading in Taiyuan City Housing Authority is prohibited by the fitness room, Huayuan West

 After two months of public sale, the current city west Huayuan third and fourth stages of the sales of affordable housing has been completed, leaving hundreds of suites source will choose an auspicious day after the sale in the New Year. It is understood that the fitness room, Huayuan West to be completed late this year to stay, but recently the city Housing Authority has already found individuals and intermediary service agencies involved in the illegal trade in affordable housing. This time check the unhealthy trends for the stock yesterday, the city Housing Authority issued a circular to the fitness room is strictly prohibited illegal transactions, the relevant units and departments are allowed to illegally obtain a permit affordable housing transactions, engaged in illegal trading by the appropriate housing agency or personnel relevant qualifications will be revoked, in addition to a 1 million more than 3 million fine.

West Huayuan III, and IV is the city for the public sale of the first affordable housing project, because of its scale, location is good, since from the start has been widespread concern in the community, and The sun, transparent sales model and won everyone's approval. Now prospective buyers of individual families in private sale by the fitness room has seriously affected the normal sales order, and also violated the relevant state policies, laws and regulations. Any non-application, review, publicity qualified for eligibility, and after the person shall be entitled to purchase public   the fitness room, even if bought privately, and can not do have certificates of title, but also be held accountable. As for the traded in, will need to follow with lots of common commercial housing and affordable housing price to a certain percentage of land revenue to the government to pay the purchase price, priority to buy back the government will never allow private business. Assist the parties to deal with any intermediary or personnel will be severely punished. (Liu Xiaoliang)

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