Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cough trick , dedicated to the people coughing around

 Four Methods eggs cough
1. vinegar cough

fried eggs fried eggs vinegar treatment of cough wonders. Approach is: Take 1 egg, playing in a bowl, stir half a teaspoon of vinegar into the pan, then boil the mixture gently fry the eggs into the egg cooked, add the amount of sugar, cold after eating. Sooner or later each day to eat one. You can generally eat twice a cough, the more weight in 3 days.


cough ginger fried eggs take a small piece of chopped ginger, eggs, a little sesame oil, the same as the fried egg (ginger thrown into the egg in). After eating cooked hot twice a day, a few days coughing Jiyu. This

3. ginger fried eggs, diced ginger cough

check or wire, the eggs into the bowl and mix well, then a little oil into the pan in the pan, then add ginger in oil over look, and finally into the eggs, fry, eat while hot. The amount of food can own hands to eat before going to sleep better at night.

4. sugar mixed with egg cough

people suffering from chronic bronchitis, colds easily after the onset of cough, chest pain and shortness of breath, upset upset. After cooking with eggs mixed with sugar after taking a good effect. As follows: Take an egg and knock in a small bowl, do not crush egg yolk, protein, adding the right amount of sugar and a spoonful of vegetable oil, put the pot and steam cook, eat once at night before going to sleep while it is hot. Eating 2 to 3 times coughing can be cured. Persistent cough may eat several times.

37 / Walnut cough three methods

1. Sesame kidney cough

walnut wine, homemade sesame walnut wine, a kidney cough, treatment of low back pain in the therapeutic effect. 500 grams of liquor, for example, by adding 30 grams of washed black sesame, walnut 30 grams, sealed, placed in the shade, soak for 15 days after the branding, the daily consumption of 2 times per 15 grams.

2. chestnut walnut

of infant pertussis in children suffering from whooping cough, eat together with water chestnuts and walnuts can cough. For food of convenience, peeled, that is a water chestnut, a walnut to eat, a good effect. The two things to eat two or three times a day, each of the three or four can be.

3. walnut, sesame, ginger powder, cough Walnut 5, raw sesame seeds 25 grams, 25 grams of ginger, brown sugar amount. Unqualified students pounded walnuts and sesame seeds, ginger, peeled and pounded very fine. Concentrated into a bowl, add brown sugar and mix well. Take a tablespoon each time (about 30 grams), plain water flushes the clothing, daily morning and at night time.

38 / pear cough three methods

1. steamed pear cough

the pear like watermelon Health Check Cut a triangular mouth, like ripe, the pear-core hollowed out into the amount of honey, then cover the triangular pieces. Opening up into a bowl with steaming pot a quarter of an hour, taking out hot.

2. steamed pepper pear pear cough Dingchuan

1, poke a few holes, each hole of a stuffed pepper, stew cooked, and after cooling to remove pepper, fresh pear juice drink may be cough, Phlegm Dingchuan.

3. pear stewed mushrooms cough

pears to cool the heart lungs, Phlegm Reduce Pathogenic Fire, mushrooms sugar within the double-stranded DNA in the human body interferon produced by the body to eliminate the virus. With

as follows: The first four pear slice pressed into juice, wash the sliced ​​mushrooms 200 g, add water and rock sugar with the stew, and other mushrooms Dunshu, the morning and evening hours decoction twice with fresh, you can.

39 / garlic dressing soles of the feet cough, epistaxis, constipation

bed each night, wash feet after the garlic flakes deposited on the soles of the feet Yongquan on (position 1 / 3 the foot); with medical tape affixed close to the prison; time of 8 hours or so (to stimulate the skin of garlic, paste the time not too long), on cough, epistaxis (commonly known as: nosebleeds) and constipation have a certain effect, apply 7 to 10 days continuously, the better. Apply garlic at the soles of the feet a few blisters, may suspend the applicator, to be restored again after the skin blisters break applicator, generally no blisters.

40 / taking ginger tablets also cough

piece ginger, peeled, cut into pieces, to the mouth when coughing put one in, coughing stopped immediately. Itchy throat when you eat one another, eat twice a day, eat once at night before going to sleep, eat two or three times the next day, cough can be cured.

41 / Hong fried green beans can be

cough cough, Guo Lifang a spoonful of sesame oil in iron, after the Heat put on the fire 7 mung bean fried Coke (do not fry paste), the time until the oil is not too hot and some honey, hot drink before going to eat beans oil. Cough can eat three or four times. Can play in oil with fried egg and mung beans, or with a little mint, white chrysanthemums, sage (available in pharmacies) and with the fried egg, honey, eat ibid., effective on the cough.

42 / radish cough three methods

1. boiled radish water can cough

coughing for several days , can not sleep at night, you can buy a few turnip, radish, cut into pieces half the night, with clean boiled, carrots, cooked, cup or small bowl with the water filter out until after coolish drink. Cough can be reduced. Continuous drinking days, cough can be cured.

2. burn radish cough

to (gas stove can be pot roast), till the extent of half-baked, remove from the oven hot to eat, eat several times coughing can be improved.

3. carrot soup cough

white pepper 5, radish 100 grams, ginger, 3, dried tangerine peel 10 grams, fried Yin Tang. Qingxi more foam for cough sputum. 43 / Almond Second Law

cough cough cure suffering from lung deficiency: sweet almond 20 grams, with 60 ℃ hot water to the skin soaked, peeled try to smash, and rice (50 to 100 grams) water cook, boil and put into 10 g rock sugar, boiled thick like food can be.

suffering from heat cold, cough more than drama, it will eat sweet almond apricot broke down the left by taking almonds, Juefu a cough after the play stopped, one after every 2 hours Juefu , and even served twice, cough can be basically recovered.

44 / rock sugar, rock sugar, banana cough

about 5 grams, banana 2 to 4, into the bowl on the pot, boil over high heat with the text after the 15 minutes, you can eat, cough with good results.

45 / paint Fengyoujing

cough and asthma coughing asthma patients, the available Fengyoujing Waicha neck and neck on both sides of the former, cough immediately stopped, while calm Tan Chuan.

46 / Mangosteen Mangosteen soaked cough

clean, the shell ruptured, with the belt with a water glass to add flesh to open blisters. The water bubbles out of the red-brown, slightly sweet, taste good. Continued drinking water, drink several times a day. Greatly reduced after a day cough, can be recovered two days later.

47 / Antitussive

with apron warm every winter, the elderly, it is easy to commit cough. However, after stopping cough medicine cough unbearable. Cotton apron can be played to bring warmth to the role of effective stop coughing.

48 /

winter cough and deep breath after suffering from bronchitis, people are always coughing, sleep all night long. Forced to do to take the slow and deep breathing, coughing stopped quickly, safely sleep. If the intermediate wake up, continue to use the deep breathing method, still cough and sleep.

49 / analgesic cream cough Second Law

1. Post Musk analgesic cream cough

cut a piece of musk pain Plaster sudden hole in the sky (upper sternal depression) and Shenque (at belly button). Posted 24 hours each time, usually posted after the cough is more than twice the effective treatment of colds.

2. 伤湿止痛膏 cough

posted under the stick in the throat of about 1 cm square piece of Cough can be stopped.

50 / summer eating watermelon anti-cough

bought a small watermelon, cut a small hole into the rock sugar, 4 two-steam for 20 minutes, the hot dose, excellent results.

51 / governance cough three methods

1. boiled eggs, sugar, cooking oil

have a cough (commonly known as dry cough) no sputum and no fever, can be half-mug of boiling water, put cooking oil (peanut oil is best) 1, two tablespoons, add the amount of sugar, then add an egg broken in the mug, boiling up. Every morning and evening (after getting up, people sleep before) hot Beverage Service, and even served two or three days is good.

2. mung bean soup cooked pears

take 100 grams of green beans, two pear soup to drink, eat as early as the first Chili Yin Tang.

persist for some time to cure dry cough, no recurrence.

3. sugar steamed ginkgo ginkgo

3 money 2 money to put a little water, rock sugar in boiling water at bedtime, once daily for a month can cure a dry cough. Residue when the first ginkgo broken into steam, water bubbles, and then into the sugar.

52 / peanut cough Second Law


milk boiled peanuts crushed a handful of raw peanuts, Add milk and boil, then take hot, 2 to 3 times a day, can be effective in treating cough.

2. peanuts, red dates, honey soup

take peanuts, dates, honey, 30 grams each, Jian Hao water after eating peanut jujube and drink the soup twice a day, several times can be.

53 / duck cough

1. Cuchao

The fresh duck a duck into the aluminum pan, the mix well, then, using a spoon stir fry (anti-paste), half-cooked, then add 25 grams of Chen (m) vinegar and continue to stir fry until cooked. When eating hot food, morning and evening. Ate for 10 days, cough cure.


fungus steamed duck eggs take 10 grams of black fungus, a duck, a little rock sugar, add water, amount of stirring, steam cooked with, each Day two, treating Yin Feizao cough, sputum and throat of this method is also less effective.

54 / pumpkin vine juice of fresh pumpkin vine cough

to the head, into the bottle, after a night the next day will have trickle-down juice bottle, Daily juice, boiled water, which can effectively cough.

55 / honey cough Second Law

1. honey, honey, pork suet cough

60 grams, pigs suet 60 grams of oil to the residue, into the honey, melted boil. A spoonful of boiled water every morning and evening, winter double.

2. honey honey cough

16 grams, boiled water, twice daily, morning and evening hours service.

56 / milk, milk, fresh ginger and cough

take fresh ginger, crushed the ginger juice, boiled milk, add ginger juice until slightly burnt moment on the pot, let cool, then drink.

cough lotus root soup
Effects: Huatanzhike
material ; material: red dates 5 to 10 (depending on the size of grains), medlar 20 to 30, 2 slices ginger, brown sugar and 1 spoon, 2 spoons of pure lotus root powder, do
(a) Wash red dates with a knife cut open, and wolfberry fruit, ginger, brown sugar wok, add 3 bowls of water, fire first roll, a small fire continued to cook for 20 minutes.
(b) of the lotus root powder 2 spoon and mix thoroughly with cold water first, hot wok, starch, and then roll off the fire when the stew for 5 minutes.
steak dishes Content:
use of time: getting up, 10: 00 ~ 11:00,16:00 ~ 17:00, at bedtime weight: 200-500c.c.
power ; effects: cough and phlegm; should be eaten while hot, as long as ate half, cough effect is very significant.
of the disease: cough, asthma, bronchitis
A Little Reminder: Daily morning and at night time the best results. Sore throat should not be taken before going to bed one hour treatment of fresh ginger,
1, Hung Tong Jiang KM governance colds and coughs
brown sugar 30 grams, 15 grams of fresh ginger, 30 grams of red dates and water bowls with the fry until half. Hot to take, after serving a Weihan Jiyu. Dispels wind and cold, cure colds and coughs, cold stomach irritation, diarrhea, post-natal exposure to cold, evil, yin and so on.
2, governing the treatment of cough
radish scallion stalk 1 carrot, very light blue 6, ginger 15 grams, water three bowls. First radish cooked, add light blue, ginger, cook left a bowl of soup, and even a dose of Java. Xuanfei relieving, phlegm cough. Therapy treatment of cough, phlegm bubble, with chills, body aches and so tired.
3, honey, turnip white turnip governing the treatment of cough
1, 30 grams of honey, white pepper 5 tablets, ephedra 2 grams. Wash the radishes, sliced, placed in a bowl, pour honey and white pepper, ephedra, etc. were steaming hot to take half an hour, ambulatory see Khan Jiyu. Sweating and cold, cough and phlegm, cough and cold treatment.
4, fresh pears Fritillaria cough lung abscess
fresh pear, 500 grams, 6 grams of the late mother of pearl , sugar 30 grams. Peel the pears cut open, go nuclear, and sugar to fill the late mother of pearl, steamed together on the bowl. Morning and evening eating. Phlegm, relieves congestion of the table. Treatment of cough or lung abscess, Zheng Jian chest pain, chills, cough, fever, dry mouth, throat, sputum, pus and phlegm, or yellow foul.
5, rock sugar bird's nest bird's nest soup governance lung deficiency Cough
10 grams, 100 grams of rice, sugar 50 grams. Macerated the nest put warm water, put off the dirt nap, and then continue to go up, into the boiling water bowl. Get clean after washing the rice into the upper pot, add water San Taiwan, stir, boil, boiling down to switch to gentle heat. Good pure bird's nest will be sent into the pot and boil the rice with about 1 hour, add crystal sugar dissolves Serve. Ziyin lungs, cough and phlegm. Cough and cough Shangyin governance lung deficiency.
6, Yang Yin
large bird's nest bird's nest pear 5 grams (water immersion), Pear 2 , Fritillaria 10 grams, 5 grams of crystal sugar. Bretschneideri dredged the core, the pears with the release of other shamisen, cover bowl tightly enclosed place, ranch cooked, take. Yin dryness, cough and phlegm. Treatment of sputum for many years cough, shortness of breath, weakness. Good results.
7, cough expectorant saliva
radish pepper 1 carrot, white pepper 5, ginger 3 slices, dried tangerine peel 1. Add three bowls of water were boiled for 30 minutes, at Yin Tang 2. Lower gas Phlegm. Cough sputum.
8, tofu, sugar, cough and phlegm and asthma
500 grams of tofu, brown sugar, sugar of 100 grams. Among the tofu pot dug, into the red, white sugar, boiling water into the bowl every 30 minutes. Once finished, even for 4 times. Heat, fluid, moistening. Cough Tan Chuan.
9, Orange cough
corn silk, the amount of orange peel. Total add water to cook, served on the 2nd. Cough and phlegm. Governing the treatment of cough, phlegm.
10, carrot soup lung cough
1 carrot, lung 1, 15 g almonds , add water, Gong Zhu 1 hour. Meat Yin Tang, phlegm, cough and asthma. Rule more than chronic cough, phlegm and shortness of breath.
cough syrup tonic red eggs 50 grams of sugar, 1 egg, fresh ginger appropriate . First eggs into the bowl, stir well. Sugar bowl with water boiled, hot red eggs, mix, then pour has been twisted to take the ginger juice, and mix thoroughly. Daily morning and evening for 1 cup. Fill wasting, governance Cough.
12, night cough
Sesame Bingtang Shui rule 15 grams of raw sesame seeds, sugar 10 grams. Sesame and sugar bowl were placed, water brewed into tea. Lungs, Sheng Jin. Governance is more than the night cough, cough without sputum. (Add: Sesame 1, ginger 50 grams, a total of smashed Zhuzhi services, but also the efficacy of the above oh)
13, steam treatment cough and throat
Pear Honey ; large bretschneideri 1, 50 grams of honey. Bretschneideri all first dig inside the nucleus, will fill in there honey, heating steamed. Twice daily to eat one, ate a few days. Health and body fluid, cough and phlegm. Governance cough throat, hand, foot and heart fever.
14, dry cough, night sweats
bird's nest bird's nest fungus rule 10 grams, 15 grams of white fungus, crystal sugar. The bird into the hot water soak for 3-4 hours, and then choose to go soft, then add hot water soak 1 hour and serve. Canopic jars or poured into a tureen with a bird's nest, white fungus, rock sugar, ranch cooked. Take. Fill wasting, Yang Yin, back and Hot. Governance dry cough, night sweats or lung yin deficiency and so on.
15, drink soy milk rather cough, phlegm
lungs grinding soaked soy sauce, sugar consumption after boiling . Drink a bowl of daily fasting. Spleen width, the moistening pinch of water, clearing the lungs cough, phlegm. Governance rickets thin plot, Hyperactivity cough.
(add: drink fresh milk can prevent Alzheimer's disease, prevention and control asthma. soymilk for anemia in patients nursed back to health, is stronger than the effect of milk to drink hot milk in the way of added vegetable protein, can enhance people's resistance to disease, regulation of the endocrine system of elderly women, reduce menopausal symptoms and improve, anti-aging, reduce juvenile female facial acne, the occurrence of acne, white skin moist.

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