Saturday, January 29, 2011

Composite three major problems facing the food additives industry

 Network HC composite food industry to improve the processing of food additives to improve the quality of food has a very important role. However, many problems exist in this industry, restricting their development, these issues include non-food additives designed to mislead the media publicity, unfair competition, lack of standards and so on. The industry believes that, in order to ensure food security and promoting the healthy development of the food additives industry, must promptly take effective countermeasures.

years in the compound food additives, according to technology research and development and promotion of leading experts, the Shanghai Food Additives Industry Association Senior Deputy Secretary million good description given food additives is to improve food quality and color, smell, taste and processing, and preservation, and preservation needs, and add synthetic food or natural substances. The composite food additive refers to two or more food additives according to a certain percentage of compounded products, food additives, mainly in the form of its compound are the following: 1. Two or more types of food additives, the same compound; 2 . two or more different types of food additive compound; 3. two or more identical or different classes of food additives, raw materials combined with certain foods.

compound food additives, food additives industry to the inevitable product of a certain period, like the Chinese use the same set of prescriptions for the synergistic and multiplying effect. Compound food additives currently used, including dairy stabilizers, beverage stabilizer, beverage color protection agent, color fixative fruit and vegetable products, drinks SC, conditioner and other rice products. In fact, the flavor is a composite additives, spices from a variety of monomers and solvents from composite. According million senior

good description given in the application process, the composite food additives has many advantages: 1. can play a complementary role in a variety of additives, monomers, and expand the use of additives and enhance the results. Rice products are prone to breaking, paste soup of issues, such as konjac gum gluten rice products to agents, can effectively solve these two problems. 2. Can reduce the amount of monomer and additive costs. 3. Can reduce the side effects of additives to improve food security. 4. Hide each other between the different monomers bad taste, to improve the flavor additives. 5. Easy to use, to better meet the processing requirements.

complex food additives in our history is not long, in the early nineties of last century before the formation of the concept. Food Science and Technology Shanghai Co., Ltd. is a development of the first one of compound food additives. The company official told reporters, misappropriation and misuse of food additives, and in some food without food additives, can lead to food safety. Monomer compound additive in reducing the amount of additives, thus improving food security. The promotion of food additives in the process found that many small and medium food enterprises do not know how to purchase and use of food additives, and some food additives, food companies and even the application of laws and regulations do not know, resulting in excessive over the scope and use of food additives phenomenon. It is in this case, the company began to develop complex food additives in the production and application technology.

recent years, increasing complex food additives companies, state departments have also strengthened the management of this industry on the product's raw materials procurement, production equipment, production facilities, process , standards, technical staffing and others have strict requirements, and has introduced a number of laws and regulations. Food Science and Technology Co., Ltd. Shanghai for a person in charge of the state to increase supervision is conducive to the healthy development of the industry and food safety, reason is: in an increasingly competitive situation, some lack of technical and management level of small Enterprise compound additive holding on and hoping the psychological, only for the sake of an unjust, cutting corners in production. After the introduction of a variety of regulatory rules, the mercenary criminal enterprises will be eliminated.

whole, or of composite food additives industry was sound momentum of development, product categories and expanding the scope of application, the application of the food has reached 100. The last century, our compound annual output value of food additives is only several hundred million dollars, has reached about 60 billion yuan, an increase of more than 10 times ten. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Illegal trading in Taiyuan City Housing Authority is prohibited by the fitness room, Huayuan West

 After two months of public sale, the current city west Huayuan third and fourth stages of the sales of affordable housing has been completed, leaving hundreds of suites source will choose an auspicious day after the sale in the New Year. It is understood that the fitness room, Huayuan West to be completed late this year to stay, but recently the city Housing Authority has already found individuals and intermediary service agencies involved in the illegal trade in affordable housing. This time check the unhealthy trends for the stock yesterday, the city Housing Authority issued a circular to the fitness room is strictly prohibited illegal transactions, the relevant units and departments are allowed to illegally obtain a permit affordable housing transactions, engaged in illegal trading by the appropriate housing agency or personnel relevant qualifications will be revoked, in addition to a 1 million more than 3 million fine.

West Huayuan III, and IV is the city for the public sale of the first affordable housing project, because of its scale, location is good, since from the start has been widespread concern in the community, and The sun, transparent sales model and won everyone's approval. Now prospective buyers of individual families in private sale by the fitness room has seriously affected the normal sales order, and also violated the relevant state policies, laws and regulations. Any non-application, review, publicity qualified for eligibility, and after the person shall be entitled to purchase public   the fitness room, even if bought privately, and can not do have certificates of title, but also be held accountable. As for the traded in, will need to follow with lots of common commercial housing and affordable housing price to a certain percentage of land revenue to the government to pay the purchase price, priority to buy back the government will never allow private business. Assist the parties to deal with any intermediary or personnel will be severely punished. (Liu Xiaoliang)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Year of the Rabbit with Spring Festival Evening Play 3D lighting innovative choreography

 Jay seems to have become the signature on the Spring Festival. Song Han sang Tender with the just right.

to satisfy the audience's expectations, CCTV Arts channel will launch in the New Year's Eve, point, the Spring Festival together with the wonderful large files into a New Year show. In addition to a signed release outside the manuscript by the Independent newspaper reporter Beijing Zhu Qin Jiwen / map

front of the stage into the design of the concept of paper-cut, with the main colors of Chinese red highlights, However, the use of color lights on the very rich, and will be in a different program to create a rich visual effects. Around the stage, setting lights up and down the same rich, with snow-like, lantern-shaped and other forms.

Zhao for the apprentice cook
small Shenyang, said: Time is the issue of micro-Bo 22 at 7 am, and I believe finished surface, Zhao watchmen classes will boil more rehearsed skit. This was the old habit of Zhao, and rehearsal pieces, often through the night, Zhao disciples often personally cooking reward you. Into a business

respectively auditorium floor there are three fixed seats, the second floor there are two activities in addition to a number of seats is to ensure that individual programs within the performances in the auditorium, as well as interaction with the audience and guests when shooting.

China Wind
Faye Wong concert last year, Also in this year's Spring Festival Evening program group spent a lot of efforts in this regard, choreography and other hardware in lighting design with both innovation and links.

Spring Festival has always been a Shenyang is but a small burst in the micro-Bo master the material.

Tan Jing CCTV Spring Festival Evening
In addition, this year's Spring Festival Evening stage design also added a lot of echoes with the backdrop of the setting. First, about the middle of the stage set 5 LED lamp post. The most dazzling is the ground and backdrop of the echo. Dancer performances change with the music background, the ground has become image projection area, which can be regarded as a major innovation this year, Spring Festival.

Xiao Dou, Zhou winter rain coming out both the Spring Festival Evening rehearsal

track, rocker Story

spring night last year, the background LED big screen to the audience left a deep impression, especially Faye Wong singing LED big screen this year's stage design is also a top priority, LED large screen set to 3 sides overlap, giving the impression that there are at least 5 surface, the first reason is that both sides of LED wall, set a 90-degree corner of a similar level , looks like there is a 5-sided backdrop.

■ Highlights II

Full coverage of the camera position
■ Snapshots of a

LED multi-level floor has a large screen projection area

recent years, although the overall impression of the CCTV Spring Festival Evening program form has not changed much, but the program group or the Spring Festival Gala will be racking their brains can be innovative in any place to break through and change.

Xiao Dou, Zhou winter rain coming out the Spring Festival Evening dress rehearsal

order to ensure the live television audience when the visual effects, the audience inside the cameras were set up 8 bits, the fixed seat 5, activity 3 seats. The two lower right arm and left respectively in the auditorium stage at the second level, so basically you can ensure that the entire stage and auditorium can be photographed from different angles. The stage is set below the video track is entirely for the stage show display.


Dong, invited the media director

3D effects to create eye-catching three-dimensional folk dance to open the

3D technology used to stage the scene far more than a 5-sided show! Folk dance in the program There is a scene where the door was slowly opened, stretching open to look far, though it is a wall, displayed a very three-dimensional visual effect. The audience also repeated a Beijing Spring Festival Evening Star team director Yin Di said: language class program can give you the feeling of joy and excitement, but for dance class program is meeting most of the time in the audio-visual enjoyment. As we appreciate the level, the traditional stage show can not meet all visual requirements, 3D will inevitably become a new trend.

masculine stage movements and creative song Rising Sun

In addition, when the stage dancing with the dance movements are content to play out of the pattern.

choreography is full of festive

■ Snapshots III

small Shenyang 22 at 7 o'clock is cooking Zhao issued photo (above), roll up their sleeves Zhao photographs, is dedicated to cut ginger and garlic, red firecrackers behind filled with festive ornaments.

red appearance to the scene to the extreme elements of performance - on stage a few face bright red banner in the background are flying red flags, lights create a warm atmosphere in the song shock.

lighting effects are fantastic laser light snow to the stage, hung a red light

into the performance hall of the most intuitive feeling is that the audience and the aisles are filled with people, it is very crowded. And

23 days, colorful decoration Xiao Dou, Zhou winter rain appeared CCTV Spring Festival Evening rehearsal. In an interview, Zhou winter rain frequently biting his lips, revealing look shy; sinus Xiao'd look graceful, eloquent.

But how much change in the stage when some innovation, not block the lifting, but divided into numerous small irregular movements constantly, some of the feeling of a house, and the integration of the background image on the wall.

the second day before the Spring Festival Evening dress rehearsal is not like before resolutely defending, Spring Festival Evening crew seemed less to avoid the media. Has a staff of reporters to the scene at the mobilization meeting, General Director Chen Chun clinical attention to the image an actor:

in rehearsal before the start of the language class program director Ma when the East in the thermal field quipped: Business

singing in the sun masculine

Jeff Lau spectator

 Jeff Lau and Wong Kar-wai


Netease Entertainment Jan. 21 reported in 1996, Hong Kong director Jeff Lau made a decision with Deluxe Link opposite, his family moved to Canada and enjoy the warmth of love and affection. After a period of time, in addition to friends Corey Yuen, Lai, Wei and others works, Jeff Lau rarely seen in Hong Kong movies. Which is different from Jeff Lau then asked for his competent leaves appreciated.

2011 Jeff Lau year is the thirtieth anniversary of the film, director When the lift is shooting Wong Kar-wai's Although Jeff Lau + Wong + year + Lai, Corey Yuen, the team behind the latitude, and Donnie Yen Tony Leung + + Stephen Chow's stage line no longer exists, but Jeff Lau + Tony Leung, Wong Kar-wai version for high guys

known for Zeng Yi efficient, or even a went on in this movie. Metaphor

(This article Source: Netease Entertainment)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

About Water Services Co., Ltd. Jiangsu Jiangnan

 Jiangsu Jiangnan Water was established in 2003, founded in 1966, the company mainly engaged in manufacturing and selling water, water supply engineering, water supply project, water quality testing, water testing and measurement industries on public infrastructure investment.

company currently has a daily water supply capacity of 900,000 cubic meters, DN100 water supply pipe network extending over more than 600 kilometers, the city's urban and rural water supply area covers 987.5 square kilometers, population over one million water supply, water supply capacity, the per capita water supply and energy consumption indicators in the leading position in the peer, in the forefront of the national county-level city water supply industry.

Do panic! The main force is still diving? Stuck with the stock is likely to have saved! March the stock market changes are likely to occur? Tug of war behind the hidden financial trends!
Years, the company based on the protection of people's needs efforts to develop water supply industry, relying on technological progress, the use of modern management tools and continue to strengthen water management. Have developed automatic control system to upgrade the water plant, water supply scheduling information management system, water supply pipe network geographic information system (GIS) and other modern information management system, to take a variety of new water purification technology and establish an advanced production management system and quality inspection system effectively enhance the performance of the company's management and operation of quality; and obtained ISO9000, ISO14000, OHS18000 certification, quality testing center, Jiangsu Province, the water quality of urban water supply enterprise-level laboratory, accredited by the National Accreditation Committee, with a national laboratory qualification testing.

years, the company focus on improving performance of water services, strive to create , thrifty and realistic to continuously deepen the

company has won the ; three-star Star Enterprise ; 'March Eighth' Red Flag Collective,

the future, the company will be the guidance of scientific concept of development, modernization of water around to create first-class business goals, and actively advocate passionate, open mind, a solid pace, the integrity of services, in strict accordance with the requirements of modern enterprise system, standardized operation, and constantly enhance the development potential, bigger and stronger, give priority to South Water, promote enterprise strong, coordinated, sustainable development, and write the cause of a new era of brilliant chapter in the water for the construction of well-being of people and water to make new contributions to their homes.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

VS Barcelona Malaga statistics are the home team shot the ball 9 times the rate of 3 opponents

 YORK, January 17 report:

With David Villa's scored twice, and Iniesta, Pedro's goals, easily beat Barcelona 4-1 at home The campaign over, Barcelona 19 points 52 points set a league half the highest points in history.

vs. Malaga, Barcelona won quite easily. The visiting team did not put on a guarded posture, so the control of Barcelona can be more casual situation. Barcelona full match of 13 shots is not too much, but the 9 shot is scored 4 goals; the other hand, only 4 feet hit the door Malaga, 2 radio is, and by Duda scored a free kick.

Pedro Villa and then the two wings of the active positioning the ball to get a lot of opportunities for Barcelona. 8 full match red blue corner, but failed to create threats. In the possession rate, with dual-core Barcelona Xavi and Andres Iniesta to 73.3% much higher than the 26.7% of Malaga, almost 3 times the poor. Success rate in passing, the success rate of 91.3% of Barcelona's scary.

However, the success rate in the biography, Barcelona is a poor 0. Villa, Lionel Messi and Pedro are not a good header Qiangdian forward, rear and no such tall midfielder players. Success rate in the header, is far behind Barcelona Malaga 33.3% to 66.7%.

(This article Source: NEW YORK Author: Liluntesi)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Premiership winger Senior's war is also not perfect mediocrity wins stealth Nani Bear

 Premier League 23: Tottenham Hotspur 0-0 Manchester United [Sports Photo Center] Nani
when the two sides played against the first leg with a sly Nani goal for Manchester United to seal the victory, do not know Nani is not the reason for the deafening boos at White Hart Lane fans can not find in a bit North, but his cursory look forward to the winger to play for the fans lose their shine Senior's war, say that it is the game of regret.

Southampton then Sir Alex Ferguson had hoped to acquire Bell, but the final deal fell through, Manchester United boss know that Bell's powerful, that passive defense alone to ward off the fiery Premier League status this season, I am afraid Reds to be ineffective and would like to actively assists Raphael, and Nani on the right to attack with the sharp suppression of Bell.

Ferguson is a risky tactic, Raphael assists certainly have a positive effect, but a huge open air defense line when Bell has also made room for actual combat. Averaging 5.2 times in the Premiership one to one extraordinary Bell the game while only 2 extraordinary success, but many times the speed on the sidewalks, use of force under the bottom one on one, but the quality of transmission remains to be improved, Manchester United together resolutely defending his breakthrough in cutting, this limits to some extent Bell's play, did not let him in the Champions League against Inter Milan as when it was unstoppable.

Nani whole game is probably the only opportunity to feature appearance is replaced by the time Anderson - almost invisible to see the performance of Nani, Ferguson hit in just 60 minutes or so to wait Anderson play to use to improve the situation, after the game,

YORK, Jan. 17 reported

Bell to play if the general but occasional bright spot, then Nani is simply the game can be described as sluggish. There is no full match is not extraordinary shot, and even the threat of ball did not kick it where there is the slightest contribution of seven goals in half 9 assists Nani's shadow?

they strive pk Bell Bell this season in the Premiership and Champions League absence of all just a game, but he had no weakness, opening less than a minute to steal success in the midfield for Manchester United destroy gantry suffered a scare. Giggs has said that he hoped before schoolmate of Wales do not gotta play the game against Manchester United, though only a joke, but still we can see how Manchester United down to the Bell fear.

(This article Source: NEW YORK Author: Mark Van)
Nani Manchester United, Tottenham have Bell, King of the Premiership two wing attack in the game in a match is a huge Aspect, But two people did not play all of the energy. Although Bell did not help Manchester United's defense team tear, but in any case, his performance has been better than many Nani almost invisible.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hong Kong stocks opened higher after the Hang Seng Index rose 80 points soft

 Xinhua BEIJING, Jan. 17, according to media reports in Hong Kong, Hong Kong stocks opened higher this morning after the soft, the Hang Seng Index opened reported 24,364 points, up 80 points on turnover of 5.0 billion (Hong Kong dollar, the same below).

soft this morning, the mainland market, Hong Kong stocks open higher 80 points, and then down.

Cheung Kong (0001) reported 134.7 yuan, up 0.20 yuan; and Huang (0013) reported that 93.65 yuan or 0.1 yuan; New Earth (0016) reported 136.5 yuan, or 0.1 yuan; Swire Pacific A (0019) reported 127.50 yuan, up 1.1 million.

HSBC (0005) reported that 87.15 yuan, up 0.4 million; Hang Seng (0011) reported that 132 yuan, or 0.40 yuan; Construction Bank (0939) reported 7.26 yuan, or 0.06 yuan; BOC Hong Kong (2388) reported 28.25 yuan or 0.2 yuan; ICBC (1398) reported 6.02 yuan, or 0.06.

China Mobile (0941) reported that 78 yuan or 0.15 yuan; HKEx (0388) reported that 187 yuan or 0.3 yuan; China Life (2628) reported that 32.30 yuan, no Change; in Oil (0857) reported that 10.7 yuan, no change.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Chen Hong Chang Lin Qi out of the right of teaching race warm-up by the Shanghai Bin Al-color streak

 YORK, January 17 report:

because Li and Chi Shangbin of White, along with claims to input 70 million yuan each year, a new army in the coast of Dalian team attracted Al more and more attention to the eye. Recently, Al-coast winter training in Shanghai with the Shanghai team has Zhongbang Shanghai East Asia team and teaching team had two matches and achieved the success of two straight victories. It is worth mentioning that the teenager the right to two consecutive games scoring Chen Hong, Lin captain often has carried himself in good condition. It YORK understood, the next al-shore team will go to Guangzhou, where he will continue with the Super League and a club in the contest of strength.

Al-shore team is on January 4 to Shanghai during the Winter, the team based in Shanghai team's training base Bang - Hung Temple base. After several days of recovery training, Al-Bin-team training camp in Shanghai ushered in first match against Shanghai Zobon team. It is reported that this was not Shanghai Zobon team league last season, a campaign that sticks in the Football League of China, Shanghai is famous coach Cheng Yaodong.

albeit against a guest, but al-shore team did not leave any feelings to each other in the match will take the initiative completely. Trial with a young player and Chen Hong has netted a goal right in the end, Al coast team to a 2-0 score over Bang team, ushered in the new season opener.

in Shanghai during Winter, in full accordance with Al-shore team to train and prepare for formal competitions, and maintain a race pace of the week. Bang in the fight against the new team after Shanghai, Al coast team ushered in the next warm-up opponents - in the Shanghai East Asia a powerhouse team. Li Ming, general manager of the club selection assistance abroad, and therefore missed the opportunity to teachers Xu Genbao breaking the wrist. Al Bin purpose of playing varsity game is very clear, hope to

in this battle between teams in the A, the first goal of the Shanghai East Asia team. The middle of the game the first half, came from Guizhou Zhicheng team's Fan Yunlong the first to break the transfer. It is reported that in the B final in the last campaign on the occasion, Al-shore teams to 6 teams of Zhicheng and 4 Fan Yunlong Wang Lichun expressed interest. However, due to quota restrictions on the transfer, the introduction of Al-Bin Wang Lichun team only one person, and the choice to give up Fan Yunlong. This time Fan Yunlong goal, can be considered to give his opponent a slap in the face.

second half, Al-shore team changed the sluggish first half performance, positioning the ball up and down in the foot work. Opening soon in the second half, Al coast team won a corner kick opportunities, while the captain often Lin Chun Ling Yen East goalkeeper mistakes, headed home tied the score in front. Before the final whistle sounded, Al coast team took advantage of a chance to reverse the free kick before the games score. Al teams will kick was passed in Closed Sea, East goalkeeper Yen Chun Ling once again offer gift, teenager Chen Hong rights Jianlou break. With regular captain teenager Lin Chen Hong rights and the excellent play, Al coast team made two consecutive warm-up match.

(This article Source: NEW YORK Author: Giuseppe Meazza) 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Any snow female murderers

 Any snow, born in 1970, Hebei Shijiazhuang .1993 for young people with emotional conflicts to kill Zhao xx,
and dismembered, means very cruel, very bad influence, (said to be emotional problems). Incident successor Snow soon arrested, Shijiazhuang City Intermediate People's Court decision on his death, deprived of political rights for life. Any appeal against the snow, in July 1993 in Hebei Province High People's Court rejected the appeal and upheld the original verdict. A week later, he served as the snow was executed. The Files can be found in ... was shot ... captured this ... be a little left in the world will commemorate the execution requires prisoners ..... mouth ... like a bullet from the back of the head into the goal, oral piercing ... We see that she is not talking about any soldier in the snow girl
Fujian Jinjiang I ........ ..
a beautiful hometown is the first time I had 2 years. in Jinjiang City Detention Center, there are 2 months away from the veterans, the National Day just that the last time I executed the task, note 7 am the day has not arrived, I put together, the instructor gave us a code number. Then we went to pull prisoners out, they are all going to die before 12 o'clock today, the people, until 8 pm. Police Squadron through the big east team has been lined on the outside. I sentence in 4 vehicles, new recruits to perform my pull out the prisoners shot, I whole silly. what a beautiful woman. I will come to an end and so she ....< br> The girl is very pure ... is the kind of look at the past do not make very beautiful .... I saw that she was a bit like her, and help .... desperate eyes, I felt sorry for her, many of his comrades say pretty long. and then to stand to car. open to the strict school discipline handed down, that she was poisoned by 4 people ..... hey ... how could you take things too hard it? a local, a negative mind to do such a stupid man .... ..... her family made a special dress for her a bit, only 19 years old,,,, all of a sudden a lot of old ...... we do not like the treatment of death row before moving to her too much as the action (such as head pressed. or verbal warnings abuse) are so poor I really think she is paraded through the streets
the sentencing is over ..... I have always been a very heavy heart ... I've been watching her .. Her eyes are dead ... ... .... looking at the front of the feeling seems to have no one .. do not laugh do not cry ....< br> I feel has been very nervous ... . previously not .....< br> pulled the funeral home near the place of execution ......< br> commander told members of bullets sent me a good 81 bullets .... step off the insurance . like pulling them down and dragged like animals, kneeling on the mound before, everyone has been tied up .2 a good one side of her recruits according to .....< br> ready!!! On Insurance !!! I watched the hands of the commander's command flag ....< br> bang !!!.... two recruits a push down firmly seize the gun ..... turned my hands .. .. no guts look ....< br> situation as an ordinary bomb .... 7.62 56-type to take it like her life miserable and pathetic ...
...... why do I over and over again to enforce it? no way, I can only obey ...
This is my career, being a police special task last executed seen too much death .... .... I did not feel What the ... the 19-year-old girl ... tell the truth ... that moment ... I really do not want to port trigger .......< br> To this end, I came back a few days without sleep good sleep, can not forget the pair .. I have been desperate, helpless look ....< br> any Snow, born in 1968, Hebei Shijiazhuang In 1992 after being bullied by a local bully Zhao Moumou, weak incur more damage against her bereaved by mm. because bullies have the background, so no one dares of this matter, she would like to use seem simply can not afford to have any effect! but unfortunately no Liangshan heroes in today's society, or the godfather of. So, the girl the pain of snow in order to avoid any further harm, can only run away. apathetic masses are indifferent on the matter are villain is a selfish self-preservation, the human sense of justice and conscience in today's society no longer exist. so no one will care about a poor little girl look, and gradually forgot the matter. straight year later, and the poor without help the girl appealed to nowhere, no redress cases, frustration with the current year, take revenge for the. but the cost is their own goodness.
political rights for life. Any appeal against the snow, in July 1993 in Hebei Province High People's Court rejected the appeal and upheld the original verdict. A week later, he served as the snow was executed. (the file can be found in ;). any pictures of the snow and the other executed prisoners were released, the law reflects China National Prevalence of a death row is no privacy and dignity, even shot, and the final effect should be used to deter crime molecules. and the law sometimes do not ask indiscriminate shooting to kill. Therefore, many people often lament that; what people also often talk about her, that she ill, make up what a lot of snow, such as drug trafficking of any person, ah, what she is a triad and so on. did not go about her grievances! do not understand her grief, and her as gossip, stories ^ hh Inferiority This is one of the Chinese people! some ways, the girl is a contemporary Dou any snow!
Although it has been for many years, but from this we see the Chinese law serious problem, and its people to take advantage of gray areas to it that this is a young and beautiful girl as provoke a local bully, and family members dead. because the bully has the background, so no one dares to control this matter, read this my heart hurts, That is, these people have the background or bigger than the official position of these people who so what? gap left by these laws has become a paradise for those who have the background, where he is God, such as over the gap to a certain width range it really is not no justice, the party engaged in engineering, is not so much about the legal system should be aware of? go on like this with the previous feudal system in China that break the law and the civilian population, said the emperor but the real crime is really the same to protect their own What is the law different. As long as there was an organ of what might be willing to help any snow today she has a talent useful to the society the mother of a people. of course, can not recover the bullet had come back to life can not be dead, I hope the blood of any snow , his family's blood is the blood of the people he killed is not in vain, I hope her death can awaken attention to the relevant government departments, hope that China's legal system will have a new page. any snow, rest in peace!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bernice Liu named by forced child failed end their love affair with his cousin Richard Li

 Children and Moses Chan Bernice Liu (right), Linzhong Hao (left) (data for)

Bernice Liu Lin Zhonghao children to stay overnight.

Netease Entertainment Jan. 13 report (text / Xiao Yi) Bernice Liu dating six years of Moses carrying children, catch a cousin of Richard Li Lin Zhonghao (Alastair), bent on doing married wealthy wife. We better you better leave the company early in the morning, ready to complete the TV series Unexpectedly, saying one thing and do another Lin Zhonghao habits, and even promised to buy property as a wedding present to her the commitment to push clean. Bernice Liu worships money and momentum does not see the children, together with the more exposed the history of the man lying more, so quickly cut off, end their four-month romance.

them off buildings, gas children go Bernice Liu, Lin Zhonghao dry even earlier publicly promised to sponsor her sister Daisi Cong Dai Yunhui three million memorial concert for the Dai Sicong open as to admit its fault. Dai Yunhui excited daughter responded:
(This article Source: Netease Entertainment )

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hengyuan Coal Acquisition of assets quickly improve productivity

 Hengyuan Coal: Acquisition of assets quickly upgrade the capacity
2008-3-28 13:26:00 Code: 600971 of: Yan Haojun Source: Source: China Securities Journal
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Hengyuan Coal (600971) annual report, the company achieved operating income of 1.304 billion yuan last year, an increase of 8.40%; to achieve a total profit of 303 million yuan, an increase of 3.53%; earnings per share of 1.07 yuan .
the company's coal production and sales essentially flat with last year, so the company's coal revenue increased only slightly, however, rapidly rising costs, the gross profit margin declined slightly .2007, the company achieved revenues 1.266 billion coal million, representing an increase of 6.15% in 2006.'s existing mines, including mines and Liuqiao LiuQiao two mines, coal year are poor coal .2007 3.4 million tons of raw coal output of goods sold 3,162,700 tons of coal, and basically the same as last year, at the same time, the company's gross profit margin of the coal business slightly decreased 5.69% year on year, reaching 33.50%. This is mainly because the cost of the coal business has increased by 16.09% year on year, far higher than 6.15% of its revenue Since an increase of the level of .2008, due to the rapid rise in international and domestic coal prices, coal is expected in 2008 gross profit margin levels will be improved.
owned subsidiary of the company put into operation a new thermoelectric power generation for the company .2007 contributed part of the proceeds, the company achieved operating income 053 million yuan electricity, generating 140 million annual power generation degrees, the power business, gross profit margin was 17.95%. This is mainly controlled 82% of the company's new source of Huaibei Thermal Power Co. production due to the company, as a new source Thermoelectric Co., Ltd. is to start operations in 2007, and the main business of coal, coal gangue power generation, electricity is expected in 2008 will have a larger revenue growth, gross profit margin can be maintained level of around 18%.
issuing convertible bonds will allow the company acquired assets of the Group's rapid growth .2007 capacity, to ensure sustainable development of the company, the follow-up resources to increase reserves and expand the scale of operation, the Company issued 400 million yuan to convertible bonds, raising funds and with the acquisition of its own funds in Northern Coal Group Co., Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Anhui Wolong Lake Coal Mine Co. Ltd. and Anhui five coal mine.
which can Wolong Lake Mine All Mine recoverable reserves of 4,853 million tons, annual production capacity of 90 tons, the main production system, the conditions set aside an annual 120 million tons; five coal mine all recoverable reserves of 4,033.95 tons of Ida, the design production capacity of 600,000 tons / year, the main production set aside 90 million tons annual output of the system conditions.
completion of the acquisition, the company more than doubled coal reserves, future production capacity expansion of nearly 50%, while increasing the company's coal product variety, increase the company ability to resist risks. As the two coal mines in the construction process, so loss of 288,000 yuan respectively in 2007 and 8.4 million. With the completion of Block 2 coal production is expected in 2008 will be on the company's coal production capacity and performance growth is very large contribution.
three companies accounted for a greater degree of decline in costs, of which reduce the rapid .2007 administrative costs, the company's three for a total cost 112 million yuan, the ratio of total operating income of 8.56%, compared 13.22% same period last year a greater extent. Among them, the company's administrative expenses decreased rapidly, down 37.19%, reaching 0.81 billion. Selling expenses also declined slightly, reaching 0.31 billion yuan, down 3.29%. Finance costs for the -71.82 million, compared with a year ago -229.89 million increased significantly, mainly due to increase in convertible bonds and deposits to reduce interest expense. expected during the next 2 years the company's cost accounting can be maintained at around 9% level.
's operating income and expenses are large changes in the proportion of .2007, the company achieved operating income of 3,824,900 yuan, representing a huge increase over the same period last year, 795.03 percent, mainly due to the new company owned subsidiary of Huaibei Source Power Company Limited and the company enjoyed tax relief money received from insurance claims increase. to achieve operating expenses 7,544,100 yuan, representing an increase of 250.03 percent over the same period last year, mainly attributable to the increase in loss on disposal of fixed assets.
The company expects EPS for 2008-2009 were 1.78 yuan and 1.94 yuan, dynamic PE values were 20.44 and 18.75 times times. domestic market valuations relative comparison shows that the coal industry average price-earnings ratio of listed companies was 29.11 in 2008, the company valuation significantly below the industry average. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Maldives into the arms of its blue

 Came to a small island, lying quietly on the beach, breathing the fresh sea breeze, enjoying the cotton-like clouds of heaven, enjoying the sunshine. Away from the hustle and bustle, away from the dirty, far away from the ground, as if fled to heaven hh, this is my dream of luxury. In the Maldives, I found this dream, where is was known as The last paradisemm tall coconut trees, blue sky, white clouds hanging. along the flat beach, slowly into the water, so water enjoy stroked. looked down, the water is the colorful tropical fish and colorful corals. Things are so pure , there is no lack of coordination, as the dream of heaven hh.
Maldives in the Indian Ocean southwest of the Indian peninsula, from 26 groups of atolls, 1,196 islands, of which more than 200 islands are inhabited. most of the island distributed between the equator and 10 degrees north latitude, low and flat, a tropical rain forest climate, population more than 20 million Muslims. the capital, Male.
the Maldives each resort are , more than a thousand islands, there are currently 87 resorts. Some of the island will be able to go to the other end Ji Shibu, around the island one week do not have 15 minutes, although the villa on the island full of people, but every day in addition to the three meal, can not see other people. Island quiet and clean sea, forming a real fairy tale.
like to get up to get up, like stay in bed to stay in bed, is does not matter day or night . like a waste of time to any waste of time has no meaning. like to see the sea to sitting on the quayside looking at the ends of the earth forever, the day the sea as a line. like watching a meteor to stay all night under the stars, the stars are never put into the eyes so wide.
like to do a fish to jump into the clear, completely transparent to the sea, and small sharks, diving with manta rays or turtles swimming. like to do a leaf floating on a mat lying on the trailer above, any floating at sea. like the bronze color, just as thin and soft as powder, on the beach for one day. like to go to the nearby islands, or even their own boat in the past. likes to eat, do not eat with you.
glance the water here, can not help but want to put it on the arms. white sandy beaches, blue waters, there are thousands of coconut trees, the distant blue sky with white clouds hanging. breathtaking beauty eyes, respiratory fresh air, feel the warm sea breeze, while the shuttle was on the beach one after another sexy bikini girl, they always bright eyes gaze of good, passionate wild Yan, at this moment you feel like being in heaven hh
into the Garden of Eden because
A hotel is an island of the Maldives to the island to which to which the hotel can only take their boat. Kani Island, 20 km from the capital, Male, leaving the airport take the Clippers, 45 minutes after they arrived at Kani. Although the island is feeling a little isolated, but not too many people to bother. is precisely that it highlights the island's quiet and in particular it! foot Kani moment, it seems really into the backyard paradise, everything is beautiful and so natural, beautiful beyond words to me. on the island full of flowers, trees everywhere, as if the branch is easily able to throw toward the ground out of boiling anti-profit-day flower . transparent as air, sea, air, such as water-clear, colorful coral reefs, undersea fantasy world full of color, the island everything looked simple, natural, all the worldly troubles, such as in the fresh breeze feeling to disappear without a trace, serene the soul and tranquility will be washed as new. you really believe there is a sea beach in the Maldives Aura.
in Kani, almost will not let you have a boring time sitting in hotel rooms a daze, as countless wonderful activities will let you overwhelmed, and with ClubMed apply for registration, the original brand image: GO (Goodwill organizers) will be ready to provide you the most professional guidance. the face of the clear blue sea, hidden in the heart of the movement cells certainly be awakened. snorkelling, water polo, canoeing, windsurfing, sailing, diving, this all sounds to move fresh full name, never let you eager.
if not involved, lying on the white sand valuables on the beach, watching the scenes campaign pictures and enjoy the equator of the sun, is a pleasure. the beach coming and going, small animals were not idle, look around on the beach will find a big bowl of crab holes, rock crevices head is hairy crab claws, crab burrow that is, they hard to dig into the sand in front of you lose, and no man looked down. green head and red belly of a small lizard unscrupulous to spread across the stone pavement, or towards a person Deng Yanjing in the trunk. suddenly realize that the sky Kani sun sea sand and the trees belonged to them, What kind of human beings here.
renovated Kani ClubMed flagship resort the existing 75 Lagoon Suites, each linked to the wooden bridge, a distance, like an olive floating in the shallows. every room facing the sea, without any stop. room decorative wood-based. a room A hall of a Methodist. hall with dressing table, wardrobe, facing a fan outside a small window. bedroom has a row of windows facing the sea. In addition, a row of glass doors leading from the bedroom balcony. In addition to shower, and toilet, the bathtub construction In the terrace and the sea being under the large windows.
large terrace by the beach chairs and coffee table, patio with direct access to the sea side of the wooden ladder. wooden ladder was installed next to fresh water shower is also good, allowing you to Snorkeling back in time the body of water and sand flush. Every water suite are relatively independent, absolute guarantee that each passenger's personal space. In addition there are 20 deluxe beach villas and 143 superior rooms. garden luxury beach villas sitting on the beach King, and glass stones with unique indoor and outdoor bathroom. Senior housing is facing wonderful sea views. Now, not far from the luxury suites has also built a water bars, restaurants and other places, water is more convenient to stay suites activities of visitors. < br> In ClubMed Resort, all meals, drinks, entertainment programs, and countless sports and other activities because of Everyone can discover the island at Kearny enjoy the relax, enjoy. As with all ClubMed villages like Kani provide food, sports, leisure activities called the value. day by the three feast from around the world cooking master careful conditioning, in this small island Carney, all over the world can enjoy free food, and entirely without regard to the coffers of gluttonous feast will not be empty after the flat.
unashamed relaxation may be just such a between the blue sky in the Maldives can really appreciate it! Kani romantic, warm, but also become the first choice for honeymoon couples.'ve heard is disappearing in the Maldives is a paradise island that is slowly being submerged. Does God really want it only

Monday, January 10, 2011

How hard can you make great garlic garlic price roller coaster will occur again

 Turn of the year, in 2010, experienced a sharp rise and fall of prices of the recent slight concussion of garlic and garlic into the market price of the parties to be more confused stalemate. Press survey found that the relative stability of the current price of garlic that behind Disturbingly, garlic price

Price Change
expected strong garlic

national agricultural and agricultural prices Xinhua quotes system monitoring shows that since mid-November 2010, the nation's garlic prices continue to fall, to January 1, 2011 the cumulative decline reached 14.8%. New Year period, garlic price is only slightly up or down, high-profile 1, 2, ring prices decreased slightly by 0.1% over the previous day. Price monitoring show

However, the reporter found that a relatively stable price of garlic was not behind the placid, price change expectations are very strong, stable and difficult to predict how long the price of garlic. Jinxiang County, Shandong Province known as the

Liu, who declined to name the agent, told reporters garlic, garlic, winter is the peak season demand, a lot of garlic because of higher prices received is stuck in the garlic business are planning to profit during this time shot. Garlic long run high this year, the accumulation of However, if the concentration of these people shot, and very vulnerable to the substantial increase in the supply of garlic prices down, so the accurate grasp of the ship

while some brokers believe that, because garlic is a careen product, the total market demand is limited, irreplaceable strong, non-production of the main producing areas may also have a greater impact on the market, or even break the price balance. For example, the recent listing of Yunnan, garlic, and soon attracted much attention in the business of Shandong garlic.

reporters in the rural, hills and other main producing areas of the country learned of garlic, according to this year's garlic planting, packing, storage costs, currently around 10 yuan per kg in wholesale prices has been But Yang Guihua and other dealers that since the stock level, trading volume and other information is unknown, garlic circulation, the trading process is not standardized, there is still a lot of garlic price of

garlic price

in June 2010 to October acquisition of new garlic, Jinxiang garlic Business optimistically shouted a number of Subsequently, the garlic prices soared all the way up to more than 14 yuan per kilogram washed. Monitoring of the Ministry of Commerce show that in early November 2010, 36 cities garlic, ginger, wholesale prices were up 95.8% year on year and 89.5%.

2010 年 11 months, the State Council promulgated the views of agricultural price regulation of livelihood security afterburner, the National ginger, garlic and other agricultural prices continue to fall, as of January 1, 2011, respectively, the cumulative decline of 10.9% and 14.8% .

components in addition to speculation, the costs also contributed to the rise in prices of garlic. I know that garlic on the market before and after the 2009 National Day planting, harvest in summer and autumn of 2010, according to the prevailing prices of agricultural materials and labor to count, garlic, peel garlic, land preparation, planting, mulch film, water, fertilizer, pesticides, harvesting, drying and other 10 links together all the costs, direct costs of garlic per kg to up to 4 yuan. The cost compared to the previous year increased by 40% or more.

recent analysis of prices of agricultural products continued upward in 2010 because of the analysis report, the short term, leading to reduced supply since last year, cotton, garlic, pigs and other main cause of rising prices of agricultural products; the same time, continuous relaxed liquidity also played a role in fueling; the long term, domestic labor costs and trends in the consumption structure of agricultural products is likely to push prices upward.

Yang Guihua, said the price of garlic in 2011 will there be against the laws of the market rises and falls, the key to see whether the departments concerned to continue to strengthen market management, eliminate market malicious speculation, depends on the continued large-scale commercial garlic monopoly of garlic source, but also concerned about the capital of the agricultural products has gradually electronic trading, market regulation.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

No time for exercise, busy working the night to run faster

 Fast-paced modern life, exercise is often difficult to make a fixed time.

Thus, the city's and more people are recognized and accepted.
night running is to exercise but do not suffer from the time a good choice

for a class of people, in fact, exercising at night can receive better

results. According to the American Center for Clinical Research, University

of Chicago study show that between 7 pm and 2 am the next day, the key

material of human hormone metabolism response to the physical activity most

strongly associated with fat metabolism and muscle repair cortical sterols

related to thyroid stimulating hormone (in the blood content) increased

dramatically. So, this time the most suitable weight loss.
after a day of work, the physical body to be released at night, this time

running, the body to adapt to exercise rhythm. For the insomnia group, the

night run is their Gospel. because at moderate slightly Games fatigue bubble

with hot water after running feet, more accessible to a sweet sleep.
fitness experts recommend three to four times a week running, running,

strength should not be too intense, the whole process control within 30

minutes, so the body is too tired or excited difficult to sleep. best to

stay out after running 30 to 40 minutes, use this time to take a bath, add

more water, it is best to drink a glass of milk. night to wear bright

clothes when running it is best carried out three to five crowds, caution

has to be running at the foot of the ground, parks and community is a good

choice. finish not long after wearing sweat clothes to stay in the open air,

so cold, but the most elderly Do not choose a good run before going to

now in Beijing, Shanghai and other cities, the night race has become a

fashion, a lot of strangers running through the night to get to know people

as friends, love sports, you might as well join the ranks of the night

running . 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

To force the old and new investors flush with 2011 new share - Software Station Green Peas ...

 The author is an old shareholders, recently wandering stock forum and found investors are in discussions flush 2011's topic, so quickly downloaded and used, I feel great! Flush is suitable for new and old investors with free stock trading software, the following and we Flush with the same share of stock by 2011 a whole new experience.
site to download Flush 2011 Standard Edition (permanent free):
1, software performance can be more stable investment performance and stability
worry, I believe you and me not wish to see off the stock market. Flush 2011 version followed the flush software known as an excellent gene, which is very to the power!
far as I know: Back in 1999 when the flush software developed in normal server more than 2000 concurrent users on the support of the super master; in the an unprecedented large-capacity concurrent access by users and institutions praise!
2, cool operation is more efficient interface Flush 2011
new software to use interface have a greater change. The first is the design of the software changes the toolbar, the Flush with the old as the user, is too well aware.
View original (larger)
Figure 1
new navigation bar to quickly find what they want not only to the menu, but also support your own custom toolbar , that is routed to the top of their usual menu, the menu rarely use their own hide is not displayed, such as through the custom, my menu bar to streamline a lot, see Figure 2:
Figure 2
new version of the message alert system has also been improved, looks more comfortable, including information reminder system to improve the style, pop-up position, the new color style setting function.
3, plus free U.S. stock market the new Apple stock movements Google Look at any professional
Flush software necessary to provide Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market, stock index futures, funds, Hong Kong stocks, and other financial market conditions outside the disk, while the 2011 version with the flush of new U.S. stocks joined the market, investors need only a software, you can at any time across the Atlantic to see Google and Apple as the representative of the U.S. stock market.
View original (larger)
Figure 3
other stocks I have been to China is very concerned about the U.S. stock market performance, in particular, the United States this year, more and more Chinese companies listed Chinese companies will also indirectly affect the performance of stocks in the A-share listed in the same company, and then some investment opportunities.
2011 now have a straight flush, the author prior to consuming twists and turns of the web version to the financial Web site to find the era of U.S. stock market has ended.
4, information, market, trading one-stop solution
Flush described above in addition to the financial market to the rich, have a strong flush information services and transaction services. Flush with information services, including flush information center, flush real Jie Pan and flush F10, etc. These functions are fundamental, and news of the investor's favorite.
Flush with free support, including Thailand, Citic, CICC Merchants, GF, financial communication, Galaxy, etc. up to 90% of the domestic brokerage transactions, and the current stock market a lot of software does not support or support for small broker-dealer.
I open an account is Huatai Securities, so long as A flush 2011, see prices, see information, stock trading, all done here, worry and effort ah!
5, add the stock filter is picking stocks stock picking easier
indispensable step, precise selection shares represent stock half the battle. Added new version of the stock filter stock selection is based on the server, eliminating the need to download large data to the trouble of local re-stock selection.
the layout of the stock filter is also very clear on the left is the stock offer a list of screening results, the right to set conditions for the screening area, as shown 4:
View original (larger)
Figure 4
is the author of more than a feeling after use, in fact, there are many with good Flush 2011 upgrade points, one by one here is not to say, ladies and investors can continue to uncover and share Oh.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Learn to write '4 '

 Friday ocean brought back home from the kindergarten of the a day job long ago forgotten to Cloud Nine things went, until suddenly remembered last night did not finish it there job! can not go to grandma ran to home to do, but fortunately grandma grandmother home and are separated by only a road in a district, home to the grandmother sitting on a stool out crayons really like students like it! operation prompted by the first rays of the sun to make the connection it very smooth, the ocean can also be connected, although some lines but overall still a little bent good. even after the study was written l4r. let the ocean to see the first line of a serious example of the order and then write to him, ran to hear very seriously, to write Shique do not know how to write, no way I had to hold his little hand, stroke by stroke of to him, along with several after I wrote a lengthy write to, but the ocean is not a long time under the pen handwriting, he looked up at me piteously said: l mother I will not, my mother and me to write it? r I was a little bit angry, serious and said: l mother has already written a good number with you, you try this yourself, and also how to write my mother what? r, but refused to write lengthy, but unfortunately I had to again, and he wrote a two-write to him how to write, perhaps they are a little anxious voice a bit large, lengthy carefully to see me; , your voice too! r to accompany her mother to the side to criticize me: l your voice was a little bigger, can not take your time! r I am also aware of his gaffe, immediately change the attitude of the ocean softly said: l I'm sorry, your mum is a bit anxious, try doing their own ocean? r lengthy nod obedient, l from the top of the first cell from the left sideline in the middle of planning a slash and then to the right of the straight line program Finally, the starting point from the top edge down to draw a straight line r son in my guide, a l4r finished, l good, very good writing, and continue to write! r be commended ocean is more interesting, and written several consecutive, In addition to a written non-straight winding, the rest are okay, probably a little too thick brush of the hand is not his son to live, so no access to fresh, becomes a straight line curve, l ocean, a certain To grip pen, or you have been looking 4 you write the first bend, and it would not be comfortable saying you look like this r my head twisted to one side, ocean to see the way I laugh, when to write elbow does not appear the phenomenon of more and better written, lengthy finish solemnly said to me after: l can not be afraid, can not be timid to try it! like pony, like, do not try to write how what? r ah! I nodded yes, l ocean absolutely right on! Yes ah! like r l Looking around in the pony, do not personally try it, how do you know how much water it? ocean is awesome! things no matter what the future do not be afraid, be sure to try a bold, if carefully done will do well!! mother, but also Zhicuojiugai he would not speak so loud, we must Be patient! Thank you, ocean! rl rude, changed that boy! r Hey! this kid will be to educate people when the time Oh pretty!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Apparel B2C transactions to the force to break through the development of major business growth

 Apparel B2C transactions to the force to break through the development of major business growth in the past few years
the online shopping market continues to heat up in 2010 again staged a yuan, is expected turnover this year will be more than 4.3 trillion yuan. And in the B2C marketplace, outstanding performance apparel. Ereli issued under the network market in recent years grew very rapidly. from the current proportion of view, in 2009 accounted for clothing apparel B2C online shopping transaction volume accounts for about 7.8%, although this proportion is still relatively low, but the pace of development of B2C apparel and growth potential is is much higher than the C2C. while also attracting a lot of B2C clothing traditional clothing brands of attention and investment, the focus of the market.
With the successful listing of McCaw forest, where the off Eslite other businesses to follow suit and B2C market boom, the development of Africa and Africa to seek a breakthrough service, and strive to occupy the clothing market in the B2C market position. from SHAPN (Adams John Binney) a breakthrough in men's brand Web site development, insight into the future development potential of B2C apparel market.
SHAPN (Adams John Binney) price policy: the noble but not your
general, the noble pursuit of quality must also be very expensive price, fashion and price seems to always honor a contradiction. particularly in China, mainly for fashion crowd 25m35 the taste of old men, are the city's white-collar workers, but most people's incomes can not guarantee that they can pursue an international luxury brand. store counter-quality men's dress shirt at the standard price of a thousand dollars, men often make men prohibitive price .
B2C Internet brand men's mall generation, high-quality men's market open another skylight. SHAPN (Adams John Binney) distinguished fashion world has always been the price of your policy will not achieve their quality and distinguished fashion consumption desire. The pursuit of quality is always the same needs, and to advocate a new to meet the modern man escalating demand for high quality of life.
SHAPN (Adams John Binney) risk-free strategy: try another payment
satisfaction for online shopping is, especially in this high-quality goods, consumer the one hand, there are some who will always buy my heart disorder.'ll worry about net purchases of high-quality merchandise, there will be dissatisfied with some of the risks, so do not want to try. SHAPN (Adams John Binney) is the consumer experience of the physical and mental barriers and to give a satisfactory strategy. Mall implementation of the audience free shipping, and then try to pay zero risk satisfactory shopping experience. Since that consumers purchase, informed product information, creating awareness of the brand .
SHAPN (Adams John Binney) The implementation of this strategy, but also fully benefit from the quality of their products is absolutely guaranteed. One: the brand in the tradition of centuries of craft and quality, fine quality, innovation and practical business fashion Clothing heritage concept has been so far, a hundred years the quality of credit protection; Second, its adoption in Europe and other international professional men's design and development agencies, international brands sharing the production process and quality system, using high quality materials and accessories, exquisite workmanship with the quality of interpretation of the classic; third, first to B2C transaction size from 2008 to 2012 will reach an annual compound growth rate of 98.6%, rapid growth is expected to buy clothing online apparel retail market in 2012, the proportion will be close to 17%. Apparel B2C market will maintain a high growth future, 2012 the scale of transactions expected to exceed 18.0 billion. In fact, if an incoming tide is surging, and irreversible, are not wise to avoid or dodge. thinking about how to deal with, and how to adapt to this trend and help it to enhance their competitive power, or open up competition in the new

Monday, January 3, 2011

The wild horse

 The wild horse
The horse, as we know it, comes from the extinct wild horse, the tarpan. It was domesticated for the fi rst time in about 6000 years ago in Asia. People ate the horses meat, drank its milk and made its skin into leather. The horse also helped to carry heavy things and when it was tame enough, people began to ride them. It was fantastic. Now you could travel further around and hunt animals on horseback. The last tarpan died in 1918.
Mustang is well known, the home has been extinct from the wild horse Mata Pan. the first domesticated 6,000 years ago in Asia, people eat horse meat, drink mare's milk, Phi horse hide, is used in full load and after acclimation riding. Now matter how you travel or sitting horseback riding, hunting, it is strange how things ah! the world last a Mustang (Tappan) died in 1918.
From Aurochs to milking cows
Tame cattle descend from the impressive Auroch that was fi rst tamed about 8,000 years ago in Asia. The Auroch was almost two meters tall, weighted up to 1000 kilos and had about a one meter long curved horn. The last Auroch was shot in 1627. < br> from the original domestication of cattle to dairy cattle
famous lines from the original cow, that was 8000 years ago the first anecdote in Asia. The original cattle about 2 meters high, weighing 1,000 kg, up curved horn 1 m, the last one of the original cow was shot in 1627.
Wild and domesticated pigs
Just think the big, fat, pink domesticated pig descends from wild boars with rough, brown fur and large tusks! The fi rst wild boar was domesticated about 9000 years ago in Asia.
Today the wild boar lives both in Europe and Asia.
domestic pigs and wild boar
imagine, so plump huge, pink pig from rude and barbarous, covered with brown hair, with an enormous wild boar tusks, is simply incredible! first wild boar was domesticated 9,000 years ago in Asia. Today, the wild boar are still free to live in Asia and Europe.
Mary Had A Little Lamb
Domesticated sheep descend from the Asian mouflon, which was fi rst domesticated about 10,000 years ago. Sheep and lamb provide meat, milk, leather and wool.
Mary get a lamb
domestic sheep from Asia wild argali, the first domesticated about 10,000 years ago, domestication, sheep and lambs provided us with meat, milk, leather and wool.
Jungle fowl becomes tame In Asia, the Asian red jungle fowl were domesticated about 6000 years ago and became tame chickens that provided eggs and meat. The wild red jungle fowl still lives in Asia.
In Asia, chickens were domesticated chickens get married. In Asia, the red jungle fowl before domestication occurred in 6000, becoming home chicken to provide us with a steady stream of eggs and meat. Now, the wild red jungle fowl in Asia is also home to the natural world.
Little cat, walking so alone
Wild cats were domesticated by people from the Middle East about 10,000 years ago. Wild cats are a little bigger than tame cats but they look a lot alike. Wild cats still live in Europe, Asia and Africa.
The tarpan was a little horse that was about 130 centimeters tall. It was dark mousy-gray color with a black strip running down the middle of its back. The tarpans mane and tail were short with black hair.
Wild cat
Wild boar with its cubs
kitten, about alone go! wildcat was domesticated in the Middle East, about 10,000 years ago, things, wild cat looks like a domestic cat, but bigger than a large domestic cat. wildcat in Europe, Asia, Africa still has.
Tappan (European wild horse) is a ponies, height 130 cm, with mouse gray hair and body back the body of a black stripe. Tappan brown hair and tail hair is a black short-haired.
wild boar with cubs.
14 What do we use horses for?
In the old days, we used horses as working animals. Today we often use them for sports and fun. But in many places, the horse is actually still an important work helper. Doctors in full gallop!
Before the car was invented, horses were used for many things. Mail horsemen rode with the mail, and taxis were horse drawn carriages that only rich people could afford to drive in. Doctors and veterinarians also used a horse and carriage when they had to hurry away to sick people and animals so their horse had to be extra fast.

early use of the horse, we let the horse work for us. today it is much used in sports and entertaining. But in a very local, Ma is still the assistant are important to us. The doctor emergency. in the car before the invention of many things horses can be competent, Postman messenger on horseback, the so-called mail carriage; horse taxi, only the rich can benefit from. Doctors and veterinarians are often on horseback or carriage, eager visits will be at full speed, the so-called right away to come.
The cowboys partner
In the USA, South America and Australia there are still cowboys that take care of cattle and flocks of sheep from horseback. The riders and horses frequently ride over long distances in strong heat, so the horse has to be tenacious. In most places though today, the horse has been replaced with 4-wheel drive vehicles or helicopters. The doctors carriage almost 100 years ago Cowboys on cattle roundup

cowboy in the western United States, Australia, the hinterland, there are real cowboys, they have to take care of cattle on horseback, herding sheep. riders and horses often travel long distances back and forth, so their horses are very tough now, many horses have been four-wheel drive vehicles or helicopters to replace.
doctor's carriage is about 100 years ago become commonplace.
cowboy driving the cattle.
15 Horsepower
In the old days, horses were a fantastic help in many ways. For example, as draught animals the horse pulled the plow behind it when the soil needed plowing and it carried the grain to the mill. Today, a tractor or other machine often helps us in the fi eld. And so in many countries the horses power has been replaced with machine horsepower!
early horsepower, horse power can play an active role in many areas, such as plowing, pulling mill. Today, these farm tractors and farm machinery and more to be replaced. In many countries, this power horse, he was replaced by the machine's horsepower.
Horse ballet
At riding school you can learn to ride and control your horse. The riders who become very competent may take part in competitions for example in dressage. Then, the rider and horse practice making fi ne steps and movements. It takes a long time to learn and it almost
looks like a horse ballet! Another type of competition is called military and it is hard! Here the rider and horse must be in top form
because they have to perform dressage, high jumps and long rides.
immediate steps in the riding school, you can learn horseback riding and how to control the horse. rider can become a very competent racer in the game, such as participation in dress or dressage horse, rider and his horse can be trained to make a variety of gait and movement, learn This time-consuming and tedious road, the degree of difficulty as the horse danced ballet. Another is to develop a cavalry hard training, this time, one to reach the highest realm of men, they not only go horse, but also able to jump the obstacles and long distances .
The scene is yours!
Rodeos are an American show where cowboys do things like compete to see which cowboy can stay on a wild horse the longest. The wild horse bucks and does everything to get the rider off its back . And it often does this quickly! The good cowboys also compete in a riding competition through an obstacle course while the public claps and hoots. It is very important that the horses are handled well.
African nomads scenery reap! the western United States A cowboy is used to competing with the game is to see who can get on a horse to be a long time, which was the rebellious wild, it bumps vault, do anything to attempt to get rid of the polar bear's knights, vigorous and swift action, A cowboy is good but also his ability to face adversity, the applause or tauntingly, all manner if given. At this point, control of horses is also very important.
Horses are important for African nomads that wander from place to place when their herds of cattle, sheep or goats have to fi nd a new place to graze. The horse carries their tent and all of their other belongings. horse nomads of Africa is also critical, wandering sheep and cattle with them to group transitions grazing, grazing sheep and goats the total pasture to be converted. horseback and bags laden with their tents.
16 What is a falconer?
A falconer is a person that goes hunting with a falcon or another bird of prey. Birds of prey kill animals like pheasant, partridge, rabbit or hare. The falcon gets the prey for the falconer and, in return, it gets a chunk of meat.
put the eagle? there are some hunters, Eagle hunting with a class type bird hunting, these birds can hunt pheasant, quail, rabbit grass, cave rabbits and other animals. eagle to catch the animals, hunters, hunter's gift to the eagle is a large meat.
The golden eagle hunts wolves
Falconry has been practiced for several thousand years both in Asia and the Middle East. Even though it is called falconry, it isnt just falcons you hunt with.You can also use hawks, buzzards and eagles. For example, in Mongolia, they hunt wolves with trained golden eagles. Wolves are hunted for their fur.

golden eagle wolf in the history of falconry in Asia and the Middle East thousands of years, and the formation of a falconry technique, the use of Falcon Raptor not only, as well as kite, kite, buzzard, eagle, etc., in Mongolia, people trained golden eagle wolf to get the skins.
String around the leg
The falconers bird of prey lives in captivity and start training while it is very young. The falcon gets used to people but it is not like a pet. It knows that the falconer gives it food, so it returns to the falconer. At the beginning it is trained with a thin string around its leg so it cannot fl y away. After some time, it fl ies freely and returns because it gets a chunk of meat. A golden eagle hunts a rabbit
Off you go!
leg Bangsheng sub
falconer who originally raised the eagle in a cage, domesticated from an early age. people use a type of falcon hunting birds not regard them as pets, the falconer food to feed the eagle, the eagle will fly home. started in Eagle a small rope tied to his leg, so they fly away. Soon, they are free flying and still come back, because that piece of meat to attract.
17 Cooperating with hunting dogs
When the falconer hunts pheasants, it is often with both a bird of prey and a hunting dog. And all three cooperate together. Birds of prey can be a peregrine falcon. The hunting dog fi nds the pheasants,
and then the falcon is sent up in the air .
When the falcon is high enough, the falconer gives a command so the dog runs forward towards the pheasants. The pheasants become frightened and fl y up in the air where the peregrine falcon is waiting for them! Worlds fastest animal The peregrine falcon chooses a single pheasant that it hunts from great heights. Then it nose dives down towards the pheasant with its wings drawn in to the body. It can fl y at least 180 kilometers an hour and is thereby the worlds fastest animal. The peregrine falcon hits the pheasant with its sharp claws at extremely fast speeds, and the pheasant often dies instantly. When the falcon lands with the pheasant, the dog comes over to it. It waits quietly and calmly. Then the falconer comes along with a nice chunk of meat for the bird of prey. In return, the falcon surrenders the pheasant. Dressed to hunt! and the Hound cooperation
pheasant hunting hawk, often with hired thugs at the same time, unity among people and dogs eagles, birds of prey usually peregrine falcons, hunting dogs to find pheasants, falcons into the sky. When the peregrine falcon to fly high enough, when one dog a command, the dog has rushed pheasant, pheasant flush peregrine falcon was already ready to go! peregrine falcon is fly the world's fastest animal, one of their pheasant find a single one, from a high altitude dive to the pheasant, the speed of 180 km per hour and pound game. falcons attacked with sharp claws, and moving rapidly, resulting in taste pheasant killed on the spot. When the eagle standing next to the prey, the dog pretending to calmly in time. falconer good pieces of meat cut right to the peregrine falcon, peregrine falcons, pheasants This give claws, ready to go!
The falconer carries the bird of prey on its left arm. It sits on a thick leather glove that protects the falconers arm against the strong claws. The bird of prey has a pair of leather strips around both legs that the falconer holds on to when he walks around with the bird. It works the same as a collar on a dog. Remember the accessories When the bird of prey is taken out to hunt, it has a hat on its head. The hat covers its eyes and makes the bird less stressed. It also has some small
bells around its legs. This is so the falconer can hear where it is when it fl ies around. Often the bird has a radio transmitter on. This way the falconer can fi nd it again if it fl ies away. falconer with his left hand holding the eagle thick leather gloves to avoid being scratched by the eagle's claws. eagle legs wrapped around a pair of thong to the falconer who walk in the grip, as the dog away from their work pull the chain around his neck, like a dog, remember, put out the eagle aids including; eagle buckle cover the head of the eagle, eagle blindfolded cover can reduce the pressure on lending; eagle leg bells help Eagle heard where the falconer, and many hunters use a radio signal transmitter, which makes the falconer to fly again to find the eagle.
Falcon hat eagle hood
Leather strip thong
Radio transmitter signal transmitter
Leg straps with bells and bell thong legs
Leather glove Leather gloves
180 km / h speed of 180 km
18 What is a mythical creature?
A mythical creature is a mysterious animal that we people have created in our fantasy. In reality, they dont exist! In the old days there were many people who believed in mythical creatures. They thought that mythical creatures where the cause of some of the bad things or good things that happened around them.
mysterious creature have? the so-called mysterious animal is the number of human fantasy with magical skill of the animal, in fact, they do not exist! early humans believe that the divine animal. They believe that life around in their own mystery of how animals get along, it will have some bad or good results.
The beautiful unicorn ...
The unicorn looks like a white horse and has a long, twisted horn on its forehead. It is good and pure and protects young girls. If you want to catch a unicorn, you put a young girl out in a forest. Then the unicorn comes to her and falls asleep in her lap.
looks beautiful white unicorn unicorn , the head of a rotation of the horns Romania. They friendly and sincere care for the girls for me. If you want a unicorn, put a girl sent to the forest, the unicorn will come to her side, sleeping into her surrounded.
... with the magic horn
The unicorns strength ...