Sunday, May 29, 2011

For health , do not do these 18 things !

! Share Guide: In everyone's life, people end their life energy hard struggle, and its purpose is the pursuit of happy life. Some people think that having the fame, status and money is happiness; some people have a rich variety of material that is happiness; there are people who have a favorable working environment that is happy, but the true meaning of happiness but few people interested. So the true sense of happiness what is it? Personally, I think, a healthy happiness. For health, do not do these 18 things.

1, get the first Diebei

human body itself - is also a source of contamination. In the night's sleep, the body's skin will emit large amounts of water vapor, so that the quilt to varying degrees, damp. The respiratory and distribution of the pores of the body of chemical substances discharged from 145?? From the evaporation of sweat has 151 kinds of chemical substances. Quilt absorbed or adsorbed water and gases, such as to prevent its dissemination to go out, immediately beds, easy to make quilt damp and contaminated by chemicals.

2, do not eat breakfast

who do not eat breakfast usually irregular diet, easy to feel fatigue, dizziness, weakness, constant, daily will result in malnutrition, anemia, lowered immunity, and produce pancreatic and biliary stones.

3, after a meal pine belt

loose belt after a meal can decrease intra-abdominal pressure, the activities of digestive organs and ligaments of the load increases, thus contributing to increased bowel motility, prone to volvulus, people bloating, abdominal pain, vomiting, also gastroptosis so susceptible to disease.

4, after a meal or sleep

makes the brain to sleep after dinner that the blood flow to the stomach, due to lower blood pressure, brain oxygen supply is also reduced, resulting in extreme fatigue after meals, can lead to heartburn and indigestion, but also fat . If the blood supply has been the case originally, then fell asleep after dinner, this stationary state, can easily lead to stroke.

5, satiation

satiation easily lead to memory loss, mental retardation, attention, stress, diminished capacity. Often eat three square meals, especially dinner fed, because calorie intake too much will make the body excess fat, increased blood lipids, resulting in cerebral atherosclerosis. Also cause something called The result of cerebral arteriosclerosis will cause the brain to hypoxia and lack of nutrition, metabolism of brain cells, often eat three square meals, but also induced gallstones, cholecystitis, diabetes and other diseases, people prematurely, shortened life expectancy.

6, fasting blood sugar

more and more evidence that the habit of fasting blood sugar longer absorb the damage of various proteins more severe. Because protein is the basis of life activities, and thus long-term fasting blood sugar, it will affect a variety of normal body function, so that the body becomes so weak shorten life.

7, eat salty food

sodium retention in the body, easy to form or worsen high blood pressure and heart disease.

8, beard

beard with the absorption of harmful substances in the performance. When people breathe in, are attracted to the beard of harmful substances within the respiratory tract is likely to be inhaled. According to the bearded man inhaled air and quantitative analysis, found that inhaling the air contains dozens of harmful substances, including phenol, toluene, acetone, isoprene and other dienes asked carcinogens, left bearded men inhaled air pollution index, was 4.2 times that of ordinary air. If the bearded chin, and left mustache, the pollution index up to 7.2 times. Coupled with factors such as smoking, air pollution index will be up to 50 times normal.

9, Rocker his legs
Rocker will make his legs legs
poor blood flow, affect health. If the venous aneurysm, arthritis, neuralgia, venous thrombosis, Rocker legs make the disease worse. Especially the legs of people or pregnant women, it is prone to venous thrombosis.

10, squinting to see things, rub the eye

squinting to see things, prone to fishtail eye wrinkles. Habit of squinting can make eye muscle fatigue, blurred vision headache. Rouyan, the bacteria infect the eye by the hand, leading to inflammation, eyelashes to break or fall off.

11, suppressing urination

tolerate the urine may cause acute cystitis, frequent urination, urinary pain, little pain and other symptoms of abdominal distention. U.S. scientists published a research report pointed out that holding back urine dragonfly habits of people and equipment likely 5 times higher than the average person. When holding back urine, bladder urine can not be discharged deposit to form an artificial urinary retention. As is often holding back urine, and detrusor sphincter often will make a state of tension; if holding back urine for too long, the bladder urine volume increased, but also the internal pressure gradually increased, a long time of bladder neck obstruction occurs symptoms, resulting in difficulty urinating, poor, or leakage of urine, incontinence and other problems. In concurrent infections can lead to urinary retention Shihai and stone, serious cases of kidney function.

12, desk nap

generally occurs after a nap at the desk temporary blurred vision because the eye is oppressed, corneal distortion, caused by the curvature change. If the daily oppression of the eye, can cause high intraocular pressure, visual acuity will suffer the long run.

13, prone to sleep

sleep prone to curvature of the spine, increasing the pressure on the muscles and ligaments, people are still not rest in sleep. In addition, we will increase the chest, heart, lung and facial pressure, resulting in swelling of the Ministry of wake behind the eyes appear bloodshot.

14, before going to bed does not face

cosmetics do not stay in the face wash, acne and cause inflammation like eye of a needle, but also to make eye inflammation, cause allergic skin reaction.

15, before going to bed without brushing your teeth

teeth before going to bed, after brushing your teeth is more important than getting up, because the left in the mouth and teeth of bacteria, residues in the night on the teeth, dental age there is a strong corrosive effect.

16, up late
inhibition of the cerebral cortex
up late for too long, constant, daily, can cause brain function to some extent an artificial barrier, leading to understanding and memory loss, but also to decreased immune function, disrupting the body's biological rhythms, lazy people , creates an inertia, while the muscles, joints, and urinary system also will suffer. In addition, poor blood circulation, the body's nutritional delivery is not timely, but will also affect metabolism. Because doors and windows closed at night to sleep in the morning indoor air quality, love bed is likely to cause colds, coughs and other respiratory diseases.

17, hot water bath for too long

in tap water, chloroform and allyl chloride is harmful substances in the water likely to be volatile, due to drop in an ice bath, there are more opportunities and exposure to air, so that both the release of many harmful substances. According to data collected, if the bath with hot water, only 25% of the chloroform and 40% of the three vinyl chloride released into the air; and shower with hot water, released into the air will reach 50% of chloroform three vinyl chloride as high as 80%.

18, live in anxiety

doing business in a number of mental and young people, their lives overload the machine all day, because of their strong rivalry in the psychological, physiological and psychological aspects are under tremendous pressure . After the excessive mental and physical labor, followed by fatigue and disease prevention capacity is weakening, which may lead to many diseases.

the Editor: Many people often do not care when healthy, but when the disease after another, to bear when the unbearable suffering of disease, had just awakened. So come to understand, and know up, and it is too late. So they rush to take a series of remedial measures, drugs make up, Sibu, sports and fitness, do you not know The face of those who have lost a healthy person, we will feel how they can have a healthy well-being, with health will have it all possible.

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