Monday, May 30, 2011

Haha ~ These days make a lot of the Internet , want to come take a look to make money online ,

pretty good mood today because a friend gave me part-time, finally received the money , share with friends here who work for the new expert, as long as the Internet time line, all in the online operation, without input, Operation is very simple , the next day clearing wages, wage arrears and never ! Part-time full-time can be , time without any restrictions , it is easy to make money good job , a good opportunity we should not miss! ,,,
Internet brings nothing to do leisure friends to try ,,,

】 【

Sunday, May 29, 2011

For health , do not do these 18 things !

! Share Guide: In everyone's life, people end their life energy hard struggle, and its purpose is the pursuit of happy life. Some people think that having the fame, status and money is happiness; some people have a rich variety of material that is happiness; there are people who have a favorable working environment that is happy, but the true meaning of happiness but few people interested. So the true sense of happiness what is it? Personally, I think, a healthy happiness. For health, do not do these 18 things.

1, get the first Diebei

human body itself - is also a source of contamination. In the night's sleep, the body's skin will emit large amounts of water vapor, so that the quilt to varying degrees, damp. The respiratory and distribution of the pores of the body of chemical substances discharged from 145?? From the evaporation of sweat has 151 kinds of chemical substances. Quilt absorbed or adsorbed water and gases, such as to prevent its dissemination to go out, immediately beds, easy to make quilt damp and contaminated by chemicals.

2, do not eat breakfast

who do not eat breakfast usually irregular diet, easy to feel fatigue, dizziness, weakness, constant, daily will result in malnutrition, anemia, lowered immunity, and produce pancreatic and biliary stones.

3, after a meal pine belt

loose belt after a meal can decrease intra-abdominal pressure, the activities of digestive organs and ligaments of the load increases, thus contributing to increased bowel motility, prone to volvulus, people bloating, abdominal pain, vomiting, also gastroptosis so susceptible to disease.

4, after a meal or sleep

makes the brain to sleep after dinner that the blood flow to the stomach, due to lower blood pressure, brain oxygen supply is also reduced, resulting in extreme fatigue after meals, can lead to heartburn and indigestion, but also fat . If the blood supply has been the case originally, then fell asleep after dinner, this stationary state, can easily lead to stroke.

5, satiation

satiation easily lead to memory loss, mental retardation, attention, stress, diminished capacity. Often eat three square meals, especially dinner fed, because calorie intake too much will make the body excess fat, increased blood lipids, resulting in cerebral atherosclerosis. Also cause something called The result of cerebral arteriosclerosis will cause the brain to hypoxia and lack of nutrition, metabolism of brain cells, often eat three square meals, but also induced gallstones, cholecystitis, diabetes and other diseases, people prematurely, shortened life expectancy.

6, fasting blood sugar

more and more evidence that the habit of fasting blood sugar longer absorb the damage of various proteins more severe. Because protein is the basis of life activities, and thus long-term fasting blood sugar, it will affect a variety of normal body function, so that the body becomes so weak shorten life.

7, eat salty food

sodium retention in the body, easy to form or worsen high blood pressure and heart disease.

8, beard

beard with the absorption of harmful substances in the performance. When people breathe in, are attracted to the beard of harmful substances within the respiratory tract is likely to be inhaled. According to the bearded man inhaled air and quantitative analysis, found that inhaling the air contains dozens of harmful substances, including phenol, toluene, acetone, isoprene and other dienes asked carcinogens, left bearded men inhaled air pollution index, was 4.2 times that of ordinary air. If the bearded chin, and left mustache, the pollution index up to 7.2 times. Coupled with factors such as smoking, air pollution index will be up to 50 times normal.

9, Rocker his legs
Rocker will make his legs legs
poor blood flow, affect health. If the venous aneurysm, arthritis, neuralgia, venous thrombosis, Rocker legs make the disease worse. Especially the legs of people or pregnant women, it is prone to venous thrombosis.

10, squinting to see things, rub the eye

squinting to see things, prone to fishtail eye wrinkles. Habit of squinting can make eye muscle fatigue, blurred vision headache. Rouyan, the bacteria infect the eye by the hand, leading to inflammation, eyelashes to break or fall off.

11, suppressing urination

tolerate the urine may cause acute cystitis, frequent urination, urinary pain, little pain and other symptoms of abdominal distention. U.S. scientists published a research report pointed out that holding back urine dragonfly habits of people and equipment likely 5 times higher than the average person. When holding back urine, bladder urine can not be discharged deposit to form an artificial urinary retention. As is often holding back urine, and detrusor sphincter often will make a state of tension; if holding back urine for too long, the bladder urine volume increased, but also the internal pressure gradually increased, a long time of bladder neck obstruction occurs symptoms, resulting in difficulty urinating, poor, or leakage of urine, incontinence and other problems. In concurrent infections can lead to urinary retention Shihai and stone, serious cases of kidney function.

12, desk nap

generally occurs after a nap at the desk temporary blurred vision because the eye is oppressed, corneal distortion, caused by the curvature change. If the daily oppression of the eye, can cause high intraocular pressure, visual acuity will suffer the long run.

13, prone to sleep

sleep prone to curvature of the spine, increasing the pressure on the muscles and ligaments, people are still not rest in sleep. In addition, we will increase the chest, heart, lung and facial pressure, resulting in swelling of the Ministry of wake behind the eyes appear bloodshot.

14, before going to bed does not face

cosmetics do not stay in the face wash, acne and cause inflammation like eye of a needle, but also to make eye inflammation, cause allergic skin reaction.

15, before going to bed without brushing your teeth

teeth before going to bed, after brushing your teeth is more important than getting up, because the left in the mouth and teeth of bacteria, residues in the night on the teeth, dental age there is a strong corrosive effect.

16, up late
inhibition of the cerebral cortex
up late for too long, constant, daily, can cause brain function to some extent an artificial barrier, leading to understanding and memory loss, but also to decreased immune function, disrupting the body's biological rhythms, lazy people , creates an inertia, while the muscles, joints, and urinary system also will suffer. In addition, poor blood circulation, the body's nutritional delivery is not timely, but will also affect metabolism. Because doors and windows closed at night to sleep in the morning indoor air quality, love bed is likely to cause colds, coughs and other respiratory diseases.

17, hot water bath for too long

in tap water, chloroform and allyl chloride is harmful substances in the water likely to be volatile, due to drop in an ice bath, there are more opportunities and exposure to air, so that both the release of many harmful substances. According to data collected, if the bath with hot water, only 25% of the chloroform and 40% of the three vinyl chloride released into the air; and shower with hot water, released into the air will reach 50% of chloroform three vinyl chloride as high as 80%.

18, live in anxiety

doing business in a number of mental and young people, their lives overload the machine all day, because of their strong rivalry in the psychological, physiological and psychological aspects are under tremendous pressure . After the excessive mental and physical labor, followed by fatigue and disease prevention capacity is weakening, which may lead to many diseases.

the Editor: Many people often do not care when healthy, but when the disease after another, to bear when the unbearable suffering of disease, had just awakened. So come to understand, and know up, and it is too late. So they rush to take a series of remedial measures, drugs make up, Sibu, sports and fitness, do you not know The face of those who have lost a healthy person, we will feel how they can have a healthy well-being, with health will have it all possible.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ma Yiming brochure copy

Ice should be friends Chen (QQ772609965) invited him to write a brochure copy , as well as cover.
copy and cover do not know the customer by not.
here thanks to the friends,

Faith will move mountains to open
music is heaven, music is hell.
he can take away the soul of the melody, he can reclaim the soul of light depression.
music does not flow , but mind the art of graffiti .
music is self-cultivation of the temple , with notes of lightly heart looks to the net filter .
music is the soul of faith , with notes touching feelings, read their own in the melody .
Emotional intertwined with the melody , the notes and the trend of the collision , all the mind sees and music intertwined together.
notes indifferent to enjoy the magnificent waves, bathed in the beautiful depths of the dust in the scale .
I'm nothing, just a follower of music , for the life of tempering has other insights .
Photo Name: Ma Yiming cover

Photo Name: Ma Yiming cover

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

2010 Shanghai World Expo national pavilion appreciate

World Expo 2010 Shanghai China Pavilion United Arab Emirates in 2010 Shanghai World Expo national pavilion 2010 Shanghai World Expo national pavilion of Pakistan 2010 Shanghai World Expo national pavilion Austria Denmark in 2010 Shanghai World Expo national pavilion Shanghai World Expo 2010 German National Pavilion Shanghai World Expo 2010 the French National Pavilion Shanghai Expo 2010 Finnish Pavilion South Korea 2010 Shanghai World Expo national pavilion 2010 Dutch National Exhibition of Shanghai World Expo Shanghai World Expo 2010 Japan National Pavilion Shanghai World Expo 2010 Swedish Pavilion Shanghai World Expo 2010 Switzerland Pavilion 2010 Shanghai World Expo national pavilion of Spain World Expo 2010 Shanghai , Singapore National Pavilion Shanghai World Expo 2010 New Zealand National Exhibition Shanghai World Expo 2010 Italian Pavilion Shanghai World Expo 2010 India's National Pavilion World Expo 2010 Shanghai National Pavilion 2010 Shanghai World Expo national pavilion Israel 2010 Shanghai World Expo national pavilion Chile 2010 Shanghai World Expo Canada Pavilion 2010 Shanghai World Expo pavilion Luxembourg 2010 Shanghai World Expo Australian Pavilion 2010 Shanghai World Expo national pavilion Ireland 2010 Shanghai World Expo pavilion Nepal Norway, the 2010 Shanghai World Expo national pavilion

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Give unmarried and divorced friends

In my former colleagues saw the space , it is like to suddenly reproduced , give unmarried and divorced friends, hope everyone is good .

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Monday, May 16, 2011

Love , what !

Written by a teacher , too right!From the pen of a teacher, I wake up reading.

To all my friends both married and unmarried

This is a good article article.
If you temporarily do not have time to savor, even if you have time to settle down in his heart,
look carefully.

good article really is not much

single, it is often not aristocracy.
single may be more free,
but freedom also has a synonym called loneliness.
because when people are not like a man alone;
sometimes good things to share,
sometimes sad need comfort.
single noble cause, because
economic independence, the independence of personality and emotional independence.
independence is what?
is needed rather than relying on an independent,
heterosexual people need an independent, not dependent on the opposite sex.

do lover, she should first friend.
be your friend after she appeared in your life,
be possible to know you, know you, know your strengths
while you feel good, further development of the feelings, to become lovers, object.
the color of the world, not just white and black,
between black and white still has a long gray area.
as long as we live, will be able to find each other's advantages, create goodwill,
this is the natural process of emotional development.

[love at first sight] and [mutually faithful] is unrealistic feelings,
we need is not the feelings of this kind of unrealistic and illusory.
been described with the opposite sex,
like at the beach picking up rocks, we will pick up like that one.
Once you pick a favorite stone, put it home to,
treat it, because that is your only stones.
and to remember that since then not to go to the seaside.

always believe,
I have found the biggest, most beautiful and for me that one.

with the opposite sex the most important thing is not how good he was,
but how good he is you.
a person if the conditions are good, a hundred points,
per cent but this, he is just to give you three or four, or twelve great;
Conversely, another person may only seven eight great,
but he is dedicated to treat you,
then you should choose?
In fact, the conditions for everyone is the same.
no matter how good you are also better than you. Although you can not do a

[the best person],
But you can do a [the best person on the other side].
every guy can say:
[Although I am not the world's best man, but I'm the best man for you].
in turn, is the same girl, this is everyone able to do.

feelings of the most important is that he / she how good you are,
and not his / her own how good.

But if a person is already very good,
is sincerely for you, really love you,
then you can really put life entrusted to him.

women now consider the only condition of marriage,
should be that you love him, and he love your,
is not loved you,
with him will there will be no pressure, will not be happy,
rather than what his!

human true love is hard to come by.
in human life,
hard to find one you really love, really you can have my whole life with him.
If you are afraid to express,
or fear of what will be,
miss the true love of a lifetime may be only one,
would be a pity,
so be sure to take the initiative to heart to say. If a boy

taken against him because the girls look down on her own initiative,
then the boys are not boys, but the beast.
more, face important than happiness,
could face if the temporary sacrifice in exchange for a lifetime of happiness,
is well worth the courage to speak out my heart,
Do not hide your heart.

do not say that fate yet to come, in fact, everywhere fate,
but it is fleeting, and if that [margin] not to grasp,
then there is no [were] the.
most women is the emphasis on the spirit of love,
men indulge in substance. In addition to the girls
attentive boys outside,
girls should learn to responsibly,
girls to all the world will be attentive,
all used to a girl.

sturdy wood and can not discuss the girl is satisfied favor,
so sweet for girls to learn to talk about things.

maintain a comfortable, pleasant feelings easily a long time!
a difficult and painful to maintain down the long hard feelings,
this time should have a choice.
we are all mortal,
to the ordinary and well-being and happiness of love.
the feelings of all concerned, the important process than the outcome.
Why? Because all of the feelings are not the result.
What is the result? To get married?
married to live happily in the day?
feelings we do not see the results to evaluate its value.
feelings, not to the length of time on the set its value.

in terms of feelings, all happened there,
there who had something of value.
the feelings of each section of the world, every minute, every second
are worth cherishing.
Marriage is a the biggest gamble in life.
in this infinite time,
we have to show the ugly side of each other to see the other side.

marriage and love is different:
love to spend two hours dressing up,
Energetic attentions to each other, caring, easy task.
but not at any time to maintain the marital status of high-pitched.
Therefore, marriage is a big bet,
prepared to be a foolproof, comprehensive plan, full of confidence,
and then charge it a go, even if this is all there may be lost.
so if the bet before the
not willing to know, not love him, he did not want to have a lifetime,
then that a bet given to lose. Do not

anything other than to love a reason to get married.

feelings is not what can be obtained from each other,
be dependent on the one hand is a, feeling of being needed.

was dependent on me, need me,
I will be satisfied.

the face of feelings that we have to take three noes policy:

first is in no hurry: Do not rush to get married.
married a really good thing though, but do not worry,
that is you is you.

second is not afraid of: Do not be afraid to pay.
life must work with each other in order to maintain a good feeling.

you can not [get] a good feeling,
you can only find one you love,
to joint management, creating complete a good feeling.
determined to do a man if you do not, then you do not get a good woman.

the world is not a bad man will have a good woman,
bad guys will have the poor woman;
the same, no one would be a good man bad woman.

not to mention your relationship with us and a
together people who want to do it well.

chance of success of this partnership is a great,
key is are you willing to work to pay it.

third is not to give up.
when it hit you, frustration, hurt,
when you feel frustrated and disappointed when,
a man unconditionally, always on your side,
support you, encourage you, comfort you ,
make you stand up and face the world.
This force is then the parents do not give us the pro's,
is another good friend does not give us,
journey in life only found in the beloved companion,
able to us.

fact the only love in life, really valuable,
is the only real thing worth pursuing.

long as you have a loved one,
you have a driving force,
you can face the world.

Letting go ( lyrics )

I shut myself up , leaving only a balcony
When I opened the window facing the dark night daze
scene by scene, looking at past
show you my love again
I put the TV listening to other people's dialogue opened
Perhaps those stories can give me an explanation
love you want, I can not learn
people stared helplessly watching the situation deteriorate almost Emotional
I can not give you your future
quiet end of the treatment is another When the tears flow down
injury is overloaded
apart is another way to understand
I'll give you love is letting go the last
not a double bed separated by a sea
feelings are left to slowly bleach stain
incorporated into the chest to the left pocket of love
last love is letting go
do not want to pull so I chose to use words not to blame
waiting platform feelings like someone was walking
My heart is waiting for a stop sign that says
last love is letting go
I turn on the radio listening to the failure of others
sound bite as if pharynx tell the same sad
still rely on your mind
I can not open I can not easily go away easily
people tend to concentrate on the feelings of hurt

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

34 Design the perfect closet

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To music from the road to riches

Music From riches to the road caused by Mao Yushi

school project I was originally, and later of the economy. To realize that the economic importance of the community. A society is to become rich, mainly to have a good system, including economic and political system. In a good system, science and technology have the potential to play a role. Thoroughly understand this point, I was under a lot of effort. I would like to put my experience to tell people this, but it is not really know how to read one or two articles will be able to do.

As the study of economics, look at the problem is always to think from an economic point of view. Depends on the strength of a country per capita GDP. The purpose of life is to build a rich country. As an economist, you should be able to find wealth for the country's policy. A measure of a project, a way to see if it is correct to create more wealth, so the direction of wealth has become standard. There is a basic assumption of economics, the so-called assumption of rational economic man, it assumes that people are pursuing the interests of the pursuit of material comfort, in a market economy is the pursuit of money. Building the whole theory of economics is built on the assumption of economic man. In fact our whole social structure is designed in accordance with this assumption. Government leading the people to build a prosperous country; people buy stocks is to make money; elementary school children learn to write and count, to the university expertise, the aim is to develop a way to make a living. The whole community is busy making money. I never suspected anything wrong here.

until I gradually before and after the seven-year-old had a doubt. I see a lot of people picked up the chopsticks to eat meat, put down the chopsticks and BS-ing. Twenty years of reform, most people's lives have improved in varying degrees, but also appears to increase everyone's grievances. I think three or four years ago, Professor Wang Jianguo see an article, Or, people are in each competition, the pursuit of the absolute value is not money, but would like more than others. No matter how rich a person, as long as he thought more people more money than him, he would BS-ing. If this is true, the whole economy should be rewritten. And no matter how rich a country, people still will not satisfied.

so, our pursuit of wealth, what is the point? Whether we should pursue it?

see Professor Huang Youguang later article, Some scholars specializing in happiness is determined by what. They are in different countries, ethnic, religious, class, a lot of people in the survey, and happiness can not be proved by the wealth of the decision. If any, impact, nor is the main determining factor, it touches on religion, the role of marriage is also larger. These studies can not economists deep introspection. What we seek is really worth pursuing? Some time ago, days of the Zhejiang Institute of Economics Professor Chen Huixiong invited to lecture, entitled Talking about the essence of that is, people want the pursuit of happiness, not money. He even asserted that the average life expectancy rather than the per capita income is a measure of whether a country is the ultimate indicator of success. My point of view of these scholars have had a tremendous impact.
my life has a lot of fun things, most of these things are and the money does not matter. Love is an important source to be happy, but it may also give trouble. No one ever told us how to get more love and happiness, how to avoid the pain of love. Marriage and family, too, not only gives pleasure, but also give people pain. Sometimes been mistaken to engage in a warm and lovely home has become a source of trouble. Money to give people happiness, but also give people pain. Some people become a miser, become slaves of money. Even for the money not only betrayed their conscience, and my own life, altogether. But the primary school to university has never been taught how to make money, we are the masters. Some people know how to spend money, not only living arrangements, well, money will be satisfying to the spirit itself. But their ability is not Who taught this, but out on her own. Our education teaches people how to make money, not money teaching people how to be happy, but did not teach there is no money to be happy. This is not the cart before the horse it?

economics there are so-called Pareto improvement, meaning that a measure of damage to society that no one, but at least one benefit. Progressive nature of the market economy is Pareto improving constantly, the whole country to become rich. There are economic gains and losses. We may wish to Pareto improvement in happiness with the above, study the method used makes no damage, and at least one person to benefit society as a whole total of happiness is increased, society has become more happier. Gentleman oblige, is this Pareto improvement. Jealousy, or pink eye, by contrast, the joy of the whole society to reduce the total. But from the school to community Dajiadoumang to make money, no one say these reasons. The result, wealth is more, but did not increase the total happiness.

have many friends in my life, some of them gave me pleasure, gave me some trouble. I envy those who give me a happy person, and an interest in their conversation. They make me so happy that he did not suffer. I want to learn them the ability to make you happy. I think this is the world's most important science. People who make me pain, whether to increase their own happiness, I do not know. But the fact that some people think so, and people all some thing. And they are to achieve the purpose, that is the Cultural Revolution. The real problem is not necessarily the Cultural Revolution, the economic sector is close to collapse, but greatly reduce the country's happiness, suffering greatly increased. To prevent recurrence of the Cultural Revolution, economics is not enough, need a happy school. It examines the individual and society and the way the world caused by music. It should primary school to university education throughout the whole process, which is used to guide national policies to address internal and external relations. Communism, one world is a human ideal, it elusive, but the whole society to increase the happiness that we can do anytime, anywhere. Think about it, this study important is not important the door happy. (Editor: Lu thinking the same)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

If you're the inventory of classic lines 2

1. Life is short, I am willing and you will be wrong. - Qin Fen Liang smiled to marry

2. You are looking for love, I am looking for marriage! We both left fork of the. - Qin Fen summary and the relationship between beam smile

3. You are not a good time to catch up with me ... ... two years is a bit empty. - Qin Fen Liang smiled back tired, find any.

4. What is it, the whole shop for a Chase. The heap tie alive, dead or crowded. - Honglei Li Xiangshan discontent played too crowded cemetery

5. Potted me, I laugh every day for you. - Qin Fen Li Xiangshan let the ashes of their own species in a pot

6. Who emotional who finished. - Qin Fen Liang smile that only a good impression of their own, sad to say

7.'d Known so cold, not as good as it once a year married! There are at least once a year! - Liang Qin Fen complain smiled

8. Happiness is not necessarily together, with some luck - Qin Fen language

9. Life is a practice. - Qin Fen language

10. This is not a disease, this is life, my life comes to me, and I can only obey. - Li Xiangshan have cancer after the sentiment.

11. you're my, my, or mine. - Fen Qin said ending smile.

12. You can swear in front of money, no matter how rich the other in the future, how healthy and how much I love you, not with him in it? - Divorce ceremony Fen Qin Ge witnesses asked if the mango.

13. San sale lingers friendship. - Divorce Ceremony message.

14. home to live worthwhile utter devotion, with a little imaginary gas. - Qin Fen smiled strange old lie, Qin Fen such sophistry.

15. imperial enjoy, that is, when the face wait on his feet. - Qin Fen sentiment in the foot bath center.

16. marriage is wrong how to select, long-lasting marriage is to be wrong.

17. we are intimate not-for-life, can not trust his wife's friends Tuogu. - Fragrant Hill describes himself and the relationship between the Qin Fen.

18. afraid, like the night, knocking the black door, you know, after the door is a colorful world or the abyss, afraid kick Ta, fear not the end not the beginning. - Afraid of death was asked Xiangshan, Xiangshan that answer.

19. There is another kind of death, as opposed to life, only life is incomplete. - Xiangshan's daughter in life, then the farewell party.

20. you love, or do not love me, love is there, do not rise. - Central Gyatso Xiangshan daughter reading position of the

21. Qin Fen draft of the judges talking about: Mango said,

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Health bone soup recipe

Health bone soup recipe

bone soup

fresh tibial, ginger, seven refer to the root peaches, tibial washed into the boiling water, boil for a short iron, and then wash away the blood.
ginger slices (three to five), seven means the peaches root clean, well tied with a clean string.
1. will be more than ready to put a pot with good material, add water (put some more water, plus enough time.)
2. set the fire, the fire boil, then turn slightly and simmer gently for about 2 hours, add a little salt, then braised for about 10 minutes off the fire can be.
Health bone soup recipe

melon rib soup

raw materials: pork ribs half a catty, melon 1 kg, salt, coriander.
system of law:
1, melon cut into inch pieces.
2, to the bloody hot ribs.
3, seven mature water boil the ribs, add melon and salt, until cooked, sprinkle with parsley.

Features: This soup tastes light, conducive to heat.
lotus root spare ribs soup

material: porcine small row, each 500 grams of lotus root, ginger 1
Seasoning: salt, rice wine, a small amount of
Method: 1, lotus root level before making a knife, let loose meat, lotus root, then cut hob, and then click salted, set aside;
2, the clean cut of the ribs directly wok add paragraph cold water to boil, skim Xuepao with a spoon, add the ginger one filmed, and then when you add lotus root stew boil until cooked.
3, according to their own tastes, adjustment to the salty, stew out of the lotus root soup, lotus root, sweet fragrance.
bitter melon rib soup

bitter gourd 500 grams, 400 grams of pork ribs, scallion, ginger, Shaoxing wine, salt, MSG amount.

1, will be bitter to Guadi, to the flesh, cut into pieces; ribs washed and cut into small pieces.
2, pot, add some water, boil, add ribs cooked to Xuemo, remove and wash.
3, pot lit, into the ribs, water, with the fire boil, skim foam and put into spring onion, ginger, Shaoxing wine, low heat till the ribs Shulan, add cook bitter gourd about 10 minutes, add salt, MSG seasoning.

Microwave Method: Add pork, water, first 6 minutes of high fire, the soup boil, skim foam and put into scallion, ginger, Shaoxing wine, and then medium heat for 20 minutes to spare ribs cooked, put bitter after the first high heat 3 minutes, then medium heat 10 minutes.

Shulan and then into the ribs to be bitter, or melon easily scattered and fragmentary; with chicken powder instead of MSG, the taste better; This soup has a refreshing antipyretic effect in the microwave for easy and convenient, is the summer share.
material: ribs, taro, ginger, spring onion, diced green onion, salt, MSG, cooking wine.

1. Taro, peeled and cut; ribs picked up into the boiling water burns.
2. Wu Wan pot into the water, before adding ribs, ginger, scallion boil and simmer over low heat about fifteen minutes, picked ginger, scallion not, then add taro and cook for about fifteen minutes, pour the next wine , salt, MSG seasoning, sprinkle with chopped green onion can be.
radish rib soup

material: a large white radish roots, small ribs

1, radish cross, each for about three centimeters thick, not too thin. Cut again, into the moon-shaped.
2, ribs fly water, that is placed in boiling water Cook for, and then rinse with cold water to remove the oil to the blood.
3, pot filled with water, the ribs in cold water pot, add ginger, star anise, onion, a little wine, cook for 20 minutes with a pressure cooker
4,20 points, into the pot, remove the froth, put radish.
5, then 20 minutes after the salt.
6, try the tasty Mody, well, on to the.

1, bao soup, pot of cold water are the basic materials is conducive to protein fully dissolved into the soup, and do not prematurely salt, the salt will also accelerate the coagulation of proteins, of soup the flavor.
2, put some vinegar, is conducive to calcium precipitation, preferably white vinegar will not damage the color of Tang.
kelp rib soup

pork ribs 400 grams, 150 grams of seaweed, scallion, ginger, salt, rice wine, sesame oil and the right amount.

system of law:
1, after soaking the kelp, put Long Ti and steam for about half an hour, remove the water and then soaked for 4 hours, completely bubble, the wash water control, cut into squares; Wash pork ribs, cut with a knife along bones, chopped into about 4 cm in cross section, into the boiling pot to cook, remove and wash with warm water.
2, the net pot and adding 1000 grams of water, into the ribs, scallion, ginger, rice wine, stir boiling, skim foam, and then opened fire with the fire stew about 20 minutes into the kelp block , and then stir boiling for 10 minutes to pick ginger, spring onion, add salt seasoning, Drizzle sesame oil Serve.

Features: This soup Cornish rotten from bone, seaweed and slippery bad. The whole dish delicious, Tang Xian.

Therefore, together with seaweed stewed pork ribs can be systemic or limbs infested mainly to relieve pain in patients with localized pruritus.

ribs tomato soup

【Materials】 2 tomatoes, 600 grams of pork ribs, cabbage 1 / 4, coriander 2
】 【seasoning 4 tbsp tomato sauce, 1 tsp salt 4 large sauce key.

practice】 【
1, small ribs washed bloody boil for a short rinse to remove burns, and the other 10 cups water to boil, add ribs first boiled.
2, Wash cabbage, cut into small pieces, cook into the ribs, and finally cut into the tomato and tomato paste, salt to taste.
3, cook until slightly soft cooked rotten all the materials, add sauce thicken, when the soup is thick off Huosheng out, thrown into the coriander Serve.
ribs carrot soup

vitamin A than carrots, but also contain some sugar, protein and other nutrients, can promote the formation of hemoglobin, there was blood effect; ribs can be beneficial essence, strong bones. This Tangyou Run dry Yin, the raising of the effect of strong bones tendons.

ingredients: carrots, pork ribs of the 250 to 300 grams, 2 slices ginger, cooking wine, salt, onion, monosodium glutamate the amount.

production: carrots, pork ribs washed, cut into pieces, add water amount. Will set the fire pot, stewing about 2 hours, the pan when transferred to wine, salt, ginger, green onions, cook for 20 minutes, add MSG Serve. Because people can add other favorite condiments such as vinegar can be added to make the soup more easily absorbed calcium.

features: pig Meat, carrots rotten, meat soup were very delicious taste buds.
ribs soup potato carrot

[Ingredients:] carrots, potatoes, pig bones stick, salt, sesame oil, pepper

[system of law:]
1, wash the pig bone rod knock off, carrots, potatoes washed, peeled, cut into pieces;
2, take the pressure cooker ignition, put the broth, stick bone boil, boil a few minutes into the carrots, potatoes, boil the fire after the low heat;
3, the pot when the bones, carrots, potatoes leaching, salt, sesame oil, pepper Serve.

[Features:] gorgeous fragrance
Tieguanyin Chestnut rib soup

Main Material: Iron Goddess of Mercy 3 grams of tea a small row of 300 grams
Ingredients: 120 grams of fresh chestnut
Seasoning: 1 tsp salt

(1) Tie Guan Yin tea leaves in hot water after 1 minute soak 500 grams of filtered tea, taking tea aside.
(2) a small row of cut into small pieces (2 cm wide), after the wash with hot water boil for a short.
(3) put all materials into a round pot stew a half hours. Salt can be also on the table.
Participation Society for the corn soup ribs

Material: Codonopsis, Astragalus all 3 money, two of corn, small ribs, half a catty
Seasoning: salt, 2 tsp

practices: < br> ① corn washed, chopped into small pieces, boiled pork ribs with hot water.
② all the materials and ingredients into the pot to the fire to boil, then simmer over low heat 40 minutes, the pot before adding salt.