Monday, December 27, 2010

4 Record of pregnancy prenatal classes and childbirth preparation knowledge

 Health Channel by the Sohu, Life Times, the Beijing Times baby version of her mother combined to create a MD, Professor; deputy director of obstetrics and gynecology.
video consists of three segments, continuous play; time about 1 hour.
Record the following for the interview:
Moderator: users Hello everyone, welcome to between Sohu interview guests to visit. Now at the halfway point of the Pig, and many of the Golden Pig birth mother is coming on, so, Sohu Health Channel, Life Times, the Beijing Times invited her mother to the baby version of the Joint Chief Physician Peking University First Hospital Professor Yang Huixia, share with you what needs to be done before labor to prepare. Professor Yang Hello, I now ask what mode of delivery, the advantages and disadvantages of each mode of delivery?
YANG Hui-xia: the main mode of delivery vaginal delivery and cesarean delivery. In under the law of contractions, fetal and appurtenances smoothly through the vagina is delivered, called the normal vaginal delivery. Some babies, though vaginal delivery, but need to go through some auxiliary methods, such as Forceps and fetal aspiration, also belong to vaginal delivery. laparotomy production, we have also been no stranger to refer to the abdomen through the incision, the uterus, the baby is delivered, that the fetus without a vagina. vaginal delivery and caesarean section compared to the maternal, children's interest will certainly be more good than harm. the fetus is concerned, the fetus through the vagina during childbirth, would increase its ability to adapt to the outside world, the other, after vaginal delivery of the child after birth, the incidence of wet lung is relatively low. fetal period, the surrounding environment is full of amniotic fluid, after a vaginal delivery, the role and the waves of contractions squeezed the birth canal, in favor of fetal lung liquid squeezed out, so, after vaginal delivery of newborns, the incidence of wet lung will be significantly reduced. < br> Studies show that, after vaginal delivery kids, children of a sense of integration and other aspects of the disorder, the incidence of cesarean section delivery will be lower than the direct descendants. For the mother is concerned, the natural process of vaginal delivery after , despite the advent of maternal contractions may experience pain, vaginal delivery, postpartum recovery, but faster. In addition, there are also conducive to breast-feeding soon after delivery. In turn, the children after cesarean section, vaginal delivery is not a natural adaptation process, so some of the newborn after birth complications and ability to adapt to the fetus than vaginal delivery. caesarean delivery, the need for surgery under anesthesia, although it is the level of anesthesia and surgical techniques improve, surgery time shortened, but after all, a surgery, the surgery compared with vaginal delivery, maternal hemorrhage certainly be more than the chance of infection than vaginal deliveries increased. In addition, the need to emphasize is that many people want to reduce the birth by caesarean section in the process of pain, but do not ignore the slow recovery process after cesarean section and lower abdominal pain, the wound will remain in the post-partum, together with the short term can not return to normal after the diet, therefore, will later post-partum milk secretion, so affect the post-natal breast-feeding.
conclusion, pregnant women, no specific indication for caesarean section, it is recommended that you carry out vaginal delivery. can look abroad, the choice of delivery mode, whether the United States or Europe, much of their cesarean section rate much lower than in our country. caesarean section, after all, the way to solve the difficult birth, not a normal physiological birth process. I hope that we can successfully meet the baby is delivered, if possible, or a way to vaginal delivery.
Moderator : What kind of mother to how to choose? After all, some people are really not suitable for natural childbirth, but some people do not for a caesarean section, we state how to choose according to their own mode of delivery?
YANG Hui-xia: depends on the choice of delivery mode Mother, two children. First of all, pregnant women, the pelvis should be normal, if a pregnant woman's own relatively narrow pelvis, the fetus is not suitable for vaginal delivery. In addition, the location and size of the fetus is also very important. If the fetus is breech or transverse position, not suitable for vaginal delivery, abnormal fetal position that vaginal childbirth complications will increase. There are the size of the fetus, and now everyone's living standards are improved nutrition of pregnant women is widespread, many of fetal weight is too large, to bring some difficulties vaginal delivery. In addition, productivity is the time of delivery. delivery time mainly from the contraction productivity, productivity is good or bad is not good to predict in advance, mainly in the delivery process, according to the case of contraction to determine. trimester of pregnancy, to communicate with the Doctor, to understand their pelvis is normal, the fetal position in the case of other medical help to determine whether vaginal delivery.
, of course, pregnant women, who suffers from a serious illness, or ability by the birth process, you may need a caesarean section, such as severe heart disease or severe high blood pressure. If the fetus had intrauterine hypoxia, birth need as soon as possible, in most cases need the help of cesarean section. vaginal delivery need to regular the role of uterine cervix gradually turn up to 10 cm, and then, the baby is delivered, it normally takes more than a dozen hours of process, if the mother, child of any party problems, will not be successful vaginal delivery.
User: I have myopia, has reached a thousand degrees, this situation can be naturally produced, and if the natural production of it, check what needs to be done?
YANG Hui-xia: myopia is not an absolute indication for caesarean section, to a high degree of myopia pregnant women in late pregnancy can do to help fundus examination mode of delivery options. myopia has done the surgery, which pregnant women should avoid excessive force during delivery. Therefore, it is recommended to pregnant women with myopia fundus ophthalmic check , according to their own situation, and finally make a comprehensive decision.
Moderator: If subdivided further, the mode of delivery there is pain-free birth, water birth, etc.. What is now pain-free birth What can really be painless , there is no side-effects?
YANG Hui-xia: painless labor and water birth is for the purposes of vaginal delivery. In the course of normal vaginal delivery, from the law of contraction began, to the baby is delivered during each contraction, the pregnant women paroxysmal pain will be felt, this production there are individual differences in pain. should be said that half of childbirth pain was unbearable, so as to avoid the pain of many pregnant women requested cesarean delivery, this option is not appropriate . With the painless childbirth in our country extensively, in large part to reduce the cesarean delivery because of fear of the phenomenon of pain. There are many painless delivery, including: taking inhaled labor analgesia in a way which Acupuncture anesthesia has been taken to achieve analgesia, but good for the analgesic effect of spinal anesthesia, epidural anesthesia or the main analgesic anesthesia. years of clinical practice shows that intrapartum epidural analgesia effective, and safe. analgesia is now used by the drug, dosage are constantly improved through the years of domestic and foreign experts to reduce the production of narcotic drugs when the concentration of pain medication through the addition of the same time to achieve effective analgesia maternal movement is not affected, the so-called labor analgesia can be walking. pregnant women receiving analgesia, diet and activities were not affected. But we should also know the so-called labor analgesia is to reduce pain in childbirth does not mean completely painless.
water birth, whether foreign or domestic, carried in a relatively small, after all, have some remaining water delivery problems, not suitable for clinical widely carried out, in special medical institutions can be applied.
Moderator : It is not suitable for all painless delivery of maternal, there is no one can hit the pin?
YANG Hui-xia: I just mentioned the birth pains of the spinal canal, its contraindications are as follows: patients with spinal diseases, blood diseases, such as very low platelet levels, and the epidural area skin infections, etc., are not capable of doing the labor analgesia. In addition, fetal hypoxia has been presented is not suitable, but the vast majority of pregnant women is acceptable painless childbirth .
our hospital since 2000 has been done thousands of cases of painless labor, the use of labor analgesia techniques and medications are related to the basic United States is being done is similar, basically the safety of this relatively high labor analgesia .
Moderator: In addition to anesthesia method, is there a number of pre-practice or preparation, can help mothers in the production process, relieve pain?
YANG Hui-xia: the past, have also been trying to do something to For example the third trimester of pregnancy to do some gymnastics, etc., in fact this movement for reducing the role of pain in childbirth is not great. but by the movement of pregnancy, can make the abdominal muscles to get some exercise, labor full time in the cervix can be well help fetal birth out.
Moderator: When did you start training more appropriate?
YANG Hui-xia: As long as your body condition allows, the pregnancy can be the appropriate exercise. not necessarily wait until the third trimester of pregnancy further. trimester proposal to take exercise, such as qualified people, you can always go swimming, to exercise the abdominal muscles, on the final delivery will be of some help. there are also special gymnastics for pregnant women, pregnancy can be late. then there can be a daily walk, but do not have to too much. on a late abortion or premature birth in the late signs, it is best not to do too much exercise, to prevent certain complications.
friends: I have heard to the doctor and gave birth to acupuncture, can execute a little bit faster, This can reduce the pain when the contractions, this argument makes sense you?
YANG Hui-xia: It's not justified, the so-called The use of these drugs need to have indications. For example, the labor force in the contraction is not good, slow progress of labor in order to use these drugs to ensure the smooth progress of labor. These drugs relieve pain and no effect. to use to strengthen contractions the drug does not seek to labor as short as possible, we still have to control the concentration of the drug, production process of contraction should be moderate, not too strong, too strong for the mother, the fetus were negative. In addition, production can also lead to the occurrence of acute and clinically should be avoided.
Moderator: when mothers are most concerned about the production thing is giving birth, ask who is more prone to dystocia?
YANG Hui-xia: First, depending on the size and shape of the pelvis of pregnant women and because of fetal size. If the fetus is too large, plus the location of the fetus not good, will increase the chance of giving birth. With the progress of labor, the fetus into the pelvis after the role in contraction, continuous rotation, if can not be good to rotate, there may be abnormal fetal position, leading to the occurrence of dystocia.
, of course, giving birth also have a certain relationship with the contractions. maternal pelvis is not changed, but fetal size can be controlled, In order to ensure smooth delivery, pregnant women should be reasonable nutrition during pregnancy to ensure the healthy development of the fetus in utero, do not lead to fetal overgrowth. Now even fetal weight at 8 pounds 9 pounds or more are common, certainly not conducive to a normal vaginal delivery, will increase the chance of occurrence of dystocia.
Moderator: What are the signs of labor, when, how to judge when you go to the hospital is appropriate, should be brought to the hospital when things do what?
YANG Hui-xia: will be close to the due date pregnant women, fetal movement first of all pay attention to his situation, third trimester of pregnancy decreased fetal movement or fetal movement suddenly too frequent, suggesting that poor baby in the womb, should immediately go to the hospital.
regular contractions occur, is a sign of labor, generally to speaking, the law refers to contractions every three to four minutes once, more than half a minute each contraction continued, and over time, contractions become stronger, more and more time to shorten the interval. Some pregnant women contractions that occur, but after a rest, contractions disappeared or weakened, this is false contractions, that is, irregular contractions before labor, there is no need to rush to the hospital.
some of the clearest vaginal fluid flows out , suggesting that rupture of membranes occurred at this time, we must promptly to the hospital. in the event of rupture of membranes, not in time to the hospital, along with prolonged rupture of membranes, may lead to intrauterine infection. individual women broke film, when a large number of amniotic fluid outflow, but also a cord prolapse.
have vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, but also to the hospital in time. These are all needed in a timely manner to the hospital situation. to the hospital to seek treatment, the main carrying their own Some of prenatal care information, most hospitals to the third trimester of pregnancy, the doctor will keep your case information to pregnant women to prevent emergency situations to the hospital emergency department physician reference. other, carrying a number of commodities, not too many special needs prepared. < br> Host: Now the hospital has been compared to the mothers prepared a complete item, we do not need the same as before with a small bundle of the past?
YANG Hui-xia: But their common commodity, but also bring your own.
chair people: this is the case go to the hospital, particularly if the women give birth, when suddenly, at home there, this time the family should be how to deal with?
YANG Hui-xia: I hope this situation will not occur in pregnant women. radical production is the rule contraction to the final delivery, less than three hours. this situation rarely occurs, if some pregnant women to the hospital too late, there are several ways:
at this time, his family and some relief to emergency systems, such as say 120 or 999 calls, better if a professional came in the family.
In addition, if there may be to the nearest hospital, not rushed to the hospital you want to specify, or at home, the family is difficult to do something disposal.
If it is not, the placenta was delivered to the time already, it is best not to break umbilical and other treatment at home, because this is more prone to infection. to the hospital again for further disposal. this situation is relatively rare. We in the hospital Occasionally see some, has its own special reasons.
done by mothers or pregnant women in mid-induction, from labor to delivery of the relatively short time, these mothers can appropriate to the hospital earlier, such as regular uterine contractions appeared to go hospital, rather than contractions, as I said then to the hospital after less frequently. Also, if a pregnant woman's residence farther away from the hospital, you can also check the doctors and the communication to the third trimester of pregnancy, appropriate early hospitalization. this year may be Many hospitals have relatively great pressure on delivery, pregnant women who lived farther away, to the emergency room when you can tell what the doctor, hospitalization may be an early settlement.
Moderator: Please explain the natural childbirth Professor Yang is what the whole process , so that we first have an emotional understanding, let everyone know when to birth how to go with a doctor?
YANG Hui-xia: Regular contractions, the first neck shortened cervix gradually turn up the role in the contraction , from the cervical canal disappears into the cervix large, the relatively slow progress, 3 cm in the cervix before the contraction is not so strong, many pregnant women can be tolerated at this time, this phase of medicine known as latency.
3 cm above the cervix, contractions become more frequent, shorter interval between each contraction, then enter the active period, from the cervix 3 cm to 10 cm, the phase of relatively rapid progress of labor, so , contractions are getting stronger, a lot of mothers can not bear, the need for painless childbirth. Of course, some pregnant women feel severe pain after labor, it would need to accept the pain-free birth as soon as possible.
cervix all that into the first Second stage of labor, time, need to meet the appropriate maternal, there contractions coming, pregnant women learn to take a deep breath, the proper use of abdominal pressure. cervix, after all, there is the case of contractions, pregnant women with abdominal pressure to help slow to help the fetus parturition.
contraction comes, a lot of people very nervous, I feel very painful contractions of each array. In fact, we do not get too nervous, because the contractions come and experience some changes in certain machines, such as feeling some pain, lower abdominal pain who is not too serious, that is, feel the lower abdomen fall, backache and so on. labor, the first stage to learn a good rest, no contractions, the food to eat, to drink the water, if ten hours in a state of high tension to the second stage of labor, even to hard, and very tired, had no power. encourage labor into the labor room, if possible, to appropriate activities, not once labor had to lie on the bed , motionless. ten hours down, eat less, to the cervix to open wide, no force was already.
approaching due date, many people in order to produce Chengshun Li, constantly in motion, that to walk , and more stairs to a good delivery. It does not make sense. labor before a stage must ensure a good rest and good sleep, dietary intake, the real labor only ten hours after the physical.
many pregnant women The first stage of labor when asked what should be eaten, in fact, a normal diet can be, and to choose their own favorite foods, cervix all the time, you need to force the time, the next time you eat is not realistic, you can eat a little high calorie foods such as chocolate, to help provide the body energy as quickly as possible, but do not like some mothers, that labor must eat chocolate after a dozen hours of constantly eating chocolate, this is not necessary it is not realistic.
In the production process, to encourage people to properly eat, drink, but also pay attention to empty the bladder in a timely manner. If the bladder filling, also affect the child head down. pregnant women do not feel pain when producing the same, some people give birth later, I felt that I can be tolerated, can be appropriate activities, listen to music, distraction, so that relieves the pain of childbirth.
many hospitals can now accompanied by maternal family, which is good. labor side after the family accompanied Palace contraction comes, can play the role of psychological comfort, pain can be reduced further.
Moderator: You mentioned the issue paternity, online also asked, in the end, when paternity is the mother or her husband to accompany? you experience in the hospital for so long, can give you suggestions for how to choose?
YANG Hui-xia: Because most hospitals allow only family members of both into one, or if the mother accompanied her husband are willing to go in, you can turn to. Each families according to their own circumstances, this right to their own mothers to choose.
friends: I have seven months pregnant, and in more than a month when a series of checks, such as hepatitis B, liver function, syphilis, AIDS , trace elements, etc., these things are checked, but I was told, when approaching childbirth, to re-do these checks, there is the need to do?
YANG Hui-xia: early pregnancy, infectious disease screening conducted, If there is no specific exposure history, there is no need to repeat the third trimester of pregnancy check. as early as prenatal, and after a few months and then infected the chances are low, most people do not need to repeat the examination. because now detection of trace element method is not very accurate, is not routine clinical examination items.
Moderator: There are users asked, she was older mothers, has 35 years of age, the production, the need for special check-ups do?
YANG Hui-xia : advanced maternal age, and pregnant women compared to non-elderly, in addition to the project to conduct routine inspections, the other, it is best done in mid-pregnancy amniotic fluid cytology, except for aspects of fetal chromosomal abnormalities. to the third trimester of pregnancy complications in older pregnant women occurred more than non-elderly women, it is recommended to enhance the detection of pregnancy.
the elderly in our country is not easy, especially pregnant women in pregnancy, resulting in older pregnant women, indication for caesarean section can be relaxed. abroad is not so, there is no any complications, although the elderly but in good condition can be vaginal deliveries.
friends: I am seven months pregnant at the time more than six months to do black and white B-and found that polyhydramnios, a 80 mm and, after a couple of days and do the ultrasound. I've heard too much amniotic fluid may be fetal malformations, but the B-display is normal. I am particularly large belly, although the 7 months, we all thought it was a quick birth, I was worried when the baby is born will not have an accident, what is the result of too much amniotic fluid?
YANG Hui-xia: The users mentioned polyhydramnios, not too serious. medicine is the amniotic fluid in polyhydramnios total more than 2 one thousand milliliters. B-ultrasound if the amniotic fluid when the maximum depth of more than 7 cm plane to suspected polyhydramnios, is not it will develop into very serious polyhydramnios, is unclear. polyhydramnios than first fetal malformations, the most common open neural tube defects, as well as other gastrointestinal atresia. Now that testing is not, do not worry too much. In addition polyhydramnios, may also be related to local inflammation, as well as pregnant women, high blood sugar case also associated with polyhydramnios.
dynamically observed, does not occur if the sharp increase in amniotic fluid volume, no special treatment. If the amniotic fluid increased dramatically, leading to excessive expansion of the uterus and oppression around the abdominal organs, need symptomatic treatment when necessary, a small amount of water the sheep and so on. If the mere point above normal amniotic fluid, not too many concerns and special intervention, rigorous testing and then observed regularly on it.
Moderator: There are a lot of friends concerned about the postnatal problems, such as how long it was asked post-partum pain to disappear?
YANG Hui-xia: postpartum pain disappeared, each individual is different, postpartum vaginal delivery may recover faster, especially vaginal delivery does not take sides wound. If the caesarean delivery, wound pain duration longer. Also after childbirth, because the uterus to recover gradually in the breast-feeding, when strong uterine contractions, maternal pain will be felt strongly that everyone pain lost time or not quite the same.
Moderator: Some Internet users worried about natural childbirth will squeeze the fetus, the fetus is not very good, but also bring a number of diseases can give mothers need this worry you?
YANG Hui-xia : After vaginal delivery process, it is the physiological process, there are many benefits to the fetus, there is not study, because after the extrusion, so the child will have some problems. I also know that some pregnant women, anxiety, fear not child mental well as caesarean section, caesarean section can change this problem if the foreign person will have more cesarean delivery, rather than as now, foreign caesarean section rate is much lower than ours, so do not worry about it.
As After a vaginal delivery, itself has no effect on maternal, if delivery is very smooth if you influence the general is not too great. If the vaginal delivery for too long, the intervention did not do any treatment, pelvic pressure for a long time, there are some urination problems and so on. Before the liberation, our country is not in the hospital a lot of people giving birth, birth in the family, and there was no way a lot of midwifery, so liberation, many people because many of the vaginal delivery and the birth process is too long , resulting in leakage of some of urogenital tract. not now, because the hospital will master the normal, reasonable delivery process, so these people do not need to worry too much.
Moderator: Now the time left to live users, if you have any questions you can ask Professor Xiang Yang.
friends: I am the end of September due date, I have 31-32 weeks to do a B-, when the fetal head is too large, my own pelvic condition, the doctor told me export diameter is 73 / 4 cm, is smaller. last see a doctor, so my own choice, is a natural birth or Caesarean section. I am unable to settle down, my question is if you choose natural childbirth, because the fetus situation and my situation to the second stage will have a difficult, at this time and then split is not also? If this is the case, the mother will be suffering a bit, but the fetus can be considered through the extrusion process, and for that he has had some benefits of . If I choose a caesarean section, after the lactation process needs to pay attention to what?
YANG Hui-xia: pelvic outlet diameter of 8 cm or more to belong to normal, you should be in this situation after 38 weeks of pregnancy to do a final evaluation pelvis and fetal conditions. In most cases, 38 weeks review the pelvis, the pelvis may be normal. our hospital, when the term review recommended to the pelvis, combined with the size of the fetus, and finally determine whether vaginal delivery. Although weeks of pregnancy 31,32 head slightly larger, if 38-39 weeks, fetal size will moderate, or even too small to worry about there problems cephalopelvic disproportion. If you do pelvic abnormalities, not suitable for vaginal delivery, doctors certainly do not recommend waiting for pregnant women palace mouth open wide, the students do not come down and then select the section, this is not a fine selection strategy.
early after cesarean delivery in order to ensure the secretion of milk is recommended as follows: children are born, the earlier the mother and child skin contact can increase feelings of mother and child, while, on the early lactation also help. Although just after cesarean section, not much milk, so infants on both sides of the breast frequently to suck, to promote secretion of milk or have a certain help. newborns sucking each time the neural regulation occurs, increase the secretion of milk. And then there are complete after cesarean, pregnant women eat early, early resumption of normal diet, after lactation has certain advantages.
User: just finished caesarean section, then there anesthetics that if their kids to suck it, will not affect the child?
YANG Hui-xia: not much of a problem, had a small amount of anesthetic, through the secretion of milk out was lower, after sucking so newborns, mainly to stimulate lactation, so there is no need to worry about.
User: Hypoxia will cause relatively large impact children, will intrauterine hypoxia What performance is what causes?
YANG Hui-xia: intrauterine fetal hypoxia definitely not good. However, pregnant women, whether there really is not a good prediction of intrauterine hypoxia. a good number of third trimester pregnant women, fetal movement is generally recommended, because fetal hypoxia, the first change in fetal activity. Hypoxia significantly increased the early games, that is, frequent fetal movement, a long time if the oxygen, the fetus has no power to move, fetal movement will be significantly reduced. So, late pregnancy, pregnant women must pay attention to the case of moving the fetus in utero. If the conditions, especially high-risk factors in pregnant women, can be rented from the hospital, fetal monitors, rent home from the hospital after the fetal heart rate monitoring can be done every day. pregnant After 36 weeks, so that we do normal fetal heart rate monitoring, but also to help identify whether the issue of fetal hypoxia.
Netizen: What is Hypoxia causes?
YANG Hui-xia: There are many factors, including pregnant women, their suffering from diseases such as diabetes, blood glucose has been high, not well controlled, this time the fetus in high-glucose environment, prone to hypoxia, especially in late pregnancy. Then there are the pregnant woman with hypertension, placental function may involvement. fetal umbilical cord entanglement, affect fetal blood supply, oxygen, other factors have led to decreased placental function.
users: post-cesarean maternal vaginal discharge lochia production time than some of you long time?
YANG Hui-xia: lochia relatively longer, but although the long duration, but not too much later the amount of lochia. generally speaking, six weeks postpartum, lochia basically clean, but often seen clinically after cesarean section, may continue to lochia longer, if not accompanied by inflammation, lochia are small, do not have to worry too much.
Moderator: Today's interview is over here, thank you to attend the interview, also like to thank Professor Yang busy schedule of in here. Sohu Please keep an eye health, attention Life Times, the Beijing Times, today's interview and past content online and in newspapers can be found, if there is a need to know where to go Sohu Health Channel, Life Times, the Beijing Times know.

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